{{ header }} .. _api: ============= API reference ============= This page gives an overview of all public pandas objects, functions and methods. All classes and functions exposed in ``pandas.*`` namespace are public. The following subpackages are public. - ``pandas.errors``: Custom exception and warnings classes that are raised by pandas. - ``pandas.plotting``: Plotting public API. - ``pandas.testing``: Functions that are useful for writing tests involving pandas objects. - ``pandas.api.extensions``: Functions and classes for extending pandas objects. - ``pandas.api.indexers``: Functions and classes for rolling window indexers. - ``pandas.api.interchange``: DataFrame interchange protocol. - ``pandas.api.types``: Datatype classes and functions. - ``pandas.api.typing``: Classes that may be necessary for type-hinting. These are classes that are encountered as intermediate results but should not be instantiated directly by users. These classes are not to be confused with classes from the `pandas-stubs `_ package which has classes in addition to those that occur in pandas for type-hinting. In addition, public functions in ``pandas.io``, ``pandas.tseries``, ``pandas.util`` submodules are explicitly mentioned in the documentation. Further APIs in these modules are not guaranteed to be stable. .. warning:: The ``pandas.core``, ``pandas.compat`` top-level modules are PRIVATE. Stable functionality in such modules is not guaranteed. .. If you update this toctree, also update the manual toctree in the .. main index.rst.template .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 io general_functions series frame arrays indexing offset_frequency window groupby resampling style plotting options extensions testing missing_value .. This is to prevent warnings in the doc build. We don't want to encourage .. these methods. .. .. toctree:: api/pandas.Index.nlevels api/pandas.Index.sort .. Can't convince sphinx to generate toctree for this class attribute. .. So we do it manually to avoid a warning .. .. toctree:: api/pandas.api.extensions.ExtensionDtype.na_value