.. _whatsnew_110: What's new in 1.1.0 (July 28, 2020) ----------------------------------- These are the changes in pandas 1.1.0. See :ref:`release` for a full changelog including other versions of pandas. {{ header }} .. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enhancements ~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. _whatsnew_110.specify_missing_labels: KeyErrors raised by loc specify missing labels ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Previously, if labels were missing for a ``.loc`` call, a KeyError was raised stating that this was no longer supported. Now the error message also includes a list of the missing labels (max 10 items, display width 80 characters). See :issue:`34272`. .. _whatsnew_110.astype_string: All dtypes can now be converted to ``StringDtype`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Previously, declaring or converting to :class:`StringDtype` was in general only possible if the data was already only ``str`` or nan-like (:issue:`31204`). :class:`StringDtype` now works in all situations where ``astype(str)`` or ``dtype=str`` work: For example, the below now works: .. ipython:: python ser = pd.Series([1, "abc", np.nan], dtype="string") ser ser[0] pd.Series([1, 2, np.nan], dtype="Int64").astype("string") .. _whatsnew_110.period_index_partial_string_slicing: Non-monotonic PeriodIndex partial string slicing ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ :class:`PeriodIndex` now supports partial string slicing for non-monotonic indexes, mirroring :class:`DatetimeIndex` behavior (:issue:`31096`) For example: .. ipython:: python dti = pd.date_range("2014-01-01", periods=30, freq="30D") pi = dti.to_period("D") ser_monotonic = pd.Series(np.arange(30), index=pi) shuffler = list(range(0, 30, 2)) + list(range(1, 31, 2)) ser = ser_monotonic.iloc[shuffler] ser .. ipython:: python ser["2014"] ser.loc["May 2015"] .. _whatsnew_110.dataframe_or_series_comparing: Comparing two ``DataFrame`` or two ``Series`` and summarizing the differences ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ We've added :meth:`DataFrame.compare` and :meth:`Series.compare` for comparing two ``DataFrame`` or two ``Series`` (:issue:`30429`) .. ipython:: python df = pd.DataFrame( { "col1": ["a", "a", "b", "b", "a"], "col2": [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, np.nan, 5.0], "col3": [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0] }, columns=["col1", "col2", "col3"], ) df .. ipython:: python df2 = df.copy() df2.loc[0, 'col1'] = 'c' df2.loc[2, 'col3'] = 4.0 df2 .. ipython:: python df.compare(df2) See :ref:`User Guide ` for more details. .. _whatsnew_110.groupby_key: Allow NA in groupby key ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ With :ref:`groupby ` , we've added a ``dropna`` keyword to :meth:`DataFrame.groupby` and :meth:`Series.groupby` in order to allow ``NA`` values in group keys. Users can define ``dropna`` to ``False`` if they want to include ``NA`` values in groupby keys. The default is set to ``True`` for ``dropna`` to keep backwards compatibility (:issue:`3729`) .. ipython:: python df_list = [[1, 2, 3], [1, None, 4], [2, 1, 3], [1, 2, 2]] df_dropna = pd.DataFrame(df_list, columns=["a", "b", "c"]) df_dropna .. ipython:: python # Default ``dropna`` is set to True, which will exclude NaNs in keys df_dropna.groupby(by=["b"], dropna=True).sum() # In order to allow NaN in keys, set ``dropna`` to False df_dropna.groupby(by=["b"], dropna=False).sum() The default setting of ``dropna`` argument is ``True`` which means ``NA`` are not included in group keys. .. _whatsnew_110.key_sorting: Sorting with keys ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ We've added a ``key`` argument to the :class:`DataFrame` and :class:`Series` sorting methods, including :meth:`DataFrame.sort_values`, :meth:`DataFrame.sort_index`, :meth:`Series.sort_values`, and :meth:`Series.sort_index`. The ``key`` can be any callable function which is applied column-by-column to each column used for sorting, before sorting is performed (:issue:`27237`). See :ref:`sort_values with keys ` and :ref:`sort_index with keys ` for more information. .. ipython:: python s = pd.Series(['C', 'a', 'B']) s .. ipython:: python s.sort_values() Note how this is sorted with capital letters first. If we apply the :meth:`Series.str.lower` method, we get .. ipython:: python s.sort_values(key=lambda x: x.str.lower()) When applied to a ``DataFrame``, they key is applied per-column to all columns or a subset if ``by`` is specified, e.g. .. ipython:: python df = pd.DataFrame({'a': ['C', 'C', 'a', 'a', 'B', 'B'], 'b': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]}) df .. ipython:: python df.sort_values(by=['a'], key=lambda col: col.str.lower()) For more details, see examples and documentation in :meth:`DataFrame.sort_values`, :meth:`Series.sort_values`, and :meth:`~DataFrame.sort_index`. .. _whatsnew_110.timestamp_fold_support: Fold argument support in Timestamp constructor ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ :class:`Timestamp:` now supports the keyword-only fold argument according to `PEP 495 `_ similar to parent ``datetime.datetime`` class. It supports both accepting fold as an initialization argument and inferring fold from other constructor arguments (:issue:`25057`, :issue:`31338`). Support is limited to ``dateutil`` timezones as ``pytz`` doesn't support fold. For example: .. ipython:: python ts = pd.Timestamp("2019-10-27 01:30:00+00:00") ts.fold .. ipython:: python ts = pd.Timestamp(year=2019, month=10, day=27, hour=1, minute=30, tz="dateutil/Europe/London", fold=1) ts For more on working with fold, see :ref:`Fold subsection ` in the user guide. .. _whatsnew_110.to_datetime_multiple_tzname_tzoffset_support: Parsing timezone-aware format with different timezones in to_datetime ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ :func:`to_datetime` now supports parsing formats containing timezone names (``%Z``) and UTC offsets (``%z``) from different timezones then converting them to UTC by setting ``utc=True``. This would return a :class:`DatetimeIndex` with timezone at UTC as opposed to an :class:`Index` with ``object`` dtype if ``utc=True`` is not set (:issue:`32792`). For example: .. ipython:: python tz_strs = ["2010-01-01 12:00:00 +0100", "2010-01-01 12:00:00 -0100", "2010-01-01 12:00:00 +0300", "2010-01-01 12:00:00 +0400"] pd.to_datetime(tz_strs, format='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %z', utc=True) .. code-block:: ipython In[37]: pd.to_datetime(tz_strs, format='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %z') Out[37]: Index([2010-01-01 12:00:00+01:00, 2010-01-01 12:00:00-01:00, 2010-01-01 12:00:00+03:00, 2010-01-01 12:00:00+04:00], dtype='object') .. _whatsnew_110.grouper_resample_origin: Grouper and resample now supports the arguments origin and offset ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ :class:`Grouper` and :meth:`DataFrame.resample` now supports the arguments ``origin`` and ``offset``. It let the user control the timestamp on which to adjust the grouping. (:issue:`31809`) The bins of the grouping are adjusted based on the beginning of the day of the time series starting point. This works well with frequencies that are multiples of a day (like ``30D``) or that divides a day (like ``90s`` or ``1min``). But it can create inconsistencies with some frequencies that do not meet this criteria. To change this behavior you can now specify a fixed timestamp with the argument ``origin``. Two arguments are now deprecated (more information in the documentation of :meth:`DataFrame.resample`): - ``base`` should be replaced by ``offset``. - ``loffset`` should be replaced by directly adding an offset to the index :class:`DataFrame` after being resampled. Small example of the use of ``origin``: .. ipython:: python start, end = '2000-10-01 23:30:00', '2000-10-02 00:30:00' middle = '2000-10-02 00:00:00' rng = pd.date_range(start, end, freq='7min') ts = pd.Series(np.arange(len(rng)) * 3, index=rng) ts Resample with the default behavior ``'start_day'`` (origin is ``2000-10-01 00:00:00``): .. ipython:: python ts.resample('17min').sum() ts.resample('17min', origin='start_day').sum() Resample using a fixed origin: .. ipython:: python ts.resample('17min', origin='epoch').sum() ts.resample('17min', origin='2000-01-01').sum() If needed you can adjust the bins with the argument ``offset`` (a :class:`Timedelta`) that would be added to the default ``origin``. For a full example, see: :ref:`timeseries.adjust-the-start-of-the-bins`. fsspec now used for filesystem handling ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ For reading and writing to filesystems other than local and reading from HTTP(S), the optional dependency ``fsspec`` will be used to dispatch operations (:issue:`33452`). This will give unchanged functionality for S3 and GCS storage, which were already supported, but also add support for several other storage implementations such as `Azure Datalake and Blob`_, SSH, FTP, dropbox and github. For docs and capabilities, see the `fsspec docs`_. The existing capability to interface with S3 and GCS will be unaffected by this change, as ``fsspec`` will still bring in the same packages as before. .. _Azure Datalake and Blob: https://github.com/fsspec/adlfs .. _fsspec docs: https://filesystem-spec.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ .. _whatsnew_110.enhancements.other: Other enhancements ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Compatibility with matplotlib 3.3.0 (:issue:`34850`) - :meth:`IntegerArray.astype` now supports ``datetime64`` dtype (:issue:`32538`) - :class:`IntegerArray` now implements the ``sum`` operation (:issue:`33172`) - Added :class:`pandas.errors.InvalidIndexError` (:issue:`34570`). - Added :meth:`DataFrame.value_counts` (:issue:`5377`) - Added a :func:`pandas.api.indexers.FixedForwardWindowIndexer` class to support forward-looking windows during ``rolling`` operations. - Added a :func:`pandas.api.indexers.VariableOffsetWindowIndexer` class to support ``rolling`` operations with non-fixed offsets (:issue:`34994`) - :meth:`~DataFrame.describe` now includes a ``datetime_is_numeric`` keyword to control how datetime columns are summarized (:issue:`30164`, :issue:`34798`) - :class:`~pandas.io.formats.style.Styler` may now render CSS more efficiently where multiple cells have the same styling (:issue:`30876`) - :meth:`~pandas.io.formats.style.Styler.highlight_null` now accepts ``subset`` argument (:issue:`31345`) - When writing directly to a sqlite connection :meth:`DataFrame.to_sql` now supports the ``multi`` method (:issue:`29921`) - :class:`pandas.errors.OptionError` is now exposed in ``pandas.errors`` (:issue:`27553`) - Added :meth:`api.extensions.ExtensionArray.argmax` and :meth:`api.extensions.ExtensionArray.argmin` (:issue:`24382`) - :func:`timedelta_range` will now infer a frequency when passed ``start``, ``stop``, and ``periods`` (:issue:`32377`) - Positional slicing on a :class:`IntervalIndex` now supports slices with ``step > 1`` (:issue:`31658`) - :class:`Series.str` now has a ``fullmatch`` method that matches a regular expression against the entire string in each row of the :class:`Series`, similar to ``re.fullmatch`` (:issue:`32806`). - :meth:`DataFrame.sample` will now also allow array-like and BitGenerator objects to be passed to ``random_state`` as seeds (:issue:`32503`) - :meth:`Index.union` will now raise ``RuntimeWarning`` for :class:`MultiIndex` objects if the object inside are unsortable. Pass ``sort=False`` to suppress this warning (:issue:`33015`) - Added :meth:`Series.dt.isocalendar` and :meth:`DatetimeIndex.isocalendar` that returns a :class:`DataFrame` with year, week, and day calculated according to the ISO 8601 calendar (:issue:`33206`, :issue:`34392`). - The :meth:`DataFrame.to_feather` method now supports additional keyword arguments (e.g. to set the compression) that are added in pyarrow 0.17 (:issue:`33422`). - The :func:`cut` will now accept parameter ``ordered`` with default ``ordered=True``. If ``ordered=False`` and no labels are provided, an error will be raised (:issue:`33141`) - :meth:`DataFrame.to_csv`, :meth:`DataFrame.to_pickle`, and :meth:`DataFrame.to_json` now support passing a dict of compression arguments when using the ``gzip`` and ``bz2`` protocols. This can be used to set a custom compression level, e.g., ``df.to_csv(path, compression={'method': 'gzip', 'compresslevel': 1}`` (:issue:`33196`) - :meth:`melt` has gained an ``ignore_index`` (default ``True``) argument that, if set to ``False``, prevents the method from dropping the index (:issue:`17440`). - :meth:`Series.update` now accepts objects that can be coerced to a :class:`Series`, such as ``dict`` and ``list``, mirroring the behavior of :meth:`DataFrame.update` (:issue:`33215`) - :meth:`.DataFrameGroupBy.transform` and :meth:`.DataFrameGroupBy.aggregate` have gained ``engine`` and ``engine_kwargs`` arguments that support executing functions with ``Numba`` (:issue:`32854`, :issue:`33388`) - :meth:`.Resampler.interpolate` now supports SciPy interpolation method :class:`scipy.interpolate.CubicSpline` as method ``cubicspline`` (:issue:`33670`) - :class:`.DataFrameGroupBy` and :class:`.SeriesGroupBy` now implement the ``sample`` method for doing random sampling within groups (:issue:`31775`) - :meth:`DataFrame.to_numpy` now supports the ``na_value`` keyword to control the NA sentinel in the output array (:issue:`33820`) - Added :class:`api.extension.ExtensionArray.equals` to the extension array interface, similar to :meth:`Series.equals` (:issue:`27081`) - The minimum supported dta version has increased to 105 in :func:`read_stata` and :class:`~pandas.io.stata.StataReader` (:issue:`26667`). - :meth:`~DataFrame.to_stata` supports compression using the ``compression`` keyword argument. Compression can either be inferred or explicitly set using a string or a dictionary containing both the method and any additional arguments that are passed to the compression library. Compression was also added to the low-level Stata-file writers :class:`~pandas.io.stata.StataWriter`, :class:`~pandas.io.stata.StataWriter117`, and :class:`~pandas.io.stata.StataWriterUTF8` (:issue:`26599`). - :meth:`HDFStore.put` now accepts a ``track_times`` parameter. This parameter is passed to the ``create_table`` method of ``PyTables`` (:issue:`32682`). - :meth:`Series.plot` and :meth:`DataFrame.plot` now accepts ``xlabel`` and ``ylabel`` parameters to present labels on x and y axis (:issue:`9093`). - Made :class:`.Rolling` and :class:`.Expanding` iterable(:issue:`11704`) - Made ``option_context`` a :class:`contextlib.ContextDecorator`, which allows it to be used as a decorator over an entire function (:issue:`34253`). - :meth:`DataFrame.to_csv` and :meth:`Series.to_csv` now accept an ``errors`` argument (:issue:`22610`) - :meth:`.DataFrameGroupBy.groupby.transform` now allows ``func`` to be ``pad``, ``backfill`` and ``cumcount`` (:issue:`31269`). - :func:`read_json` now accepts an ``nrows`` parameter. (:issue:`33916`). - :meth:`DataFrame.hist`, :meth:`Series.hist`, :meth:`core.groupby.DataFrameGroupBy.hist`, and :meth:`core.groupby.SeriesGroupBy.hist` have gained the ``legend`` argument. Set to True to show a legend in the histogram. (:issue:`6279`) - :func:`concat` and :meth:`~DataFrame.append` now preserve extension dtypes, for example combining a nullable integer column with a numpy integer column will no longer result in object dtype but preserve the integer dtype (:issue:`33607`, :issue:`34339`, :issue:`34095`). - :func:`read_gbq` now allows to disable progress bar (:issue:`33360`). - :func:`read_gbq` now supports the ``max_results`` kwarg from ``pandas-gbq`` (:issue:`34639`). - :meth:`DataFrame.cov` and :meth:`Series.cov` now support a new parameter ``ddof`` to support delta degrees of freedom as in the corresponding numpy methods (:issue:`34611`). - :meth:`DataFrame.to_html` and :meth:`DataFrame.to_string`'s ``col_space`` parameter now accepts a list or dict to change only some specific columns' width (:issue:`28917`). - :meth:`DataFrame.to_excel` can now also write OpenOffice spreadsheet (.ods) files (:issue:`27222`) - :meth:`~Series.explode` now accepts ``ignore_index`` to reset the index, similar to :meth:`pd.concat` or :meth:`DataFrame.sort_values` (:issue:`34932`). - :meth:`DataFrame.to_markdown` and :meth:`Series.to_markdown` now accept ``index`` argument as an alias for tabulate's ``showindex`` (:issue:`32667`) - :meth:`read_csv` now accepts string values like "0", "0.0", "1", "1.0" as convertible to the nullable Boolean dtype (:issue:`34859`) - :class:`.ExponentialMovingWindow` now supports a ``times`` argument that allows ``mean`` to be calculated with observations spaced by the timestamps in ``times`` (:issue:`34839`) - :meth:`DataFrame.agg` and :meth:`Series.agg` now accept named aggregation for renaming the output columns/indexes. (:issue:`26513`) - ``compute.use_numba`` now exists as a configuration option that utilizes the numba engine when available (:issue:`33966`, :issue:`35374`) - :meth:`Series.plot` now supports asymmetric error bars. Previously, if :meth:`Series.plot` received a "2xN" array with error values for ``yerr`` and/or ``xerr``, the left/lower values (first row) were mirrored, while the right/upper values (second row) were ignored. Now, the first row represents the left/lower error values and the second row the right/upper error values. (:issue:`9536`) .. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- .. _whatsnew_110.notable_bug_fixes: Notable bug fixes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ These are bug fixes that might have notable behavior changes. ``MultiIndex.get_indexer`` interprets ``method`` argument correctly ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This restores the behavior of :meth:`MultiIndex.get_indexer` with ``method='backfill'`` or ``method='pad'`` to the behavior before pandas 0.23.0. In particular, MultiIndexes are treated as a list of tuples and padding or backfilling is done with respect to the ordering of these lists of tuples (:issue:`29896`). As an example of this, given: .. ipython:: python df = pd.DataFrame({ 'a': [0, 0, 0, 0], 'b': [0, 2, 3, 4], 'c': ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D'], }).set_index(['a', 'b']) mi_2 = pd.MultiIndex.from_product([[0], [-1, 0, 1, 3, 4, 5]]) The differences in reindexing ``df`` with ``mi_2`` and using ``method='backfill'`` can be seen here: *pandas >= 0.23, < 1.1.0*: .. code-block:: ipython In [1]: df.reindex(mi_2, method='backfill') Out[1]: c 0 -1 A 0 A 1 D 3 A 4 A 5 C *pandas <0.23, >= 1.1.0* .. ipython:: python df.reindex(mi_2, method='backfill') And the differences in reindexing ``df`` with ``mi_2`` and using ``method='pad'`` can be seen here: *pandas >= 0.23, < 1.1.0* .. code-block:: ipython In [1]: df.reindex(mi_2, method='pad') Out[1]: c 0 -1 NaN 0 NaN 1 D 3 NaN 4 A 5 C *pandas < 0.23, >= 1.1.0* .. ipython:: python df.reindex(mi_2, method='pad') .. _whatsnew_110.notable_bug_fixes.indexing_raises_key_errors: Failed label-based lookups always raise KeyError ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Label lookups ``series[key]``, ``series.loc[key]`` and ``frame.loc[key]`` used to raise either ``KeyError`` or ``TypeError`` depending on the type of key and type of :class:`Index`. These now consistently raise ``KeyError`` (:issue:`31867`) .. ipython:: python ser1 = pd.Series(range(3), index=[0, 1, 2]) ser2 = pd.Series(range(3), index=pd.date_range("2020-02-01", periods=3)) *Previous behavior*: .. code-block:: ipython In [3]: ser1[1.5] ... TypeError: cannot do label indexing on Int64Index with these indexers [1.5] of type float In [4] ser1["foo"] ... KeyError: 'foo' In [5]: ser1.loc[1.5] ... TypeError: cannot do label indexing on Int64Index with these indexers [1.5] of type float In [6]: ser1.loc["foo"] ... KeyError: 'foo' In [7]: ser2.loc[1] ... TypeError: cannot do label indexing on DatetimeIndex with these indexers [1] of type int In [8]: ser2.loc[pd.Timestamp(0)] ... KeyError: Timestamp('1970-01-01 00:00:00') *New behavior*: .. code-block:: ipython In [3]: ser1[1.5] ... KeyError: 1.5 In [4] ser1["foo"] ... KeyError: 'foo' In [5]: ser1.loc[1.5] ... KeyError: 1.5 In [6]: ser1.loc["foo"] ... KeyError: 'foo' In [7]: ser2.loc[1] ... KeyError: 1 In [8]: ser2.loc[pd.Timestamp(0)] ... KeyError: Timestamp('1970-01-01 00:00:00') Similarly, :meth:`DataFrame.at` and :meth:`Series.at` will raise a ``TypeError`` instead of a ``ValueError`` if an incompatible key is passed, and ``KeyError`` if a missing key is passed, matching the behavior of ``.loc[]`` (:issue:`31722`) .. _whatsnew_110.notable_bug_fixes.indexing_int_multiindex_raises_key_errors: Failed Integer Lookups on MultiIndex Raise KeyError ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Indexing with integers with a :class:`MultiIndex` that has an integer-dtype first level incorrectly failed to raise ``KeyError`` when one or more of those integer keys is not present in the first level of the index (:issue:`33539`) .. ipython:: python idx = pd.Index(range(4)) dti = pd.date_range("2000-01-03", periods=3) mi = pd.MultiIndex.from_product([idx, dti]) ser = pd.Series(range(len(mi)), index=mi) *Previous behavior*: .. code-block:: ipython In [5]: ser[[5]] Out[5]: Series([], dtype: int64) *New behavior*: .. code-block:: ipython In [5]: ser[[5]] ... KeyError: '[5] not in index' :meth:`DataFrame.merge` preserves right frame's row order ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ :meth:`DataFrame.merge` now preserves the right frame's row order when executing a right merge (:issue:`27453`) .. ipython:: python left_df = pd.DataFrame({'animal': ['dog', 'pig'], 'max_speed': [40, 11]}) right_df = pd.DataFrame({'animal': ['quetzal', 'pig'], 'max_speed': [80, 11]}) left_df right_df *Previous behavior*: .. code-block:: python >>> left_df.merge(right_df, on=['animal', 'max_speed'], how="right") animal max_speed 0 pig 11 1 quetzal 80 *New behavior*: .. ipython:: python left_df.merge(right_df, on=['animal', 'max_speed'], how="right") .. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- .. _whatsnew_110.notable_bug_fixes.assignment_to_multiple_columns: Assignment to multiple columns of a DataFrame when some columns do not exist ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Assignment to multiple columns of a :class:`DataFrame` when some of the columns do not exist would previously assign the values to the last column. Now, new columns will be constructed with the right values. (:issue:`13658`) .. ipython:: python df = pd.DataFrame({'a': [0, 1, 2], 'b': [3, 4, 5]}) df *Previous behavior*: .. code-block:: ipython In [3]: df[['a', 'c']] = 1 In [4]: df Out[4]: a b 0 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 *New behavior*: .. ipython:: python df[['a', 'c']] = 1 df .. _whatsnew_110.notable_bug_fixes.groupby_consistency: Consistency across groupby reductions ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Using :meth:`DataFrame.groupby` with ``as_index=True`` and the aggregation ``nunique`` would include the grouping column(s) in the columns of the result. Now the grouping column(s) only appear in the index, consistent with other reductions. (:issue:`32579`) .. ipython:: python df = pd.DataFrame({"a": ["x", "x", "y", "y"], "b": [1, 1, 2, 3]}) df *Previous behavior*: .. code-block:: ipython In [3]: df.groupby("a", as_index=True).nunique() Out[4]: a b a x 1 1 y 1 2 *New behavior*: .. ipython:: python df.groupby("a", as_index=True).nunique() Using :meth:`DataFrame.groupby` with ``as_index=False`` and the function ``idxmax``, ``idxmin``, ``mad``, ``nunique``, ``sem``, ``skew``, or ``std`` would modify the grouping column. Now the grouping column remains unchanged, consistent with other reductions. (:issue:`21090`, :issue:`10355`) *Previous behavior*: .. code-block:: ipython In [3]: df.groupby("a", as_index=False).nunique() Out[4]: a b 0 1 1 1 1 2 *New behavior*: .. ipython:: python df.groupby("a", as_index=False).nunique() The method :meth:`.DataFrameGroupBy.size` would previously ignore ``as_index=False``. Now the grouping columns are returned as columns, making the result a :class:`DataFrame` instead of a :class:`Series`. (:issue:`32599`) *Previous behavior*: .. code-block:: ipython In [3]: df.groupby("a", as_index=False).size() Out[4]: a x 2 y 2 dtype: int64 *New behavior*: .. ipython:: python df.groupby("a", as_index=False).size() .. _whatsnew_110.api_breaking.groupby_results_lost_as_index_false: :meth:`.DataFrameGroupby.agg` lost results with ``as_index=False`` when relabeling columns ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Previously :meth:`.DataFrameGroupby.agg` lost the result columns, when the ``as_index`` option was set to ``False`` and the result columns were relabeled. In this case the result values were replaced with the previous index (:issue:`32240`). .. ipython:: python df = pd.DataFrame({"key": ["x", "y", "z", "x", "y", "z"], "val": [1.0, 0.8, 2.0, 3.0, 3.6, 0.75]}) df *Previous behavior*: .. code-block:: ipython In [2]: grouped = df.groupby("key", as_index=False) In [3]: result = grouped.agg(min_val=pd.NamedAgg(column="val", aggfunc="min")) In [4]: result Out[4]: min_val 0 x 1 y 2 z *New behavior*: .. ipython:: python grouped = df.groupby("key", as_index=False) result = grouped.agg(min_val=pd.NamedAgg(column="val", aggfunc="min")) result .. _whatsnew_110.notable_bug_fixes.apply_applymap_first_once: apply and applymap on ``DataFrame`` evaluates first row/column only once ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. ipython:: python df = pd.DataFrame({'a': [1, 2], 'b': [3, 6]}) def func(row): print(row) return row *Previous behavior*: .. code-block:: ipython In [4]: df.apply(func, axis=1) a 1 b 3 Name: 0, dtype: int64 a 1 b 3 Name: 0, dtype: int64 a 2 b 6 Name: 1, dtype: int64 Out[4]: a b 0 1 3 1 2 6 *New behavior*: .. ipython:: python df.apply(func, axis=1) .. _whatsnew_110.api_breaking: Backwards incompatible API changes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. _whatsnew_110.api_breaking.testing.check_freq: Added ``check_freq`` argument to ``testing.assert_frame_equal`` and ``testing.assert_series_equal`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The ``check_freq`` argument was added to :func:`testing.assert_frame_equal` and :func:`testing.assert_series_equal` in pandas 1.1.0 and defaults to ``True``. :func:`testing.assert_frame_equal` and :func:`testing.assert_series_equal` now raise ``AssertionError`` if the indexes do not have the same frequency. Before pandas 1.1.0, the index frequency was not checked. Increased minimum versions for dependencies ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Some minimum supported versions of dependencies were updated (:issue:`33718`, :issue:`29766`, :issue:`29723`, pytables >= 3.4.3). If installed, we now require: +-----------------+-----------------+----------+---------+ | Package | Minimum Version | Required | Changed | +=================+=================+==========+=========+ | numpy | 1.15.4 | X | X | +-----------------+-----------------+----------+---------+ | pytz | 2015.4 | X | | +-----------------+-----------------+----------+---------+ | python-dateutil | 2.7.3 | X | X | +-----------------+-----------------+----------+---------+ | bottleneck | 1.2.1 | | | +-----------------+-----------------+----------+---------+ | numexpr | 2.6.2 | | | +-----------------+-----------------+----------+---------+ | pytest (dev) | 4.0.2 | | | +-----------------+-----------------+----------+---------+ For `optional libraries `_ the general recommendation is to use the latest version. The following table lists the lowest version per library that is currently being tested throughout the development of pandas. Optional libraries below the lowest tested version may still work, but are not considered supported. +-----------------+-----------------+---------+ | Package | Minimum Version | Changed | +=================+=================+=========+ | beautifulsoup4 | 4.6.0 | | +-----------------+-----------------+---------+ | fastparquet | 0.3.2 | | +-----------------+-----------------+---------+ | fsspec | 0.7.4 | | +-----------------+-----------------+---------+ | gcsfs | 0.6.0 | X | +-----------------+-----------------+---------+ | lxml | 3.8.0 | | +-----------------+-----------------+---------+ | matplotlib | 2.2.2 | | +-----------------+-----------------+---------+ | numba | 0.46.0 | | +-----------------+-----------------+---------+ | openpyxl | 2.5.7 | | +-----------------+-----------------+---------+ | pyarrow | 0.13.0 | | +-----------------+-----------------+---------+ | pymysql | 0.7.1 | | +-----------------+-----------------+---------+ | pytables | 3.4.3 | X | +-----------------+-----------------+---------+ | s3fs | 0.4.0 | X | +-----------------+-----------------+---------+ | scipy | 1.2.0 | X | +-----------------+-----------------+---------+ | sqlalchemy | 1.1.4 | | +-----------------+-----------------+---------+ | xarray | 0.8.2 | | +-----------------+-----------------+---------+ | xlrd | 1.1.0 | | +-----------------+-----------------+---------+ | xlsxwriter | 0.9.8 | | +-----------------+-----------------+---------+ | xlwt | 1.2.0 | | +-----------------+-----------------+---------+ | pandas-gbq | 1.2.0 | X | +-----------------+-----------------+---------+ See :ref:`install.dependencies` and :ref:`install.optional_dependencies` for more. Development changes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - The minimum version of Cython is now the most recent bug-fix version (0.29.16) (:issue:`33334`). .. _whatsnew_110.deprecations: Deprecations ~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Lookups on a :class:`Series` with a single-item list containing a slice (e.g. ``ser[[slice(0, 4)]]``) are deprecated and will raise in a future version. Either convert the list to a tuple, or pass the slice directly instead (:issue:`31333`) - :meth:`DataFrame.mean` and :meth:`DataFrame.median` with ``numeric_only=None`` will include ``datetime64`` and ``datetime64tz`` columns in a future version (:issue:`29941`) - Setting values with ``.loc`` using a positional slice is deprecated and will raise in a future version. Use ``.loc`` with labels or ``.iloc`` with positions instead (:issue:`31840`) - :meth:`DataFrame.to_dict` has deprecated accepting short names for ``orient`` and will raise in a future version (:issue:`32515`) - :meth:`Categorical.to_dense` is deprecated and will be removed in a future version, use ``np.asarray(cat)`` instead (:issue:`32639`) - The ``fastpath`` keyword in the ``SingleBlockManager`` constructor is deprecated and will be removed in a future version (:issue:`33092`) - Providing ``suffixes`` as a ``set`` in :func:`pandas.merge` is deprecated. Provide a tuple instead (:issue:`33740`, :issue:`34741`). - Indexing a :class:`Series` with a multi-dimensional indexer like ``[:, None]`` to return an ``ndarray`` now raises a ``FutureWarning``. Convert to a NumPy array before indexing instead (:issue:`27837`) - :meth:`Index.is_mixed` is deprecated and will be removed in a future version, check ``index.inferred_type`` directly instead (:issue:`32922`) - Passing any arguments but the first one to :func:`read_html` as positional arguments is deprecated. All other arguments should be given as keyword arguments (:issue:`27573`). - Passing any arguments but ``path_or_buf`` (the first one) to :func:`read_json` as positional arguments is deprecated. All other arguments should be given as keyword arguments (:issue:`27573`). - Passing any arguments but the first two to :func:`read_excel` as positional arguments is deprecated. All other arguments should be given as keyword arguments (:issue:`27573`). - :func:`pandas.api.types.is_categorical` is deprecated and will be removed in a future version; use :func:`pandas.api.types.is_categorical_dtype` instead (:issue:`33385`) - :meth:`Index.get_value` is deprecated and will be removed in a future version (:issue:`19728`) - :meth:`Series.dt.week` and :meth:`Series.dt.weekofyear` are deprecated and will be removed in a future version, use :meth:`Series.dt.isocalendar().week` instead (:issue:`33595`) - :meth:`DatetimeIndex.week` and ``DatetimeIndex.weekofyear`` are deprecated and will be removed in a future version, use ``DatetimeIndex.isocalendar().week`` instead (:issue:`33595`) - :meth:`DatetimeArray.week` and ``DatetimeArray.weekofyear`` are deprecated and will be removed in a future version, use ``DatetimeArray.isocalendar().week`` instead (:issue:`33595`) - :meth:`DateOffset.__call__` is deprecated and will be removed in a future version, use ``offset + other`` instead (:issue:`34171`) - :meth:`~pandas.tseries.offsets.BusinessDay.apply_index` is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Use ``offset + other`` instead (:issue:`34580`) - :meth:`DataFrame.tshift` and :meth:`Series.tshift` are deprecated and will be removed in a future version, use :meth:`DataFrame.shift` and :meth:`Series.shift` instead (:issue:`11631`) - Indexing an :class:`Index` object with a float key is deprecated, and will raise an ``IndexError`` in the future. You can manually convert to an integer key instead (:issue:`34191`). - The ``squeeze`` keyword in :meth:`~DataFrame.groupby` is deprecated and will be removed in a future version (:issue:`32380`) - The ``tz`` keyword in :meth:`Period.to_timestamp` is deprecated and will be removed in a future version; use ``per.to_timestamp(...).tz_localize(tz)`` instead (:issue:`34522`) - :meth:`DatetimeIndex.to_perioddelta` is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Use ``index - index.to_period(freq).to_timestamp()`` instead (:issue:`34853`) - :meth:`DataFrame.melt` accepting a ``value_name`` that already exists is deprecated, and will be removed in a future version (:issue:`34731`) - The ``center`` keyword in the :meth:`DataFrame.expanding` function is deprecated and will be removed in a future version (:issue:`20647`) .. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- .. _whatsnew_110.performance: Performance improvements ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Performance improvement in :class:`Timedelta` constructor (:issue:`30543`) - Performance improvement in :class:`Timestamp` constructor (:issue:`30543`) - Performance improvement in flex arithmetic ops between :class:`DataFrame` and :class:`Series` with ``axis=0`` (:issue:`31296`) - Performance improvement in arithmetic ops between :class:`DataFrame` and :class:`Series` with ``axis=1`` (:issue:`33600`) - The internal index method :meth:`~Index._shallow_copy` now copies cached attributes over to the new index, avoiding creating these again on the new index. This can speed up many operations that depend on creating copies of existing indexes (:issue:`28584`, :issue:`32640`, :issue:`32669`) - Significant performance improvement when creating a :class:`DataFrame` with sparse values from ``scipy.sparse`` matrices using the :meth:`DataFrame.sparse.from_spmatrix` constructor (:issue:`32821`, :issue:`32825`, :issue:`32826`, :issue:`32856`, :issue:`32858`). - Performance improvement for groupby methods :meth:`.Groupby.first` and :meth:`.Groupby.last` (:issue:`34178`) - Performance improvement in :func:`factorize` for nullable (integer and Boolean) dtypes (:issue:`33064`). - Performance improvement when constructing :class:`Categorical` objects (:issue:`33921`) - Fixed performance regression in :func:`pandas.qcut` and :func:`pandas.cut` (:issue:`33921`) - Performance improvement in reductions (``sum``, ``prod``, ``min``, ``max``) for nullable (integer and Boolean) dtypes (:issue:`30982`, :issue:`33261`, :issue:`33442`). - Performance improvement in arithmetic operations between two :class:`DataFrame` objects (:issue:`32779`) - Performance improvement in :class:`.RollingGroupby` (:issue:`34052`) - Performance improvement in arithmetic operations (``sub``, ``add``, ``mul``, ``div``) for :class:`MultiIndex` (:issue:`34297`) - Performance improvement in ``DataFrame[bool_indexer]`` when ``bool_indexer`` is a ``list`` (:issue:`33924`) - Significant performance improvement of :meth:`io.formats.style.Styler.render` with styles added with various ways such as :meth:`io.formats.style.Styler.apply`, :meth:`io.formats.style.Styler.applymap` or :meth:`io.formats.style.Styler.bar` (:issue:`19917`) .. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- .. _whatsnew_110.bug_fixes: Bug fixes ~~~~~~~~~ Categorical ^^^^^^^^^^^ - Passing an invalid ``fill_value`` to :meth:`Categorical.take` raises a ``ValueError`` instead of ``TypeError`` (:issue:`33660`) - Combining a :class:`Categorical` with integer categories and which contains missing values with a float dtype column in operations such as :func:`concat` or :meth:`~DataFrame.append` will now result in a float column instead of an object dtype column (:issue:`33607`) - Bug where :func:`merge` was unable to join on non-unique categorical indices (:issue:`28189`) - Bug when passing categorical data to :class:`Index` constructor along with ``dtype=object`` incorrectly returning a :class:`CategoricalIndex` instead of object-dtype :class:`Index` (:issue:`32167`) - Bug where :class:`Categorical` comparison operator ``__ne__`` would incorrectly evaluate to ``False`` when either element was missing (:issue:`32276`) - :meth:`Categorical.fillna` now accepts :class:`Categorical` ``other`` argument (:issue:`32420`) - Repr of :class:`Categorical` was not distinguishing between ``int`` and ``str`` (:issue:`33676`) Datetimelike ^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Passing an integer dtype other than ``int64`` to ``np.array(period_index, dtype=...)`` will now raise ``TypeError`` instead of incorrectly using ``int64`` (:issue:`32255`) - :meth:`Series.to_timestamp` now raises a ``TypeError`` if the axis is not a :class:`PeriodIndex`. Previously an ``AttributeError`` was raised (:issue:`33327`) - :meth:`Series.to_period` now raises a ``TypeError`` if the axis is not a :class:`DatetimeIndex`. Previously an ``AttributeError`` was raised (:issue:`33327`) - :class:`Period` no longer accepts tuples for the ``freq`` argument (:issue:`34658`) - Bug in :class:`Timestamp` where constructing a :class:`Timestamp` from ambiguous epoch time and calling constructor again changed the :meth:`Timestamp.value` property (:issue:`24329`) - :meth:`DatetimeArray.searchsorted`, :meth:`TimedeltaArray.searchsorted`, :meth:`PeriodArray.searchsorted` not recognizing non-pandas scalars and incorrectly raising ``ValueError`` instead of ``TypeError`` (:issue:`30950`) - Bug in :class:`Timestamp` where constructing :class:`Timestamp` with dateutil timezone less than 128 nanoseconds before daylight saving time switch from winter to summer would result in nonexistent time (:issue:`31043`) - Bug in :meth:`Period.to_timestamp`, :meth:`Period.start_time` with microsecond frequency returning a timestamp one nanosecond earlier than the correct time (:issue:`31475`) - :class:`Timestamp` raised a confusing error message when year, month or day is missing (:issue:`31200`) - Bug in :class:`DatetimeIndex` constructor incorrectly accepting ``bool``-dtype inputs (:issue:`32668`) - Bug in :meth:`DatetimeIndex.searchsorted` not accepting a ``list`` or :class:`Series` as its argument (:issue:`32762`) - Bug where :meth:`PeriodIndex` raised when passed a :class:`Series` of strings (:issue:`26109`) - Bug in :class:`Timestamp` arithmetic when adding or subtracting an ``np.ndarray`` with ``timedelta64`` dtype (:issue:`33296`) - Bug in :meth:`DatetimeIndex.to_period` not inferring the frequency when called with no arguments (:issue:`33358`) - Bug in :meth:`DatetimeIndex.tz_localize` incorrectly retaining ``freq`` in some cases where the original ``freq`` is no longer valid (:issue:`30511`) - Bug in :meth:`DatetimeIndex.intersection` losing ``freq`` and timezone in some cases (:issue:`33604`) - Bug in :meth:`DatetimeIndex.get_indexer` where incorrect output would be returned for mixed datetime-like targets (:issue:`33741`) - Bug in :class:`DatetimeIndex` addition and subtraction with some types of :class:`DateOffset` objects incorrectly retaining an invalid ``freq`` attribute (:issue:`33779`) - Bug in :class:`DatetimeIndex` where setting the ``freq`` attribute on an index could silently change the ``freq`` attribute on another index viewing the same data (:issue:`33552`) - :meth:`DataFrame.min` and :meth:`DataFrame.max` were not returning consistent results with :meth:`Series.min` and :meth:`Series.max` when called on objects initialized with empty :func:`pd.to_datetime` - Bug in :meth:`DatetimeIndex.intersection` and :meth:`TimedeltaIndex.intersection` with results not having the correct ``name`` attribute (:issue:`33904`) - Bug in :meth:`DatetimeArray.__setitem__`, :meth:`TimedeltaArray.__setitem__`, :meth:`PeriodArray.__setitem__` incorrectly allowing values with ``int64`` dtype to be silently cast (:issue:`33717`) - Bug in subtracting :class:`TimedeltaIndex` from :class:`Period` incorrectly raising ``TypeError`` in some cases where it should succeed and ``IncompatibleFrequency`` in some cases where it should raise ``TypeError`` (:issue:`33883`) - Bug in constructing a :class:`Series` or :class:`Index` from a read-only NumPy array with non-ns resolution which converted to object dtype instead of coercing to ``datetime64[ns]`` dtype when within the timestamp bounds (:issue:`34843`). - The ``freq`` keyword in :class:`Period`, :func:`date_range`, :func:`period_range`, :func:`pd.tseries.frequencies.to_offset` no longer allows tuples, pass as string instead (:issue:`34703`) - Bug in :meth:`DataFrame.append` when appending a :class:`Series` containing a scalar tz-aware :class:`Timestamp` to an empty :class:`DataFrame` resulted in an object column instead of ``datetime64[ns, tz]`` dtype (:issue:`35038`) - ``OutOfBoundsDatetime`` issues an improved error message when timestamp is out of implementation bounds. (:issue:`32967`) - Bug in :meth:`AbstractHolidayCalendar.holidays` when no rules were defined (:issue:`31415`) - Bug in :class:`Tick` comparisons raising ``TypeError`` when comparing against timedelta-like objects (:issue:`34088`) - Bug in :class:`Tick` multiplication raising ``TypeError`` when multiplying by a float (:issue:`34486`) Timedelta ^^^^^^^^^ - Bug in constructing a :class:`Timedelta` with a high precision integer that would round the :class:`Timedelta` components (:issue:`31354`) - Bug in dividing ``np.nan`` or ``None`` by :class:`Timedelta` incorrectly returning ``NaT`` (:issue:`31869`) - :class:`Timedelta` now understands ``µs`` as an identifier for microsecond (:issue:`32899`) - :class:`Timedelta` string representation now includes nanoseconds, when nanoseconds are non-zero (:issue:`9309`) - Bug in comparing a :class:`Timedelta` object against an ``np.ndarray`` with ``timedelta64`` dtype incorrectly viewing all entries as unequal (:issue:`33441`) - Bug in :func:`timedelta_range` that produced an extra point on a edge case (:issue:`30353`, :issue:`33498`) - Bug in :meth:`DataFrame.resample` that produced an extra point on a edge case (:issue:`30353`, :issue:`13022`, :issue:`33498`) - Bug in :meth:`DataFrame.resample` that ignored the ``loffset`` argument when dealing with timedelta (:issue:`7687`, :issue:`33498`) - Bug in :class:`Timedelta` and :func:`pandas.to_timedelta` that ignored the ``unit`` argument for string input (:issue:`12136`) Timezones ^^^^^^^^^ - Bug in :func:`to_datetime` with ``infer_datetime_format=True`` where timezone names (e.g. ``UTC``) would not be parsed correctly (:issue:`33133`) Numeric ^^^^^^^ - Bug in :meth:`DataFrame.floordiv` with ``axis=0`` not treating division-by-zero like :meth:`Series.floordiv` (:issue:`31271`) - Bug in :func:`to_numeric` with string argument ``"uint64"`` and ``errors="coerce"`` silently fails (:issue:`32394`) - Bug in :func:`to_numeric` with ``downcast="unsigned"`` fails for empty data (:issue:`32493`) - Bug in :meth:`DataFrame.mean` with ``numeric_only=False`` and either ``datetime64`` dtype or ``PeriodDtype`` column incorrectly raising ``TypeError`` (:issue:`32426`) - Bug in :meth:`DataFrame.count` with ``level="foo"`` and index level ``"foo"`` containing NaNs causes segmentation fault (:issue:`21824`) - Bug in :meth:`DataFrame.diff` with ``axis=1`` returning incorrect results with mixed dtypes (:issue:`32995`) - Bug in :meth:`DataFrame.corr` and :meth:`DataFrame.cov` raising when handling nullable integer columns with ``pandas.NA`` (:issue:`33803`) - Bug in arithmetic operations between :class:`DataFrame` objects with non-overlapping columns with duplicate labels causing an infinite loop (:issue:`35194`) - Bug in :class:`DataFrame` and :class:`Series` addition and subtraction between object-dtype objects and ``datetime64`` dtype objects (:issue:`33824`) - Bug in :meth:`Index.difference` giving incorrect results when comparing a :class:`Float64Index` and object :class:`Index` (:issue:`35217`) - Bug in :class:`DataFrame` reductions (e.g. ``df.min()``, ``df.max()``) with ``ExtensionArray`` dtypes (:issue:`34520`, :issue:`32651`) - :meth:`Series.interpolate` and :meth:`DataFrame.interpolate` now raise a ValueError if ``limit_direction`` is ``'forward'`` or ``'both'`` and ``method`` is ``'backfill'`` or ``'bfill'`` or ``limit_direction`` is ``'backward'`` or ``'both'`` and ``method`` is ``'pad'`` or ``'ffill'`` (:issue:`34746`) Conversion ^^^^^^^^^^ - Bug in :class:`Series` construction from NumPy array with big-endian ``datetime64`` dtype (:issue:`29684`) - Bug in :class:`Timedelta` construction with large nanoseconds keyword value (:issue:`32402`) - Bug in :class:`DataFrame` construction where sets would be duplicated rather than raising (:issue:`32582`) - The :class:`DataFrame` constructor no longer accepts a list of :class:`DataFrame` objects. Because of changes to NumPy, :class:`DataFrame` objects are now consistently treated as 2D objects, so a list of :class:`DataFrame` objects is considered 3D, and no longer acceptable for the :class:`DataFrame` constructor (:issue:`32289`). - Bug in :class:`DataFrame` when initiating a frame with lists and assign ``columns`` with nested list for ``MultiIndex`` (:issue:`32173`) - Improved error message for invalid construction of list when creating a new index (:issue:`35190`) Strings ^^^^^^^ - Bug in the :meth:`~Series.astype` method when converting "string" dtype data to nullable integer dtype (:issue:`32450`). - Fixed issue where taking ``min`` or ``max`` of a ``StringArray`` or ``Series`` with ``StringDtype`` type would raise. (:issue:`31746`) - Bug in :meth:`Series.str.cat` returning ``NaN`` output when other had :class:`Index` type (:issue:`33425`) - :func:`pandas.api.dtypes.is_string_dtype` no longer incorrectly identifies categorical series as string. Interval ^^^^^^^^ - Bug in :class:`IntervalArray` incorrectly allowing the underlying data to be changed when setting values (:issue:`32782`) Indexing ^^^^^^^^ - :meth:`DataFrame.xs` now raises a ``TypeError`` if a ``level`` keyword is supplied and the axis is not a :class:`MultiIndex`. Previously an ``AttributeError`` was raised (:issue:`33610`) - Bug in slicing on a :class:`DatetimeIndex` with a partial-timestamp dropping high-resolution indices near the end of a year, quarter, or month (:issue:`31064`) - Bug in :meth:`PeriodIndex.get_loc` treating higher-resolution strings differently from :meth:`PeriodIndex.get_value` (:issue:`31172`) - Bug in :meth:`Series.at` and :meth:`DataFrame.at` not matching ``.loc`` behavior when looking up an integer in a :class:`Float64Index` (:issue:`31329`) - Bug in :meth:`PeriodIndex.is_monotonic` incorrectly returning ``True`` when containing leading ``NaT`` entries (:issue:`31437`) - Bug in :meth:`DatetimeIndex.get_loc` raising ``KeyError`` with converted-integer key instead of the user-passed key (:issue:`31425`) - Bug in :meth:`Series.xs` incorrectly returning ``Timestamp`` instead of ``datetime64`` in some object-dtype cases (:issue:`31630`) - Bug in :meth:`DataFrame.iat` incorrectly returning ``Timestamp`` instead of ``datetime`` in some object-dtype cases (:issue:`32809`) - Bug in :meth:`DataFrame.at` when either columns or index is non-unique (:issue:`33041`) - Bug in :meth:`Series.loc` and :meth:`DataFrame.loc` when indexing with an integer key on a object-dtype :class:`Index` that is not all-integers (:issue:`31905`) - Bug in :meth:`DataFrame.iloc.__setitem__` on a :class:`DataFrame` with duplicate columns incorrectly setting values for all matching columns (:issue:`15686`, :issue:`22036`) - Bug in :meth:`DataFrame.loc` and :meth:`Series.loc` with a :class:`DatetimeIndex`, :class:`TimedeltaIndex`, or :class:`PeriodIndex` incorrectly allowing lookups of non-matching datetime-like dtypes (:issue:`32650`) - Bug in :meth:`Series.__getitem__` indexing with non-standard scalars, e.g. ``np.dtype`` (:issue:`32684`) - Bug in :class:`Index` constructor where an unhelpful error message was raised for NumPy scalars (:issue:`33017`) - Bug in :meth:`DataFrame.lookup` incorrectly raising an ``AttributeError`` when ``frame.index`` or ``frame.columns`` is not unique; this will now raise a ``ValueError`` with a helpful error message (:issue:`33041`) - Bug in :class:`Interval` where a :class:`Timedelta` could not be added or subtracted from a :class:`Timestamp` interval (:issue:`32023`) - Bug in :meth:`DataFrame.copy` not invalidating _item_cache after copy caused post-copy value updates to not be reflected (:issue:`31784`) - Fixed regression in :meth:`DataFrame.loc` and :meth:`Series.loc` throwing an error when a ``datetime64[ns, tz]`` value is provided (:issue:`32395`) - Bug in :meth:`Series.__getitem__` with an integer key and a :class:`MultiIndex` with leading integer level failing to raise ``KeyError`` if the key is not present in the first level (:issue:`33355`) - Bug in :meth:`DataFrame.iloc` when slicing a single column :class:`DataFrame` with ``ExtensionDtype`` (e.g. ``df.iloc[:, :1]``) returning an invalid result (:issue:`32957`) - Bug in :meth:`DatetimeIndex.insert` and :meth:`TimedeltaIndex.insert` causing index ``freq`` to be lost when setting an element into an empty :class:`Series` (:issue:`33573`) - Bug in :meth:`Series.__setitem__` with an :class:`IntervalIndex` and a list-like key of integers (:issue:`33473`) - Bug in :meth:`Series.__getitem__` allowing missing labels with ``np.ndarray``, :class:`Index`, :class:`Series` indexers but not ``list``, these now all raise ``KeyError`` (:issue:`33646`) - Bug in :meth:`DataFrame.truncate` and :meth:`Series.truncate` where index was assumed to be monotone increasing (:issue:`33756`) - Indexing with a list of strings representing datetimes failed on :class:`DatetimeIndex` or :class:`PeriodIndex` (:issue:`11278`) - Bug in :meth:`Series.at` when used with a :class:`MultiIndex` would raise an exception on valid inputs (:issue:`26989`) - Bug in :meth:`DataFrame.loc` with dictionary of values changes columns with dtype of ``int`` to ``float`` (:issue:`34573`) - Bug in :meth:`Series.loc` when used with a :class:`MultiIndex` would raise an ``IndexingError`` when accessing a ``None`` value (:issue:`34318`) - Bug in :meth:`DataFrame.reset_index` and :meth:`Series.reset_index` would not preserve data types on an empty :class:`DataFrame` or :class:`Series` with a :class:`MultiIndex` (:issue:`19602`) - Bug in :class:`Series` and :class:`DataFrame` indexing with a ``time`` key on a :class:`DatetimeIndex` with ``NaT`` entries (:issue:`35114`) Missing ^^^^^^^ - Calling :meth:`fillna` on an empty :class:`Series` now correctly returns a shallow copied object. The behaviour is now consistent with :class:`Index`, :class:`DataFrame` and a non-empty :class:`Series` (:issue:`32543`). - Bug in :meth:`Series.replace` when argument ``to_replace`` is of type dict/list and is used on a :class:`Series` containing ```` was raising a ``TypeError``. The method now handles this by ignoring ```` values when doing the comparison for the replacement (:issue:`32621`) - Bug in :meth:`~Series.any` and :meth:`~Series.all` incorrectly returning ```` for all ``False`` or all ``True`` values using the nulllable Boolean dtype and with ``skipna=False`` (:issue:`33253`) - Clarified documentation on interpolate with ``method=akima``. The ``der`` parameter must be scalar or ``None`` (:issue:`33426`) - :meth:`DataFrame.interpolate` uses the correct axis convention now. Previously interpolating along columns lead to interpolation along indices and vice versa. Furthermore interpolating with methods ``pad``, ``ffill``, ``bfill`` and ``backfill`` are identical to using these methods with :meth:`DataFrame.fillna` (:issue:`12918`, :issue:`29146`) - Bug in :meth:`DataFrame.interpolate` when called on a :class:`DataFrame` with column names of string type was throwing a ValueError. The method is now independent of the type of the column names (:issue:`33956`) - Passing :class:`NA` into a format string using format specs will now work. For example ``"{:.1f}".format(pd.NA)`` would previously raise a ``ValueError``, but will now return the string ``""`` (:issue:`34740`) - Bug in :meth:`Series.map` not raising on invalid ``na_action`` (:issue:`32815`) MultiIndex ^^^^^^^^^^ - :meth:`DataFrame.swaplevels` now raises a ``TypeError`` if the axis is not a :class:`MultiIndex`. Previously an ``AttributeError`` was raised (:issue:`31126`) - Bug in :meth:`Dataframe.loc` when used with a :class:`MultiIndex`. The returned values were not in the same order as the given inputs (:issue:`22797`) .. ipython:: python df = pd.DataFrame(np.arange(4), index=[["a", "a", "b", "b"], [1, 2, 1, 2]]) # Rows are now ordered as the requested keys df.loc[(['b', 'a'], [2, 1]), :] - Bug in :meth:`MultiIndex.intersection` was not guaranteed to preserve order when ``sort=False``. (:issue:`31325`) - Bug in :meth:`DataFrame.truncate` was dropping :class:`MultiIndex` names. (:issue:`34564`) .. ipython:: python left = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays([["b", "a"], [2, 1]]) right = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays([["a", "b", "c"], [1, 2, 3]]) # Common elements are now guaranteed to be ordered by the left side left.intersection(right, sort=False) - Bug when joining two :class:`MultiIndex` without specifying level with different columns. Return-indexers parameter was ignored. (:issue:`34074`) IO ^^ - Passing a ``set`` as ``names`` argument to :func:`pandas.read_csv`, :func:`pandas.read_table`, or :func:`pandas.read_fwf` will raise ``ValueError: Names should be an ordered collection.`` (:issue:`34946`) - Bug in print-out when ``display.precision`` is zero. (:issue:`20359`) - Bug in :func:`read_json` where integer overflow was occurring when json contains big number strings. (:issue:`30320`) - :func:`read_csv` will now raise a ``ValueError`` when the arguments ``header`` and ``prefix`` both are not ``None``. (:issue:`27394`) - Bug in :meth:`DataFrame.to_json` was raising ``NotFoundError`` when ``path_or_buf`` was an S3 URI (:issue:`28375`) - Bug in :meth:`DataFrame.to_parquet` overwriting pyarrow's default for ``coerce_timestamps``; following pyarrow's default allows writing nanosecond timestamps with ``version="2.0"`` (:issue:`31652`). - Bug in :func:`read_csv` was raising ``TypeError`` when ``sep=None`` was used in combination with ``comment`` keyword (:issue:`31396`) - Bug in :class:`HDFStore` that caused it to set to ``int64`` the dtype of a ``datetime64`` column when reading a :class:`DataFrame` in Python 3 from fixed format written in Python 2 (:issue:`31750`) - :func:`read_sas` now handles dates and datetimes larger than :attr:`Timestamp.max` returning them as :class:`datetime.datetime` objects (:issue:`20927`) - Bug in :meth:`DataFrame.to_json` where ``Timedelta`` objects would not be serialized correctly with ``date_format="iso"`` (:issue:`28256`) - :func:`read_csv` will raise a ``ValueError`` when the column names passed in ``parse_dates`` are missing in the :class:`Dataframe` (:issue:`31251`) - Bug in :func:`read_excel` where a UTF-8 string with a high surrogate would cause a segmentation violation (:issue:`23809`) - Bug in :func:`read_csv` was causing a file descriptor leak on an empty file (:issue:`31488`) - Bug in :func:`read_csv` was causing a segfault when there were blank lines between the header and data rows (:issue:`28071`) - Bug in :func:`read_csv` was raising a misleading exception on a permissions issue (:issue:`23784`) - Bug in :func:`read_csv` was raising an ``IndexError`` when ``header=None`` and two extra data columns - Bug in :func:`read_sas` was raising an ``AttributeError`` when reading files from Google Cloud Storage (:issue:`33069`) - Bug in :meth:`DataFrame.to_sql` where an ``AttributeError`` was raised when saving an out of bounds date (:issue:`26761`) - Bug in :func:`read_excel` did not correctly handle multiple embedded spaces in OpenDocument text cells. (:issue:`32207`) - Bug in :func:`read_json` was raising ``TypeError`` when reading a ``list`` of Booleans into a :class:`Series`. (:issue:`31464`) - Bug in :func:`pandas.io.json.json_normalize` where location specified by ``record_path`` doesn't point to an array. (:issue:`26284`) - :func:`pandas.read_hdf` has a more explicit error message when loading an unsupported HDF file (:issue:`9539`) - Bug in :meth:`~DataFrame.read_feather` was raising an ``ArrowIOError`` when reading an s3 or http file path (:issue:`29055`) - Bug in :meth:`~DataFrame.to_excel` could not handle the column name ``render`` and was raising an ``KeyError`` (:issue:`34331`) - Bug in :meth:`~SQLDatabase.execute` was raising a ``ProgrammingError`` for some DB-API drivers when the SQL statement contained the ``%`` character and no parameters were present (:issue:`34211`) - Bug in :meth:`~pandas.io.stata.StataReader` which resulted in categorical variables with different dtypes when reading data using an iterator. (:issue:`31544`) - :meth:`HDFStore.keys` has now an optional ``include`` parameter that allows the retrieval of all native HDF5 table names (:issue:`29916`) - ``TypeError`` exceptions raised by :func:`read_csv` and :func:`read_table` were showing as ``parser_f`` when an unexpected keyword argument was passed (:issue:`25648`) - Bug in :func:`read_excel` for ODS files removes 0.0 values (:issue:`27222`) - Bug in :func:`ujson.encode` was raising an ``OverflowError`` with numbers larger than ``sys.maxsize`` (:issue:`34395`) - Bug in :meth:`HDFStore.append_to_multiple` was raising a ``ValueError`` when the ``min_itemsize`` parameter is set (:issue:`11238`) - Bug in :meth:`~HDFStore.create_table` now raises an error when ``column`` argument was not specified in ``data_columns`` on input (:issue:`28156`) - :func:`read_json` now could read line-delimited json file from a file url while ``lines`` and ``chunksize`` are set. - Bug in :meth:`DataFrame.to_sql` when reading DataFrames with ``-np.inf`` entries with MySQL now has a more explicit ``ValueError`` (:issue:`34431`) - Bug where capitalised files extensions were not decompressed by read_* functions (:issue:`35164`) - Bug in :meth:`read_excel` that was raising a ``TypeError`` when ``header=None`` and ``index_col`` is given as a ``list`` (:issue:`31783`) - Bug in :func:`read_excel` where datetime values are used in the header in a :class:`MultiIndex` (:issue:`34748`) - :func:`read_excel` no longer takes ``**kwds`` arguments. This means that passing in the keyword argument ``chunksize`` now raises a ``TypeError`` (previously raised a ``NotImplementedError``), while passing in the keyword argument ``encoding`` now raises a ``TypeError`` (:issue:`34464`) - Bug in :meth:`DataFrame.to_records` was incorrectly losing timezone information in timezone-aware ``datetime64`` columns (:issue:`32535`) Plotting ^^^^^^^^ - :meth:`DataFrame.plot` for line/bar now accepts color by dictionary (:issue:`8193`). - Bug in :meth:`DataFrame.plot.hist` where weights are not working for multiple columns (:issue:`33173`) - Bug in :meth:`DataFrame.boxplot` and :meth:`DataFrame.plot.boxplot` lost color attributes of ``medianprops``, ``whiskerprops``, ``capprops`` and ``boxprops`` (:issue:`30346`) - Bug in :meth:`DataFrame.hist` where the order of ``column`` argument was ignored (:issue:`29235`) - Bug in :meth:`DataFrame.plot.scatter` that when adding multiple plots with different ``cmap``, colorbars always use the first ``cmap`` (:issue:`33389`) - Bug in :meth:`DataFrame.plot.scatter` was adding a colorbar to the plot even if the argument ``c`` was assigned to a column containing color names (:issue:`34316`) - Bug in :meth:`pandas.plotting.bootstrap_plot` was causing cluttered axes and overlapping labels (:issue:`34905`) - Bug in :meth:`DataFrame.plot.scatter` caused an error when plotting variable marker sizes (:issue:`32904`) GroupBy/resample/rolling ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Using a :class:`pandas.api.indexers.BaseIndexer` with ``count``, ``min``, ``max``, ``median``, ``skew``, ``cov``, ``corr`` will now return correct results for any monotonic :class:`pandas.api.indexers.BaseIndexer` descendant (:issue:`32865`) - :meth:`DataFrameGroupby.mean` and :meth:`SeriesGroupby.mean` (and similarly for :meth:`~DataFrameGroupby.median`, :meth:`~DataFrameGroupby.std` and :meth:`~DataFrameGroupby.var`) now raise a ``TypeError`` if a non-accepted keyword argument is passed into it. Previously an ``UnsupportedFunctionCall`` was raised (``AssertionError`` if ``min_count`` passed into :meth:`~DataFrameGroupby.median`) (:issue:`31485`) - Bug in :meth:`.DataFrameGroupBy.apply` and :meth:`.SeriesGroupBy.apply` raising ``ValueError`` when the ``by`` axis is not sorted, has duplicates, and the applied ``func`` does not mutate passed in objects (:issue:`30667`) - Bug in :meth:`DataFrameGroupBy.transform` produces an incorrect result with transformation functions (:issue:`30918`) - Bug in :meth:`.DataFrameGroupBy.transform` and :meth:`.SeriesGroupBy.transform` were returning the wrong result when grouping by multiple keys of which some were categorical and others not (:issue:`32494`) - Bug in :meth:`.DataFrameGroupBy.count` and :meth:`.SeriesGroupBy.count` causing segmentation fault when grouped-by columns contain NaNs (:issue:`32841`) - Bug in :meth:`DataFrame.groupby` and :meth:`Series.groupby` produces inconsistent type when aggregating Boolean :class:`Series` (:issue:`32894`) - Bug in :meth:`DataFrameGroupBy.sum` and :meth:`SeriesGroupBy.sum` where a large negative number would be returned when the number of non-null values was below ``min_count`` for nullable integer dtypes (:issue:`32861`) - Bug in :meth:`SeriesGroupBy.quantile` was raising on nullable integers (:issue:`33136`) - Bug in :meth:`DataFrame.resample` where an ``AmbiguousTimeError`` would be raised when the resulting timezone aware :class:`DatetimeIndex` had a DST transition at midnight (:issue:`25758`) - Bug in :meth:`DataFrame.groupby` where a ``ValueError`` would be raised when grouping by a categorical column with read-only categories and ``sort=False`` (:issue:`33410`) - Bug in :meth:`.DataFrameGroupBy.agg`, :meth:`.SeriesGroupBy.agg`, :meth:`.DataFrameGroupBy.transform`, :meth:`.SeriesGroupBy.transform`, :meth:`.DataFrameGroupBy.resample`, and :meth:`.SeriesGroupBy.resample` where subclasses are not preserved (:issue:`28330`) - Bug in :meth:`SeriesGroupBy.agg` where any column name was accepted in the named aggregation of :class:`SeriesGroupBy` previously. The behaviour now allows only ``str`` and callables else would raise ``TypeError``. (:issue:`34422`) - Bug in :meth:`DataFrame.groupby` lost the name of the :class:`Index` when one of the ``agg`` keys referenced an empty list (:issue:`32580`) - Bug in :meth:`Rolling.apply` where ``center=True`` was ignored when ``engine='numba'`` was specified (:issue:`34784`) - Bug in :meth:`DataFrame.ewm.cov` was throwing ``AssertionError`` for :class:`MultiIndex` inputs (:issue:`34440`) - Bug in :meth:`core.groupby.DataFrameGroupBy.quantile` raised ``TypeError`` for non-numeric types rather than dropping the columns (:issue:`27892`) - Bug in :meth:`core.groupby.DataFrameGroupBy.transform` when ``func='nunique'`` and columns are of type ``datetime64``, the result would also be of type ``datetime64`` instead of ``int64`` (:issue:`35109`) - Bug in :meth:`DataFrame.groupby` raising an ``AttributeError`` when selecting a column and aggregating with ``as_index=False`` (:issue:`35246`). - Bug in :meth:`DataFrameGroupBy.first` and :meth:`DataFrameGroupBy.last` that would raise an unnecessary ``ValueError`` when grouping on multiple ``Categoricals`` (:issue:`34951`) Reshaping ^^^^^^^^^ - Bug effecting all numeric and Boolean reduction methods not returning subclassed data type. (:issue:`25596`) - Bug in :meth:`DataFrame.pivot_table` when only :class:`MultiIndexed` columns is set (:issue:`17038`) - Bug in :meth:`DataFrame.unstack` and :meth:`Series.unstack` can take tuple names in :class:`MultiIndexed` data (:issue:`19966`) - Bug in :meth:`DataFrame.pivot_table` when ``margin`` is ``True`` and only ``column`` is defined (:issue:`31016`) - Fixed incorrect error message in :meth:`DataFrame.pivot` when ``columns`` is set to ``None``. (:issue:`30924`) - Bug in :func:`crosstab` when inputs are two :class:`Series` and have tuple names, the output will keep a dummy :class:`MultiIndex` as columns. (:issue:`18321`) - :meth:`DataFrame.pivot` can now take lists for ``index`` and ``columns`` arguments (:issue:`21425`) - Bug in :func:`concat` where the resulting indices are not copied when ``copy=True`` (:issue:`29879`) - Bug in :meth:`SeriesGroupBy.aggregate` was resulting in aggregations being overwritten when they shared the same name (:issue:`30880`) - Bug where :meth:`Index.astype` would lose the :attr:`name` attribute when converting from ``Float64Index`` to ``Int64Index``, or when casting to an ``ExtensionArray`` dtype (:issue:`32013`) - :meth:`Series.append` will now raise a ``TypeError`` when passed a :class:`DataFrame` or a sequence containing :class:`DataFrame` (:issue:`31413`) - :meth:`DataFrame.replace` and :meth:`Series.replace` will raise a ``TypeError`` if ``to_replace`` is not an expected type. Previously the ``replace`` would fail silently (:issue:`18634`) - Bug on inplace operation of a :class:`Series` that was adding a column to the :class:`DataFrame` from where it was originally dropped from (using ``inplace=True``) (:issue:`30484`) - Bug in :meth:`DataFrame.apply` where callback was called with :class:`Series` parameter even though ``raw=True`` requested. (:issue:`32423`) - Bug in :meth:`DataFrame.pivot_table` losing timezone information when creating a :class:`MultiIndex` level from a column with timezone-aware dtype (:issue:`32558`) - Bug in :func:`concat` where when passing a non-dict mapping as ``objs`` would raise a ``TypeError`` (:issue:`32863`) - :meth:`DataFrame.agg` now provides more descriptive ``SpecificationError`` message when attempting to aggregate a non-existent column (:issue:`32755`) - Bug in :meth:`DataFrame.unstack` when :class:`MultiIndex` columns and :class:`MultiIndex` rows were used (:issue:`32624`, :issue:`24729` and :issue:`28306`) - Appending a dictionary to a :class:`DataFrame` without passing ``ignore_index=True`` will raise ``TypeError: Can only append a dict if ignore_index=True`` instead of ``TypeError: Can only append a :class:`Series` if ignore_index=True or if the :class:`Series` has a name`` (:issue:`30871`) - Bug in :meth:`DataFrame.corrwith`, :meth:`DataFrame.memory_usage`, :meth:`DataFrame.dot`, :meth:`DataFrame.idxmin`, :meth:`DataFrame.idxmax`, :meth:`DataFrame.duplicated`, :meth:`DataFrame.isin`, :meth:`DataFrame.count`, :meth:`Series.explode`, :meth:`Series.asof` and :meth:`DataFrame.asof` not returning subclassed types. (:issue:`31331`) - Bug in :func:`concat` was not allowing for concatenation of :class:`DataFrame` and :class:`Series` with duplicate keys (:issue:`33654`) - Bug in :func:`cut` raised an error when the argument ``labels`` contains duplicates (:issue:`33141`) - Ensure only named functions can be used in :func:`eval` (:issue:`32460`) - Bug in :meth:`Dataframe.aggregate` and :meth:`Series.aggregate` was causing a recursive loop in some cases (:issue:`34224`) - Fixed bug in :func:`melt` where melting :class:`MultiIndex` columns with ``col_level > 0`` would raise a ``KeyError`` on ``id_vars`` (:issue:`34129`) - Bug in :meth:`Series.where` with an empty :class:`Series` and empty ``cond`` having non-bool dtype (:issue:`34592`) - Fixed regression where :meth:`DataFrame.apply` would raise ``ValueError`` for elements with ``S`` dtype (:issue:`34529`) Sparse ^^^^^^ - Creating a :class:`SparseArray` from timezone-aware dtype will issue a warning before dropping timezone information, instead of doing so silently (:issue:`32501`) - Bug in :meth:`arrays.SparseArray.from_spmatrix` wrongly read scipy sparse matrix (:issue:`31991`) - Bug in :meth:`Series.sum` with ``SparseArray`` raised a ``TypeError`` (:issue:`25777`) - Bug where :class:`DataFrame` containing an all-sparse :class:`SparseArray` filled with ``NaN`` when indexed by a list-like (:issue:`27781`, :issue:`29563`) - The repr of :class:`SparseDtype` now includes the repr of its ``fill_value`` attribute. Previously it used ``fill_value``'s string representation (:issue:`34352`) - Bug where empty :class:`DataFrame` could not be cast to :class:`SparseDtype` (:issue:`33113`) - Bug in :meth:`arrays.SparseArray` was returning the incorrect type when indexing a sparse dataframe with an iterable (:issue:`34526`, :issue:`34540`) ExtensionArray ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Fixed bug where :meth:`Series.value_counts` would raise on empty input of ``Int64`` dtype (:issue:`33317`) - Fixed bug in :func:`concat` when concatenating :class:`DataFrame` objects with non-overlapping columns resulting in object-dtype columns rather than preserving the extension dtype (:issue:`27692`, :issue:`33027`) - Fixed bug where :meth:`StringArray.isna` would return ``False`` for NA values when ``pandas.options.mode.use_inf_as_na`` was set to ``True`` (:issue:`33655`) - Fixed bug in :class:`Series` construction with EA dtype and index but no data or scalar data fails (:issue:`26469`) - Fixed bug that caused :meth:`Series.__repr__` to crash for extension types whose elements are multidimensional arrays (:issue:`33770`). - Fixed bug where :meth:`Series.update` would raise a ``ValueError`` for ``ExtensionArray`` dtypes with missing values (:issue:`33980`) - Fixed bug where :meth:`StringArray.memory_usage` was not implemented (:issue:`33963`) - Fixed bug where :meth:`DataFrameGroupBy` would ignore the ``min_count`` argument for aggregations on nullable Boolean dtypes (:issue:`34051`) - Fixed bug where the constructor of :class:`DataFrame` with ``dtype='string'`` would fail (:issue:`27953`, :issue:`33623`) - Bug where :class:`DataFrame` column set to scalar extension type was considered an object type rather than the extension type (:issue:`34832`) - Fixed bug in :meth:`IntegerArray.astype` to correctly copy the mask as well (:issue:`34931`). Other ^^^^^ - Set operations on an object-dtype :class:`Index` now always return object-dtype results (:issue:`31401`) - Fixed :func:`pandas.testing.assert_series_equal` to correctly raise if the ``left`` argument is a different subclass with ``check_series_type=True`` (:issue:`32670`). - Getting a missing attribute in a :meth:`DataFrame.query` or :meth:`DataFrame.eval` string raises the correct ``AttributeError`` (:issue:`32408`) - Fixed bug in :func:`pandas.testing.assert_series_equal` where dtypes were checked for ``Interval`` and ``ExtensionArray`` operands when ``check_dtype`` was ``False`` (:issue:`32747`) - Bug in :meth:`DataFrame.__dir__` caused a segfault when using unicode surrogates in a column name (:issue:`25509`) - Bug in :meth:`DataFrame.equals` and :meth:`Series.equals` in allowing subclasses to be equal (:issue:`34402`). .. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- .. _whatsnew_110.contributors: Contributors ~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. contributors:: v1.0.5..v1.1.0|HEAD