.. _whatsnew_0231: What's new in 0.23.1 (June 12, 2018) ------------------------------------ {{ header }} This is a minor bug-fix release in the 0.23.x series and includes some small regression fixes and bug fixes. We recommend that all users upgrade to this version. .. warning:: Starting January 1, 2019, pandas feature releases will support Python 3 only. See `Dropping Python 2.7 `_ for more. .. contents:: What's new in v0.23.1 :local: :backlinks: none .. _whatsnew_0231.fixed_regressions: Fixed regressions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Comparing Series with datetime.date** We've reverted a 0.23.0 change to comparing a :class:`Series` holding datetimes and a ``datetime.date`` object (:issue:`21152`). In pandas 0.22 and earlier, comparing a Series holding datetimes and ``datetime.date`` objects would coerce the ``datetime.date`` to a datetime before comparing. This was inconsistent with Python, NumPy, and :class:`DatetimeIndex`, which never consider a datetime and ``datetime.date`` equal. In 0.23.0, we unified operations between DatetimeIndex and Series, and in the process changed comparisons between a Series of datetimes and ``datetime.date`` without warning. We've temporarily restored the 0.22.0 behavior, so datetimes and dates may again compare equal, but restore the 0.23.0 behavior in a future release. To summarize, here's the behavior in 0.22.0, 0.23.0, 0.23.1: .. code-block:: python # 0.22.0... Silently coerce the datetime.date >>> import datetime >>> pd.Series(pd.date_range('2017', periods=2)) == datetime.date(2017, 1, 1) 0 True 1 False dtype: bool # 0.23.0... Do not coerce the datetime.date >>> pd.Series(pd.date_range('2017', periods=2)) == datetime.date(2017, 1, 1) 0 False 1 False dtype: bool # 0.23.1... Coerce the datetime.date with a warning >>> pd.Series(pd.date_range('2017', periods=2)) == datetime.date(2017, 1, 1) /bin/python:1: FutureWarning: Comparing Series of datetimes with 'datetime.date'. Currently, the 'datetime.date' is coerced to a datetime. In the future pandas will not coerce, and the values not compare equal to the 'datetime.date'. To retain the current behavior, convert the 'datetime.date' to a datetime with 'pd.Timestamp'. #!/bin/python3 0 True 1 False dtype: bool In addition, ordering comparisons will raise a ``TypeError`` in the future. **Other fixes** - Reverted the ability of :func:`~DataFrame.to_sql` to perform multivalue inserts as this caused regression in certain cases (:issue:`21103`). In the future this will be made configurable. - Fixed regression in the :attr:`DatetimeIndex.date` and :attr:`DatetimeIndex.time` attributes in case of timezone-aware data: :attr:`DatetimeIndex.time` returned a tz-aware time instead of tz-naive (:issue:`21267`) and :attr:`DatetimeIndex.date` returned incorrect date when the input date has a non-UTC timezone (:issue:`21230`). - Fixed regression in :meth:`pandas.io.json.json_normalize` when called with ``None`` values in nested levels in JSON, and to not drop keys with value as ``None`` (:issue:`21158`, :issue:`21356`). - Bug in :meth:`~DataFrame.to_csv` causes encoding error when compression and encoding are specified (:issue:`21241`, :issue:`21118`) - Bug preventing pandas from being importable with -OO optimization (:issue:`21071`) - Bug in :meth:`Categorical.fillna` incorrectly raising a ``TypeError`` when ``value`` the individual categories are iterable and ``value`` is an iterable (:issue:`21097`, :issue:`19788`) - Fixed regression in constructors coercing NA values like ``None`` to strings when passing ``dtype=str`` (:issue:`21083`) - Regression in :func:`pivot_table` where an ordered ``Categorical`` with missing values for the pivot's ``index`` would give a mis-aligned result (:issue:`21133`) - Fixed regression in merging on boolean index/columns (:issue:`21119`). .. _whatsnew_0231.performance: Performance improvements ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Improved performance of :meth:`CategoricalIndex.is_monotonic_increasing`, :meth:`CategoricalIndex.is_monotonic_decreasing` and :meth:`CategoricalIndex.is_monotonic` (:issue:`21025`) - Improved performance of :meth:`CategoricalIndex.is_unique` (:issue:`21107`) .. _whatsnew_0231.bug_fixes: Bug fixes ~~~~~~~~~ **Groupby/resample/rolling** - Bug in :func:`DataFrame.agg` where applying multiple aggregation functions to a :class:`DataFrame` with duplicated column names would cause a stack overflow (:issue:`21063`) - Bug in :func:`.GroupBy.ffill` and :func:`.GroupBy.bfill` where the fill within a grouping would not always be applied as intended due to the implementations' use of a non-stable sort (:issue:`21207`) - Bug in :func:`.GroupBy.rank` where results did not scale to 100% when specifying ``method='dense'`` and ``pct=True`` - Bug in :func:`pandas.DataFrame.rolling` and :func:`pandas.Series.rolling` which incorrectly accepted a 0 window size rather than raising (:issue:`21286`) **Data-type specific** - Bug in :meth:`Series.str.replace` where the method throws ``TypeError`` on Python 3.5.2 (:issue:`21078`) - Bug in :class:`Timedelta` where passing a float with a unit would prematurely round the float precision (:issue:`14156`) - Bug in :func:`pandas.testing.assert_index_equal` which raised ``AssertionError`` incorrectly, when comparing two :class:`CategoricalIndex` objects with param ``check_categorical=False`` (:issue:`19776`) **Sparse** - Bug in :attr:`SparseArray.shape` which previously only returned the shape :attr:`SparseArray.sp_values` (:issue:`21126`) **Indexing** - Bug in :meth:`Series.reset_index` where appropriate error was not raised with an invalid level name (:issue:`20925`) - Bug in :func:`interval_range` when ``start``/``periods`` or ``end``/``periods`` are specified with float ``start`` or ``end`` (:issue:`21161`) - Bug in :meth:`MultiIndex.set_names` where error raised for a ``MultiIndex`` with ``nlevels == 1`` (:issue:`21149`) - Bug in :class:`IntervalIndex` constructors where creating an ``IntervalIndex`` from categorical data was not fully supported (:issue:`21243`, :issue:`21253`) - Bug in :meth:`MultiIndex.sort_index` which was not guaranteed to sort correctly with ``level=1``; this was also causing data misalignment in particular :meth:`DataFrame.stack` operations (:issue:`20994`, :issue:`20945`, :issue:`21052`) **Plotting** - New keywords (sharex, sharey) to turn on/off sharing of x/y-axis by subplots generated with pandas.DataFrame().groupby().boxplot() (:issue:`20968`) **I/O** - Bug in IO methods specifying ``compression='zip'`` which produced uncompressed zip archives (:issue:`17778`, :issue:`21144`) - Bug in :meth:`DataFrame.to_stata` which prevented exporting DataFrames to buffers and most file-like objects (:issue:`21041`) - Bug in :meth:`read_stata` and :class:`StataReader` which did not correctly decode utf-8 strings on Python 3 from Stata 14 files (dta version 118) (:issue:`21244`) - Bug in IO JSON :func:`read_json` reading empty JSON schema with ``orient='table'`` back to :class:`DataFrame` caused an error (:issue:`21287`) **Reshaping** - Bug in :func:`concat` where error was raised in concatenating :class:`Series` with numpy scalar and tuple names (:issue:`21015`) - Bug in :func:`concat` warning message providing the wrong guidance for future behavior (:issue:`21101`) **Other** - Tab completion on :class:`Index` in IPython no longer outputs deprecation warnings (:issue:`21125`) - Bug preventing pandas being used on Windows without C++ redistributable installed (:issue:`21106`) .. _whatsnew_0.23.1.contributors: Contributors ~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. contributors:: v0.23.0..v0.23.1