.. _whatsnew_0220: Version 0.22.0 (December 29, 2017) ---------------------------------- {{ header }} .. ipython:: python :suppress: from pandas import * # noqa F401, F403 This is a major release from 0.21.1 and includes a single, API-breaking change. We recommend that all users upgrade to this version after carefully reading the release note (singular!). .. _whatsnew_0220.api_breaking: Backwards incompatible API changes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ pandas 0.22.0 changes the handling of empty and all-*NA* sums and products. The summary is that * The sum of an empty or all-*NA* ``Series`` is now ``0`` * The product of an empty or all-*NA* ``Series`` is now ``1`` * We've added a ``min_count`` parameter to ``.sum()`` and ``.prod()`` controlling the minimum number of valid values for the result to be valid. If fewer than ``min_count`` non-*NA* values are present, the result is *NA*. The default is ``0``. To return ``NaN``, the 0.21 behavior, use ``min_count=1``. Some background: In pandas 0.21, we fixed a long-standing inconsistency in the return value of all-*NA* series depending on whether or not bottleneck was installed. See :ref:`whatsnew_0210.api_breaking.bottleneck`. At the same time, we changed the sum and prod of an empty ``Series`` to also be ``NaN``. Based on feedback, we've partially reverted those changes. Arithmetic operations ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The default sum for empty or all-*NA* ``Series`` is now ``0``. *pandas 0.21.x* .. code-block:: ipython In [1]: pd.Series([]).sum() Out[1]: nan In [2]: pd.Series([np.nan]).sum() Out[2]: nan *pandas 0.22.0* .. ipython:: python :okwarning: pd.Series([]).sum() pd.Series([np.nan]).sum() The default behavior is the same as pandas 0.20.3 with bottleneck installed. It also matches the behavior of NumPy's ``np.nansum`` on empty and all-*NA* arrays. To have the sum of an empty series return ``NaN`` (the default behavior of pandas 0.20.3 without bottleneck, or pandas 0.21.x), use the ``min_count`` keyword. .. ipython:: python :okwarning: pd.Series([]).sum(min_count=1) Thanks to the ``skipna`` parameter, the ``.sum`` on an all-*NA* series is conceptually the same as the ``.sum`` of an empty one with ``skipna=True`` (the default). .. ipython:: python pd.Series([np.nan]).sum(min_count=1) # skipna=True by default The ``min_count`` parameter refers to the minimum number of *non-null* values required for a non-NA sum or product. :meth:`Series.prod` has been updated to behave the same as :meth:`Series.sum`, returning ``1`` instead. .. ipython:: python :okwarning: pd.Series([]).prod() pd.Series([np.nan]).prod() pd.Series([]).prod(min_count=1) These changes affect :meth:`DataFrame.sum` and :meth:`DataFrame.prod` as well. Finally, a few less obvious places in pandas are affected by this change. Grouping by a Categorical ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Grouping by a ``Categorical`` and summing now returns ``0`` instead of ``NaN`` for categories with no observations. The product now returns ``1`` instead of ``NaN``. *pandas 0.21.x* .. code-block:: ipython In [8]: grouper = pd.Categorical(['a', 'a'], categories=['a', 'b']) In [9]: pd.Series([1, 2]).groupby(grouper, observed=False).sum() Out[9]: a 3.0 b NaN dtype: float64 *pandas 0.22* .. ipython:: python grouper = pd.Categorical(["a", "a"], categories=["a", "b"]) pd.Series([1, 2]).groupby(grouper, observed=False).sum() To restore the 0.21 behavior of returning ``NaN`` for unobserved groups, use ``min_count>=1``. .. ipython:: python pd.Series([1, 2]).groupby(grouper, observed=False).sum(min_count=1) Resample ^^^^^^^^ The sum and product of all-*NA* bins has changed from ``NaN`` to ``0`` for sum and ``1`` for product. *pandas 0.21.x* .. code-block:: ipython In [11]: s = pd.Series([1, 1, np.nan, np.nan], ....: index=pd.date_range('2017', periods=4)) ....: s Out[11]: 2017-01-01 1.0 2017-01-02 1.0 2017-01-03 NaN 2017-01-04 NaN Freq: D, dtype: float64 In [12]: s.resample('2d').sum() Out[12]: 2017-01-01 2.0 2017-01-03 NaN Freq: 2D, dtype: float64 *pandas 0.22.0* .. ipython:: python s = pd.Series([1, 1, np.nan, np.nan], index=pd.date_range("2017", periods=4)) s.resample("2d").sum() To restore the 0.21 behavior of returning ``NaN``, use ``min_count>=1``. .. ipython:: python s.resample("2d").sum(min_count=1) In particular, upsampling and taking the sum or product is affected, as upsampling introduces missing values even if the original series was entirely valid. *pandas 0.21.x* .. code-block:: ipython In [14]: idx = pd.DatetimeIndex(['2017-01-01', '2017-01-02']) In [15]: pd.Series([1, 2], index=idx).resample('12H').sum() Out[15]: 2017-01-01 00:00:00 1.0 2017-01-01 12:00:00 NaN 2017-01-02 00:00:00 2.0 Freq: 12H, dtype: float64 *pandas 0.22.0* .. ipython:: python idx = pd.DatetimeIndex(["2017-01-01", "2017-01-02"]) pd.Series([1, 2], index=idx).resample("12H").sum() Once again, the ``min_count`` keyword is available to restore the 0.21 behavior. .. ipython:: python pd.Series([1, 2], index=idx).resample("12H").sum(min_count=1) Rolling and expanding ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Rolling and expanding already have a ``min_periods`` keyword that behaves similar to ``min_count``. The only case that changes is when doing a rolling or expanding sum with ``min_periods=0``. Previously this returned ``NaN``, when fewer than ``min_periods`` non-*NA* values were in the window. Now it returns ``0``. *pandas 0.21.1* .. code-block:: ipython In [17]: s = pd.Series([np.nan, np.nan]) In [18]: s.rolling(2, min_periods=0).sum() Out[18]: 0 NaN 1 NaN dtype: float64 *pandas 0.22.0* .. ipython:: python s = pd.Series([np.nan, np.nan]) s.rolling(2, min_periods=0).sum() The default behavior of ``min_periods=None``, implying that ``min_periods`` equals the window size, is unchanged. Compatibility ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you maintain a library that should work across pandas versions, it may be easiest to exclude pandas 0.21 from your requirements. Otherwise, all your ``sum()`` calls would need to check if the ``Series`` is empty before summing. With setuptools, in your ``setup.py`` use:: install_requires=['pandas!=0.21.*', ...] With conda, use .. code-block:: yaml requirements: run: - pandas !=0.21.0,!=0.21.1 Note that the inconsistency in the return value for all-*NA* series is still there for pandas 0.20.3 and earlier. Avoiding pandas 0.21 will only help with the empty case. .. _whatsnew_0.22.0.contributors: Contributors ~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. contributors:: v0.21.1..v0.22.0