.. _whatsnew_0130: Version 0.13.0 (January 3, 2014) -------------------------------- {{ header }} This is a major release from 0.12.0 and includes a number of API changes, several new features and enhancements along with a large number of bug fixes. Highlights include: - support for a new index type ``Float64Index``, and other Indexing enhancements - ``HDFStore`` has a new string based syntax for query specification - support for new methods of interpolation - updated ``timedelta`` operations - a new string manipulation method ``extract`` - Nanosecond support for Offsets - ``isin`` for DataFrames Several experimental features are added, including: - new ``eval/query`` methods for expression evaluation - support for ``msgpack`` serialization - an i/o interface to Google's ``BigQuery`` Their are several new or updated docs sections including: - :ref:`Comparison with SQL`, which should be useful for those familiar with SQL but still learning pandas. - :ref:`Comparison with R`, idiom translations from R to pandas. - :ref:`Enhancing Performance`, ways to enhance pandas performance with ``eval/query``. .. warning:: In 0.13.0 ``Series`` has internally been refactored to no longer sub-class ``ndarray`` but instead subclass ``NDFrame``, similar to the rest of the pandas containers. This should be a transparent change with only very limited API implications. See :ref:`Internal Refactoring` API changes ~~~~~~~~~~~ - ``read_excel`` now supports an integer in its ``sheetname`` argument giving the index of the sheet to read in (:issue:`4301`). - Text parser now treats anything that reads like inf ("inf", "Inf", "-Inf", "iNf", etc.) as infinity. (:issue:`4220`, :issue:`4219`), affecting ``read_table``, ``read_csv``, etc. - ``pandas`` now is Python 2/3 compatible without the need for 2to3 thanks to @jtratner. As a result, pandas now uses iterators more extensively. This also led to the introduction of substantive parts of the Benjamin Peterson's ``six`` library into compat. (:issue:`4384`, :issue:`4375`, :issue:`4372`) - ``pandas.util.compat`` and ``pandas.util.py3compat`` have been merged into ``pandas.compat``. ``pandas.compat`` now includes many functions allowing 2/3 compatibility. It contains both list and iterator versions of range, filter, map and zip, plus other necessary elements for Python 3 compatibility. ``lmap``, ``lzip``, ``lrange`` and ``lfilter`` all produce lists instead of iterators, for compatibility with ``numpy``, subscripting and ``pandas`` constructors.(:issue:`4384`, :issue:`4375`, :issue:`4372`) - ``Series.get`` with negative indexers now returns the same as ``[]`` (:issue:`4390`) - Changes to how ``Index`` and ``MultiIndex`` handle metadata (``levels``, ``labels``, and ``names``) (:issue:`4039`): .. code-block:: python # previously, you would have set levels or labels directly >>> pd.index.levels = [[1, 2, 3, 4], [1, 2, 4, 4]] # now, you use the set_levels or set_labels methods >>> index = pd.index.set_levels([[1, 2, 3, 4], [1, 2, 4, 4]]) # similarly, for names, you can rename the object # but setting names is not deprecated >>> index = pd.index.set_names(["bob", "cranberry"]) # and all methods take an inplace kwarg - but return None >>> pd.index.set_names(["bob", "cranberry"], inplace=True) - **All** division with ``NDFrame`` objects is now *truedivision*, regardless of the future import. This means that operating on pandas objects will by default use *floating point* division, and return a floating point dtype. You can use ``//`` and ``floordiv`` to do integer division. Integer division .. code-block:: ipython In [3]: arr = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4]) In [4]: arr2 = np.array([5, 3, 2, 1]) In [5]: arr / arr2 Out[5]: array([0, 0, 1, 4]) In [6]: pd.Series(arr) // pd.Series(arr2) Out[6]: 0 0 1 0 2 1 3 4 dtype: int64 True Division .. code-block:: ipython In [7]: pd.Series(arr) / pd.Series(arr2) # no future import required Out[7]: 0 0.200000 1 0.666667 2 1.500000 3 4.000000 dtype: float64 - Infer and downcast dtype if ``downcast='infer'`` is passed to ``fillna/ffill/bfill`` (:issue:`4604`) - ``__nonzero__`` for all NDFrame objects, will now raise a ``ValueError``, this reverts back to (:issue:`1073`, :issue:`4633`) behavior. See :ref:`gotchas` for a more detailed discussion. This prevents doing boolean comparison on *entire* pandas objects, which is inherently ambiguous. These all will raise a ``ValueError``. .. code-block:: python >>> df = pd.DataFrame({'A': np.random.randn(10), ... 'B': np.random.randn(10), ... 'C': pd.date_range('20130101', periods=10) ... }) ... >>> if df: ... pass ... Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: The truth value of a DataFrame is ambiguous. Use a.empty, a.bool(), a.item(), a.any() or a.all(). >>> df1 = df >>> df2 = df >>> df1 and df2 Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: The truth value of a DataFrame is ambiguous. Use a.empty, a.bool(), a.item(), a.any() or a.all(). >>> d = [1, 2, 3] >>> s1 = pd.Series(d) >>> s2 = pd.Series(d) >>> s1 and s2 Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: The truth value of a DataFrame is ambiguous. Use a.empty, a.bool(), a.item(), a.any() or a.all(). Added the ``.bool()`` method to ``NDFrame`` objects to facilitate evaluating of single-element boolean Series: .. code-block:: python >>> pd.Series([True]).bool() True >>> pd.Series([False]).bool() False >>> pd.DataFrame([[True]]).bool() True >>> pd.DataFrame([[False]]).bool() False - All non-Index NDFrames (``Series``, ``DataFrame``, ``Panel``, ``Panel4D``, ``SparsePanel``, etc.), now support the entire set of arithmetic operators and arithmetic flex methods (add, sub, mul, etc.). ``SparsePanel`` does not support ``pow`` or ``mod`` with non-scalars. (:issue:`3765`) - ``Series`` and ``DataFrame`` now have a ``mode()`` method to calculate the statistical mode(s) by axis/Series. (:issue:`5367`) - Chained assignment will now by default warn if the user is assigning to a copy. This can be changed with the option ``mode.chained_assignment``, allowed options are ``raise/warn/None``. .. ipython:: python dfc = pd.DataFrame({'A': ['aaa', 'bbb', 'ccc'], 'B': [1, 2, 3]}) pd.set_option('chained_assignment', 'warn') The following warning / exception will show if this is attempted. .. ipython:: python :okwarning: dfc.loc[0]['A'] = 1111 :: Traceback (most recent call last) ... SettingWithCopyWarning: A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame. Try using .loc[row_index,col_indexer] = value instead Here is the correct method of assignment. .. ipython:: python dfc.loc[0, 'A'] = 11 dfc - ``Panel.reindex`` has the following call signature ``Panel.reindex(items=None, major_axis=None, minor_axis=None, **kwargs)`` to conform with other ``NDFrame`` objects. See :ref:`Internal Refactoring` for more information. - ``Series.argmin`` and ``Series.argmax`` are now aliased to ``Series.idxmin`` and ``Series.idxmax``. These return the *index* of the min or max element respectively. Prior to 0.13.0 these would return the position of the min / max element. (:issue:`6214`) Prior version deprecations/changes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ These were announced changes in 0.12 or prior that are taking effect as of 0.13.0 - Remove deprecated ``Factor`` (:issue:`3650`) - Remove deprecated ``set_printoptions/reset_printoptions`` (:issue:`3046`) - Remove deprecated ``_verbose_info`` (:issue:`3215`) - Remove deprecated ``read_clipboard/to_clipboard/ExcelFile/ExcelWriter`` from ``pandas.io.parsers`` (:issue:`3717`) These are available as functions in the main pandas namespace (e.g. ``pd.read_clipboard``) - default for ``tupleize_cols`` is now ``False`` for both ``to_csv`` and ``read_csv``. Fair warning in 0.12 (:issue:`3604`) - default for ``display.max_seq_len`` is now 100 rather than ``None``. This activates truncated display ("...") of long sequences in various places. (:issue:`3391`) Deprecations ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Deprecated in 0.13.0 - deprecated ``iterkv``, which will be removed in a future release (this was an alias of iteritems used to bypass ``2to3``'s changes). (:issue:`4384`, :issue:`4375`, :issue:`4372`) - deprecated the string method ``match``, whose role is now performed more idiomatically by ``extract``. In a future release, the default behavior of ``match`` will change to become analogous to ``contains``, which returns a boolean indexer. (Their distinction is strictness: ``match`` relies on ``re.match`` while ``contains`` relies on ``re.search``.) In this release, the deprecated behavior is the default, but the new behavior is available through the keyword argument ``as_indexer=True``. Indexing API changes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Prior to 0.13, it was impossible to use a label indexer (``.loc/.ix``) to set a value that was not contained in the index of a particular axis. (:issue:`2578`). See :ref:`the docs` In the ``Series`` case this is effectively an appending operation .. ipython:: python s = pd.Series([1, 2, 3]) s s[5] = 5. s .. ipython:: python dfi = pd.DataFrame(np.arange(6).reshape(3, 2), columns=['A', 'B']) dfi This would previously ``KeyError`` .. ipython:: python dfi.loc[:, 'C'] = dfi.loc[:, 'A'] dfi This is like an ``append`` operation. .. ipython:: python dfi.loc[3] = 5 dfi A Panel setting operation on an arbitrary axis aligns the input to the Panel .. code-block:: ipython In [20]: p = pd.Panel(np.arange(16).reshape(2, 4, 2), ....: items=['Item1', 'Item2'], ....: major_axis=pd.date_range('2001/1/12', periods=4), ....: minor_axis=['A', 'B'], dtype='float64') ....: In [21]: p Out[21]: Dimensions: 2 (items) x 4 (major_axis) x 2 (minor_axis) Items axis: Item1 to Item2 Major_axis axis: 2001-01-12 00:00:00 to 2001-01-15 00:00:00 Minor_axis axis: A to B In [22]: p.loc[:, :, 'C'] = pd.Series([30, 32], index=p.items) In [23]: p Out[23]: Dimensions: 2 (items) x 4 (major_axis) x 3 (minor_axis) Items axis: Item1 to Item2 Major_axis axis: 2001-01-12 00:00:00 to 2001-01-15 00:00:00 Minor_axis axis: A to C In [24]: p.loc[:, :, 'C'] Out[24]: Item1 Item2 2001-01-12 30.0 32.0 2001-01-13 30.0 32.0 2001-01-14 30.0 32.0 2001-01-15 30.0 32.0 Float64Index API change ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Added a new index type, ``Float64Index``. This will be automatically created when passing floating values in index creation. This enables a pure label-based slicing paradigm that makes ``[],ix,loc`` for scalar indexing and slicing work exactly the same. (:issue:`263`) Construction is by default for floating type values. .. ipython:: python index = pd.Index([1.5, 2, 3, 4.5, 5]) index s = pd.Series(range(5), index=index) s Scalar selection for ``[],.ix,.loc`` will always be label based. An integer will match an equal float index (e.g. ``3`` is equivalent to ``3.0``) .. ipython:: python s[3] s.loc[3] The only positional indexing is via ``iloc`` .. ipython:: python s.iloc[3] A scalar index that is not found will raise ``KeyError`` Slicing is ALWAYS on the values of the index, for ``[],ix,loc`` and ALWAYS positional with ``iloc`` .. ipython:: python :okwarning: s.loc[2:4] s.iloc[2:4] In float indexes, slicing using floats are allowed .. ipython:: python s[2.1:4.6] s.loc[2.1:4.6] - Indexing on other index types are preserved (and positional fallback for ``[],ix``), with the exception, that floating point slicing on indexes on non ``Float64Index`` will now raise a ``TypeError``. .. code-block:: ipython In [1]: pd.Series(range(5))[3.5] TypeError: the label [3.5] is not a proper indexer for this index type (Int64Index) In [1]: pd.Series(range(5))[3.5:4.5] TypeError: the slice start [3.5] is not a proper indexer for this index type (Int64Index) Using a scalar float indexer will be deprecated in a future version, but is allowed for now. .. code-block:: ipython In [3]: pd.Series(range(5))[3.0] Out[3]: 3 HDFStore API changes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Query Format Changes. A much more string-like query format is now supported. See :ref:`the docs`. .. ipython:: python path = 'test.h5' dfq = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(10, 4), columns=list('ABCD'), index=pd.date_range('20130101', periods=10)) dfq.to_hdf(path, key='dfq', format='table', data_columns=True) Use boolean expressions, with in-line function evaluation. .. ipython:: python pd.read_hdf(path, 'dfq', where="index>Timestamp('20130104') & columns=['A', 'B']") Use an inline column reference .. ipython:: python pd.read_hdf(path, 'dfq', where="A>0 or C>0") .. ipython:: python :suppress: import os os.remove(path) - the ``format`` keyword now replaces the ``table`` keyword; allowed values are ``fixed(f)`` or ``table(t)`` the same defaults as prior < 0.13.0 remain, e.g. ``put`` implies ``fixed`` format and ``append`` implies ``table`` format. This default format can be set as an option by setting ``io.hdf.default_format``. .. ipython:: python path = 'test.h5' df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(10, 2)) df.to_hdf(path, key='df_table', format='table') df.to_hdf(path, key='df_table2', append=True) df.to_hdf(path, key='df_fixed') with pd.HDFStore(path) as store: print(store) .. ipython:: python :suppress: import os os.remove(path) - Significant table writing performance improvements - handle a passed ``Series`` in table format (:issue:`4330`) - can now serialize a ``timedelta64[ns]`` dtype in a table (:issue:`3577`), See :ref:`the docs`. - added an ``is_open`` property to indicate if the underlying file handle is_open; a closed store will now report 'CLOSED' when viewing the store (rather than raising an error) (:issue:`4409`) - a close of a ``HDFStore`` now will close that instance of the ``HDFStore`` but will only close the actual file if the ref count (by ``PyTables``) w.r.t. all of the open handles are 0. Essentially you have a local instance of ``HDFStore`` referenced by a variable. Once you close it, it will report closed. Other references (to the same file) will continue to operate until they themselves are closed. Performing an action on a closed file will raise ``ClosedFileError`` .. ipython:: python path = 'test.h5' df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(10, 2)) store1 = pd.HDFStore(path) store2 = pd.HDFStore(path) store1.append('df', df) store2.append('df2', df) store1 store2 store1.close() store2 store2.close() store2 .. ipython:: python :suppress: import os os.remove(path) - removed the ``_quiet`` attribute, replace by a ``DuplicateWarning`` if retrieving duplicate rows from a table (:issue:`4367`) - removed the ``warn`` argument from ``open``. Instead a ``PossibleDataLossError`` exception will be raised if you try to use ``mode='w'`` with an OPEN file handle (:issue:`4367`) - allow a passed locations array or mask as a ``where`` condition (:issue:`4467`). See :ref:`the docs` for an example. - add the keyword ``dropna=True`` to ``append`` to change whether ALL nan rows are not written to the store (default is ``True``, ALL nan rows are NOT written), also settable via the option ``io.hdf.dropna_table`` (:issue:`4625`) - pass through store creation arguments; can be used to support in-memory stores DataFrame repr changes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The HTML and plain text representations of :class:`DataFrame` now show a truncated view of the table once it exceeds a certain size, rather than switching to the short info view (:issue:`4886`, :issue:`5550`). This makes the representation more consistent as small DataFrames get larger. .. image:: ../_static/df_repr_truncated.png :alt: Truncated HTML representation of a DataFrame To get the info view, call :meth:`DataFrame.info`. If you prefer the info view as the repr for large DataFrames, you can set this by running ``set_option('display.large_repr', 'info')``. Enhancements ~~~~~~~~~~~~ - ``df.to_clipboard()`` learned a new ``excel`` keyword that let's you paste df data directly into excel (enabled by default). (:issue:`5070`). - ``read_html`` now raises a ``URLError`` instead of catching and raising a ``ValueError`` (:issue:`4303`, :issue:`4305`) - Added a test for ``read_clipboard()`` and ``to_clipboard()`` (:issue:`4282`) - Clipboard functionality now works with PySide (:issue:`4282`) - Added a more informative error message when plot arguments contain overlapping color and style arguments (:issue:`4402`) - ``to_dict`` now takes ``records`` as a possible out type. Returns an array of column-keyed dictionaries. (:issue:`4936`) - ``NaN`` handing in get_dummies (:issue:`4446`) with ``dummy_na`` .. ipython:: python # previously, nan was erroneously counted as 2 here # now it is not counted at all pd.get_dummies([1, 2, np.nan]) # unless requested pd.get_dummies([1, 2, np.nan], dummy_na=True) - ``timedelta64[ns]`` operations. See :ref:`the docs`. .. warning:: Most of these operations require ``numpy >= 1.7`` Using the new top-level ``to_timedelta``, you can convert a scalar or array from the standard timedelta format (produced by ``to_csv``) into a timedelta type (``np.timedelta64`` in ``nanoseconds``). .. code-block:: ipython In [53]: pd.to_timedelta('1 days 06:05:01.00003') Out[53]: Timedelta('1 days 06:05:01.000030') In [54]: pd.to_timedelta('15.5us') Out[54]: Timedelta('0 days 00:00:00.000015500') In [55]: pd.to_timedelta(['1 days 06:05:01.00003', '15.5us', 'nan']) Out[55]: TimedeltaIndex(['1 days 06:05:01.000030', '0 days 00:00:00.000015500', NaT], dtype='timedelta64[ns]', freq=None) In [56]: pd.to_timedelta(np.arange(5), unit='s') Out[56]: TimedeltaIndex(['0 days 00:00:00', '0 days 00:00:01', '0 days 00:00:02', '0 days 00:00:03', '0 days 00:00:04'], dtype='timedelta64[ns]', freq=None) In [57]: pd.to_timedelta(np.arange(5), unit='d') Out[57]: TimedeltaIndex(['0 days', '1 days', '2 days', '3 days', '4 days'], dtype='timedelta64[ns]', freq=None) A Series of dtype ``timedelta64[ns]`` can now be divided by another ``timedelta64[ns]`` object, or astyped to yield a ``float64`` dtyped Series. This is frequency conversion. See :ref:`the docs` for the docs. .. ipython:: python import datetime td = pd.Series(pd.date_range('20130101', periods=4)) - pd.Series( pd.date_range('20121201', periods=4)) td[2] += np.timedelta64(datetime.timedelta(minutes=5, seconds=3)) td[3] = np.nan td .. code-block:: ipython # to days In [63]: td / np.timedelta64(1, 'D') Out[63]: 0 31.000000 1 31.000000 2 31.003507 3 NaN dtype: float64 In [64]: td.astype('timedelta64[D]') Out[64]: 0 31.0 1 31.0 2 31.0 3 NaN dtype: float64 # to seconds In [65]: td / np.timedelta64(1, 's') Out[65]: 0 2678400.0 1 2678400.0 2 2678703.0 3 NaN dtype: float64 In [66]: td.astype('timedelta64[s]') Out[66]: 0 2678400.0 1 2678400.0 2 2678703.0 3 NaN dtype: float64 Dividing or multiplying a ``timedelta64[ns]`` Series by an integer or integer Series .. ipython:: python td * -1 td * pd.Series([1, 2, 3, 4]) Absolute ``DateOffset`` objects can act equivalently to ``timedeltas`` .. ipython:: python from pandas import offsets td + offsets.Minute(5) + offsets.Milli(5) Fillna is now supported for timedeltas .. ipython:: python td.fillna(pd.Timedelta(0)) td.fillna(datetime.timedelta(days=1, seconds=5)) You can do numeric reduction operations on timedeltas. .. ipython:: python td.mean() td.quantile(.1) - ``plot(kind='kde')`` now accepts the optional parameters ``bw_method`` and ``ind``, passed to scipy.stats.gaussian_kde() (for scipy >= 0.11.0) to set the bandwidth, and to gkde.evaluate() to specify the indices at which it is evaluated, respectively. See scipy docs. (:issue:`4298`) - DataFrame constructor now accepts a numpy masked record array (:issue:`3478`) - The new vectorized string method ``extract`` return regular expression matches more conveniently. .. ipython:: python :okwarning: pd.Series(['a1', 'b2', 'c3']).str.extract('[ab](\\d)') Elements that do not match return ``NaN``. Extracting a regular expression with more than one group returns a DataFrame with one column per group. .. ipython:: python :okwarning: pd.Series(['a1', 'b2', 'c3']).str.extract('([ab])(\\d)') Elements that do not match return a row of ``NaN``. Thus, a Series of messy strings can be *converted* into a like-indexed Series or DataFrame of cleaned-up or more useful strings, without necessitating ``get()`` to access tuples or ``re.match`` objects. Named groups like .. ipython:: python :okwarning: pd.Series(['a1', 'b2', 'c3']).str.extract( '(?P[ab])(?P\\d)') and optional groups can also be used. .. ipython:: python :okwarning: pd.Series(['a1', 'b2', '3']).str.extract( '(?P[ab])?(?P\\d)') - ``read_stata`` now accepts Stata 13 format (:issue:`4291`) - ``read_fwf`` now infers the column specifications from the first 100 rows of the file if the data has correctly separated and properly aligned columns using the delimiter provided to the function (:issue:`4488`). - support for nanosecond times as an offset .. warning:: These operations require ``numpy >= 1.7`` Period conversions in the range of seconds and below were reworked and extended up to nanoseconds. Periods in the nanosecond range are now available. .. code-block:: python In [79]: pd.date_range('2013-01-01', periods=5, freq='5N') Out[79]: DatetimeIndex([ '2013-01-01 00:00:00', '2013-01-01 00:00:00.000000005', '2013-01-01 00:00:00.000000010', '2013-01-01 00:00:00.000000015', '2013-01-01 00:00:00.000000020'], dtype='datetime64[ns]', freq='5N') or with frequency as offset .. ipython:: python pd.date_range('2013-01-01', periods=5, freq=pd.offsets.Nano(5)) Timestamps can be modified in the nanosecond range .. ipython:: python t = pd.Timestamp('20130101 09:01:02') t + pd.tseries.offsets.Nano(123) - A new method, ``isin`` for DataFrames, which plays nicely with boolean indexing. The argument to ``isin``, what we're comparing the DataFrame to, can be a DataFrame, Series, dict, or array of values. See :ref:`the docs` for more. To get the rows where any of the conditions are met: .. ipython:: python dfi = pd.DataFrame({'A': [1, 2, 3, 4], 'B': ['a', 'b', 'f', 'n']}) dfi other = pd.DataFrame({'A': [1, 3, 3, 7], 'B': ['e', 'f', 'f', 'e']}) mask = dfi.isin(other) mask dfi[mask.any(axis=1)] - ``Series`` now supports a ``to_frame`` method to convert it to a single-column DataFrame (:issue:`5164`) - All R datasets listed here http://stat.ethz.ch/R-manual/R-devel/library/datasets/html/00Index.html can now be loaded into pandas objects .. code-block:: python # note that pandas.rpy was deprecated in v0.16.0 import pandas.rpy.common as com com.load_data('Titanic') - ``tz_localize`` can infer a fall daylight savings transition based on the structure of the unlocalized data (:issue:`4230`), see :ref:`the docs` - ``DatetimeIndex`` is now in the API documentation, see :ref:`the docs` - :meth:`~pandas.io.json.json_normalize` is a new method to allow you to create a flat table from semi-structured JSON data. See :ref:`the docs` (:issue:`1067`) - Added PySide support for the qtpandas DataFrameModel and DataFrameWidget. - Python csv parser now supports usecols (:issue:`4335`) - Frequencies gained several new offsets: * ``LastWeekOfMonth`` (:issue:`4637`) * ``FY5253``, and ``FY5253Quarter`` (:issue:`4511`) - DataFrame has a new ``interpolate`` method, similar to Series (:issue:`4434`, :issue:`1892`) .. ipython:: python df = pd.DataFrame({'A': [1, 2.1, np.nan, 4.7, 5.6, 6.8], 'B': [.25, np.nan, np.nan, 4, 12.2, 14.4]}) df.interpolate() Additionally, the ``method`` argument to ``interpolate`` has been expanded to include ``'nearest', 'zero', 'slinear', 'quadratic', 'cubic', 'barycentric', 'krogh', 'piecewise_polynomial', 'pchip', 'polynomial', 'spline'`` The new methods require scipy_. Consult the Scipy reference guide_ and documentation_ for more information about when the various methods are appropriate. See :ref:`the docs`. Interpolate now also accepts a ``limit`` keyword argument. This works similar to ``fillna``'s limit: .. ipython:: python ser = pd.Series([1, 3, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, 11]) ser.interpolate(limit=2) - Added ``wide_to_long`` panel data convenience function. See :ref:`the docs`. .. ipython:: python np.random.seed(123) df = pd.DataFrame({"A1970" : {0 : "a", 1 : "b", 2 : "c"}, "A1980" : {0 : "d", 1 : "e", 2 : "f"}, "B1970" : {0 : 2.5, 1 : 1.2, 2 : .7}, "B1980" : {0 : 3.2, 1 : 1.3, 2 : .1}, "X" : dict(zip(range(3), np.random.randn(3))) }) df["id"] = df.index df pd.wide_to_long(df, ["A", "B"], i="id", j="year") .. _scipy: http://www.scipy.org .. _documentation: http://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy/reference/interpolate.html#univariate-interpolation .. _guide: https://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy/tutorial/interpolate.html - ``to_csv`` now takes a ``date_format`` keyword argument that specifies how output datetime objects should be formatted. Datetimes encountered in the index, columns, and values will all have this formatting applied. (:issue:`4313`) - ``DataFrame.plot`` will scatter plot x versus y by passing ``kind='scatter'`` (:issue:`2215`) - Added support for Google Analytics v3 API segment IDs that also supports v2 IDs. (:issue:`5271`) .. _whatsnew_0130.experimental: Experimental ~~~~~~~~~~~~ - The new :func:`~pandas.eval` function implements expression evaluation using ``numexpr`` behind the scenes. This results in large speedups for complicated expressions involving large DataFrames/Series. For example, .. ipython:: python nrows, ncols = 20000, 100 df1, df2, df3, df4 = [pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(nrows, ncols)) for _ in range(4)] .. ipython:: python # eval with NumExpr backend %timeit pd.eval('df1 + df2 + df3 + df4') .. ipython:: python # pure Python evaluation %timeit df1 + df2 + df3 + df4 For more details, see the :ref:`the docs` - Similar to ``pandas.eval``, :class:`~pandas.DataFrame` has a new ``DataFrame.eval`` method that evaluates an expression in the context of the ``DataFrame``. For example, .. ipython:: python :suppress: try: del a # noqa: F821 except NameError: pass try: del b # noqa: F821 except NameError: pass .. ipython:: python df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(10, 2), columns=['a', 'b']) df.eval('a + b') - :meth:`~pandas.DataFrame.query` method has been added that allows you to select elements of a ``DataFrame`` using a natural query syntax nearly identical to Python syntax. For example, .. ipython:: python :suppress: try: del a # noqa: F821 except NameError: pass try: del b # noqa: F821 except NameError: pass try: del c # noqa: F821 except NameError: pass .. ipython:: python n = 20 df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randint(n, size=(n, 3)), columns=['a', 'b', 'c']) df.query('a < b < c') selects all the rows of ``df`` where ``a < b < c`` evaluates to ``True``. For more details see the :ref:`the docs`. - ``pd.read_msgpack()`` and ``pd.to_msgpack()`` are now a supported method of serialization of arbitrary pandas (and python objects) in a lightweight portable binary format. See :ref:`the docs` .. warning:: Since this is an EXPERIMENTAL LIBRARY, the storage format may not be stable until a future release. .. code-block:: python df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.rand(5, 2), columns=list('AB')) df.to_msgpack('foo.msg') pd.read_msgpack('foo.msg') s = pd.Series(np.random.rand(5), index=pd.date_range('20130101', periods=5)) pd.to_msgpack('foo.msg', df, s) pd.read_msgpack('foo.msg') You can pass ``iterator=True`` to iterator over the unpacked results .. code-block:: python for o in pd.read_msgpack('foo.msg', iterator=True): print(o) .. ipython:: python :suppress: :okexcept: os.remove('foo.msg') - ``pandas.io.gbq`` provides a simple way to extract from, and load data into, Google's BigQuery Data Sets by way of pandas DataFrames. BigQuery is a high performance SQL-like database service, useful for performing ad-hoc queries against extremely large datasets. :ref:`See the docs ` .. code-block:: python from pandas.io import gbq # A query to select the average monthly temperatures in the # in the year 2000 across the USA. The dataset, # publicata:samples.gsod, is available on all BigQuery accounts, # and is based on NOAA gsod data. query = """SELECT station_number as STATION, month as MONTH, AVG(mean_temp) as MEAN_TEMP FROM publicdata:samples.gsod WHERE YEAR = 2000 GROUP BY STATION, MONTH ORDER BY STATION, MONTH ASC""" # Fetch the result set for this query # Your Google BigQuery Project ID # To find this, see your dashboard: # https://console.developers.google.com/iam-admin/projects?authuser=0 projectid = 'xxxxxxxxx' df = gbq.read_gbq(query, project_id=projectid) # Use pandas to process and reshape the dataset df2 = df.pivot(index='STATION', columns='MONTH', values='MEAN_TEMP') df3 = pd.concat([df2.min(), df2.mean(), df2.max()], axis=1, keys=["Min Tem", "Mean Temp", "Max Temp"]) The resulting DataFrame is:: > df3 Min Tem Mean Temp Max Temp MONTH 1 -53.336667 39.827892 89.770968 2 -49.837500 43.685219 93.437932 3 -77.926087 48.708355 96.099998 4 -82.892858 55.070087 97.317240 5 -92.378261 61.428117 102.042856 6 -77.703334 65.858888 102.900000 7 -87.821428 68.169663 106.510714 8 -89.431999 68.614215 105.500000 9 -86.611112 63.436935 107.142856 10 -78.209677 56.880838 92.103333 11 -50.125000 48.861228 94.996428 12 -50.332258 42.286879 94.396774 .. warning:: To use this module, you will need a BigQuery account. See for details. As of 10/10/13, there is a bug in Google's API preventing result sets from being larger than 100,000 rows. A patch is scheduled for the week of 10/14/13. .. _whatsnew_0130.refactoring: Internal refactoring ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In 0.13.0 there is a major refactor primarily to subclass ``Series`` from ``NDFrame``, which is the base class currently for ``DataFrame`` and ``Panel``, to unify methods and behaviors. Series formerly subclassed directly from ``ndarray``. (:issue:`4080`, :issue:`3862`, :issue:`816`) .. warning:: There are two potential incompatibilities from < 0.13.0 - Using certain numpy functions would previously return a ``Series`` if passed a ``Series`` as an argument. This seems only to affect ``np.ones_like``, ``np.empty_like``, ``np.diff`` and ``np.where``. These now return ``ndarrays``. .. ipython:: python s = pd.Series([1, 2, 3, 4]) Numpy Usage .. ipython:: python np.ones_like(s) np.diff(s) np.where(s > 1, s, np.nan) Pandonic Usage .. ipython:: python pd.Series(1, index=s.index) s.diff() s.where(s > 1) - Passing a ``Series`` directly to a cython function expecting an ``ndarray`` type will no long work directly, you must pass ``Series.values``, See :ref:`Enhancing Performance` - ``Series(0.5)`` would previously return the scalar ``0.5``, instead this will return a 1-element ``Series`` - This change breaks ``rpy2<=2.3.8``. an Issue has been opened against rpy2 and a workaround is detailed in :issue:`5698`. Thanks @JanSchulz. - Pickle compatibility is preserved for pickles created prior to 0.13. These must be unpickled with ``pd.read_pickle``, see :ref:`Pickling`. - Refactor of series.py/frame.py/panel.py to move common code to generic.py - added ``_setup_axes`` to created generic NDFrame structures - moved methods - ``from_axes,_wrap_array,axes,ix,loc,iloc,shape,empty,swapaxes,transpose,pop`` - ``__iter__,keys,__contains__,__len__,__neg__,__invert__`` - ``convert_objects,as_blocks,as_matrix,values`` - ``__getstate__,__setstate__`` (compat remains in frame/panel) - ``__getattr__,__setattr__`` - ``_indexed_same,reindex_like,align,where,mask`` - ``fillna,replace`` (``Series`` replace is now consistent with ``DataFrame``) - ``filter`` (also added axis argument to selectively filter on a different axis) - ``reindex,reindex_axis,take`` - ``truncate`` (moved to become part of ``NDFrame``) - These are API changes which make ``Panel`` more consistent with ``DataFrame`` - ``swapaxes`` on a ``Panel`` with the same axes specified now return a copy - support attribute access for setting - filter supports the same API as the original ``DataFrame`` filter - Reindex called with no arguments will now return a copy of the input object - ``TimeSeries`` is now an alias for ``Series``. the property ``is_time_series`` can be used to distinguish (if desired) - Refactor of Sparse objects to use BlockManager - Created a new block type in internals, ``SparseBlock``, which can hold multi-dtypes and is non-consolidatable. ``SparseSeries`` and ``SparseDataFrame`` now inherit more methods from there hierarchy (Series/DataFrame), and no longer inherit from ``SparseArray`` (which instead is the object of the ``SparseBlock``) - Sparse suite now supports integration with non-sparse data. Non-float sparse data is supportable (partially implemented) - Operations on sparse structures within DataFrames should preserve sparseness, merging type operations will convert to dense (and back to sparse), so might be somewhat inefficient - enable setitem on ``SparseSeries`` for boolean/integer/slices - ``SparsePanels`` implementation is unchanged (e.g. not using BlockManager, needs work) - added ``ftypes`` method to Series/DataFrame, similar to ``dtypes``, but indicates if the underlying is sparse/dense (as well as the dtype) - All ``NDFrame`` objects can now use ``__finalize__()`` to specify various values to propagate to new objects from an existing one (e.g. ``name`` in ``Series`` will follow more automatically now) - Internal type checking is now done via a suite of generated classes, allowing ``isinstance(value, klass)`` without having to directly import the klass, courtesy of @jtratner - Bug in Series update where the parent frame is not updating its cache based on changes (:issue:`4080`) or types (:issue:`3217`), fillna (:issue:`3386`) - Indexing with dtype conversions fixed (:issue:`4463`, :issue:`4204`) - Refactor ``Series.reindex`` to core/generic.py (:issue:`4604`, :issue:`4618`), allow ``method=`` in reindexing on a Series to work - ``Series.copy`` no longer accepts the ``order`` parameter and is now consistent with ``NDFrame`` copy - Refactor ``rename`` methods to core/generic.py; fixes ``Series.rename`` for (:issue:`4605`), and adds ``rename`` with the same signature for ``Panel`` - Refactor ``clip`` methods to core/generic.py (:issue:`4798`) - Refactor of ``_get_numeric_data/_get_bool_data`` to core/generic.py, allowing Series/Panel functionality - ``Series`` (for index) / ``Panel`` (for items) now allow attribute access to its elements (:issue:`1903`) .. ipython:: python s = pd.Series([1, 2, 3], index=list('abc')) s.b s.a = 5 s .. _release.bug_fixes-0.13.0: Bug fixes ~~~~~~~~~ - ``HDFStore`` - raising an invalid ``TypeError`` rather than ``ValueError`` when appending with a different block ordering (:issue:`4096`) - ``read_hdf`` was not respecting as passed ``mode`` (:issue:`4504`) - appending a 0-len table will work correctly (:issue:`4273`) - ``to_hdf`` was raising when passing both arguments ``append`` and ``table`` (:issue:`4584`) - reading from a store with duplicate columns across dtypes would raise (:issue:`4767`) - Fixed a bug where ``ValueError`` wasn't correctly raised when column names weren't strings (:issue:`4956`) - A zero length series written in Fixed format not deserializing properly. (:issue:`4708`) - Fixed decoding perf issue on pyt3 (:issue:`5441`) - Validate levels in a MultiIndex before storing (:issue:`5527`) - Correctly handle ``data_columns`` with a Panel (:issue:`5717`) - Fixed bug in tslib.tz_convert(vals, tz1, tz2): it could raise IndexError exception while trying to access trans[pos + 1] (:issue:`4496`) - The ``by`` argument now works correctly with the ``layout`` argument (:issue:`4102`, :issue:`4014`) in ``*.hist`` plotting methods - Fixed bug in ``PeriodIndex.map`` where using ``str`` would return the str representation of the index (:issue:`4136`) - Fixed test failure ``test_time_series_plot_color_with_empty_kwargs`` when using custom matplotlib default colors (:issue:`4345`) - Fix running of stata IO tests. Now uses temporary files to write (:issue:`4353`) - Fixed an issue where ``DataFrame.sum`` was slower than ``DataFrame.mean`` for integer valued frames (:issue:`4365`) - ``read_html`` tests now work with Python 2.6 (:issue:`4351`) - Fixed bug where ``network`` testing was throwing ``NameError`` because a local variable was undefined (:issue:`4381`) - In ``to_json``, raise if a passed ``orient`` would cause loss of data because of a duplicate index (:issue:`4359`) - In ``to_json``, fix date handling so milliseconds are the default timestamp as the docstring says (:issue:`4362`). - ``as_index`` is no longer ignored when doing groupby apply (:issue:`4648`, :issue:`3417`) - JSON NaT handling fixed, NaTs are now serialized to ``null`` (:issue:`4498`) - Fixed JSON handling of escapable characters in JSON object keys (:issue:`4593`) - Fixed passing ``keep_default_na=False`` when ``na_values=None`` (:issue:`4318`) - Fixed bug with ``values`` raising an error on a DataFrame with duplicate columns and mixed dtypes, surfaced in (:issue:`4377`) - Fixed bug with duplicate columns and type conversion in ``read_json`` when ``orient='split'`` (:issue:`4377`) - Fixed JSON bug where locales with decimal separators other than '.' threw exceptions when encoding / decoding certain values. (:issue:`4918`) - Fix ``.iat`` indexing with a ``PeriodIndex`` (:issue:`4390`) - Fixed an issue where ``PeriodIndex`` joining with self was returning a new instance rather than the same instance (:issue:`4379`); also adds a test for this for the other index types - Fixed a bug with all the dtypes being converted to object when using the CSV cparser with the usecols parameter (:issue:`3192`) - Fix an issue in merging blocks where the resulting DataFrame had partially set _ref_locs (:issue:`4403`) - Fixed an issue where hist subplots were being overwritten when they were called using the top level matplotlib API (:issue:`4408`) - Fixed a bug where calling ``Series.astype(str)`` would truncate the string (:issue:`4405`, :issue:`4437`) - Fixed a py3 compat issue where bytes were being repr'd as tuples (:issue:`4455`) - Fixed Panel attribute naming conflict if item is named 'a' (:issue:`3440`) - Fixed an issue where duplicate indexes were raising when plotting (:issue:`4486`) - Fixed an issue where cumsum and cumprod didn't work with bool dtypes (:issue:`4170`, :issue:`4440`) - Fixed Panel slicing issued in ``xs`` that was returning an incorrect dimmed object (:issue:`4016`) - Fix resampling bug where custom reduce function not used if only one group (:issue:`3849`, :issue:`4494`) - Fixed Panel assignment with a transposed frame (:issue:`3830`) - Raise on set indexing with a Panel and a Panel as a value which needs alignment (:issue:`3777`) - frozenset objects now raise in the ``Series`` constructor (:issue:`4482`, :issue:`4480`) - Fixed issue with sorting a duplicate MultiIndex that has multiple dtypes (:issue:`4516`) - Fixed bug in ``DataFrame.set_values`` which was causing name attributes to be lost when expanding the index. (:issue:`3742`, :issue:`4039`) - Fixed issue where individual ``names``, ``levels`` and ``labels`` could be set on ``MultiIndex`` without validation (:issue:`3714`, :issue:`4039`) - Fixed (:issue:`3334`) in pivot_table. Margins did not compute if values is the index. - Fix bug in having a rhs of ``np.timedelta64`` or ``np.offsets.DateOffset`` when operating with datetimes (:issue:`4532`) - Fix arithmetic with series/datetimeindex and ``np.timedelta64`` not working the same (:issue:`4134`) and buggy timedelta in NumPy 1.6 (:issue:`4135`) - Fix bug in ``pd.read_clipboard`` on windows with PY3 (:issue:`4561`); not decoding properly - ``tslib.get_period_field()`` and ``tslib.get_period_field_arr()`` now raise if code argument out of range (:issue:`4519`, :issue:`4520`) - Fix boolean indexing on an empty series loses index names (:issue:`4235`), infer_dtype works with empty arrays. - Fix reindexing with multiple axes; if an axes match was not replacing the current axes, leading to a possible lazy frequency inference issue (:issue:`3317`) - Fixed issue where ``DataFrame.apply`` was reraising exceptions incorrectly (causing the original stack trace to be truncated). - Fix selection with ``ix/loc`` and non_unique selectors (:issue:`4619`) - Fix assignment with iloc/loc involving a dtype change in an existing column (:issue:`4312`, :issue:`5702`) have internal setitem_with_indexer in core/indexing to use Block.setitem - Fixed bug where thousands operator was not handled correctly for floating point numbers in csv_import (:issue:`4322`) - Fix an issue with CacheableOffset not properly being used by many DateOffset; this prevented the DateOffset from being cached (:issue:`4609`) - Fix boolean comparison with a DataFrame on the lhs, and a list/tuple on the rhs (:issue:`4576`) - Fix error/dtype conversion with setitem of ``None`` on ``Series/DataFrame`` (:issue:`4667`) - Fix decoding based on a passed in non-default encoding in ``pd.read_stata`` (:issue:`4626`) - Fix ``DataFrame.from_records`` with a plain-vanilla ``ndarray``. (:issue:`4727`) - Fix some inconsistencies with ``Index.rename`` and ``MultiIndex.rename``, etc. (:issue:`4718`, :issue:`4628`) - Bug in using ``iloc/loc`` with a cross-sectional and duplicate indices (:issue:`4726`) - Bug with using ``QUOTE_NONE`` with ``to_csv`` causing ``Exception``. (:issue:`4328`) - Bug with Series indexing not raising an error when the right-hand-side has an incorrect length (:issue:`2702`) - Bug in MultiIndexing with a partial string selection as one part of a MultIndex (:issue:`4758`) - Bug with reindexing on the index with a non-unique index will now raise ``ValueError`` (:issue:`4746`) - Bug in setting with ``loc/ix`` a single indexer with a MultiIndex axis and a NumPy array, related to (:issue:`3777`) - Bug in concatenation with duplicate columns across dtypes not merging with axis=0 (:issue:`4771`, :issue:`4975`) - Bug in ``iloc`` with a slice index failing (:issue:`4771`) - Incorrect error message with no colspecs or width in ``read_fwf``. (:issue:`4774`) - Fix bugs in indexing in a Series with a duplicate index (:issue:`4548`, :issue:`4550`) - Fixed bug with reading compressed files with ``read_fwf`` in Python 3. (:issue:`3963`) - Fixed an issue with a duplicate index and assignment with a dtype change (:issue:`4686`) - Fixed bug with reading compressed files in as ``bytes`` rather than ``str`` in Python 3. Simplifies bytes-producing file-handling in Python 3 (:issue:`3963`, :issue:`4785`). - Fixed an issue related to ticklocs/ticklabels with log scale bar plots across different versions of matplotlib (:issue:`4789`) - Suppressed DeprecationWarning associated with internal calls issued by repr() (:issue:`4391`) - Fixed an issue with a duplicate index and duplicate selector with ``.loc`` (:issue:`4825`) - Fixed an issue with ``DataFrame.sort_index`` where, when sorting by a single column and passing a list for ``ascending``, the argument for ``ascending`` was being interpreted as ``True`` (:issue:`4839`, :issue:`4846`) - Fixed ``Panel.tshift`` not working. Added ``freq`` support to ``Panel.shift`` (:issue:`4853`) - Fix an issue in TextFileReader w/ Python engine (i.e. PythonParser) with thousands != "," (:issue:`4596`) - Bug in getitem with a duplicate index when using where (:issue:`4879`) - Fix Type inference code coerces float column into datetime (:issue:`4601`) - Fixed ``_ensure_numeric`` does not check for complex numbers (:issue:`4902`) - Fixed a bug in ``Series.hist`` where two figures were being created when the ``by`` argument was passed (:issue:`4112`, :issue:`4113`). - Fixed a bug in ``convert_objects`` for > 2 ndims (:issue:`4937`) - Fixed a bug in DataFrame/Panel cache insertion and subsequent indexing (:issue:`4939`, :issue:`5424`) - Fixed string methods for ``FrozenNDArray`` and ``FrozenList`` (:issue:`4929`) - Fixed a bug with setting invalid or out-of-range values in indexing enlargement scenarios (:issue:`4940`) - Tests for fillna on empty Series (:issue:`4346`), thanks @immerrr - Fixed ``copy()`` to shallow copy axes/indices as well and thereby keep separate metadata. (:issue:`4202`, :issue:`4830`) - Fixed skiprows option in Python parser for read_csv (:issue:`4382`) - Fixed bug preventing ``cut`` from working with ``np.inf`` levels without explicitly passing labels (:issue:`3415`) - Fixed wrong check for overlapping in ``DatetimeIndex.union`` (:issue:`4564`) - Fixed conflict between thousands separator and date parser in csv_parser (:issue:`4678`) - Fix appending when dtypes are not the same (error showing mixing float/np.datetime64) (:issue:`4993`) - Fix repr for DateOffset. No longer show duplicate entries in kwds. Removed unused offset fields. (:issue:`4638`) - Fixed wrong index name during read_csv if using usecols. Applies to c parser only. (:issue:`4201`) - ``Timestamp`` objects can now appear in the left hand side of a comparison operation with a ``Series`` or ``DataFrame`` object (:issue:`4982`). - Fix a bug when indexing with ``np.nan`` via ``iloc/loc`` (:issue:`5016`) - Fixed a bug where low memory c parser could create different types in different chunks of the same file. Now coerces to numerical type or raises warning. (:issue:`3866`) - Fix a bug where reshaping a ``Series`` to its own shape raised ``TypeError`` (:issue:`4554`) and other reshaping issues. - Bug in setting with ``ix/loc`` and a mixed int/string index (:issue:`4544`) - Make sure series-series boolean comparisons are label based (:issue:`4947`) - Bug in multi-level indexing with a Timestamp partial indexer (:issue:`4294`) - Tests/fix for MultiIndex construction of an all-nan frame (:issue:`4078`) - Fixed a bug where :func:`~pandas.read_html` wasn't correctly inferring values of tables with commas (:issue:`5029`) - Fixed a bug where :func:`~pandas.read_html` wasn't providing a stable ordering of returned tables (:issue:`4770`, :issue:`5029`). - Fixed a bug where :func:`~pandas.read_html` was incorrectly parsing when passed ``index_col=0`` (:issue:`5066`). - Fixed a bug where :func:`~pandas.read_html` was incorrectly inferring the type of headers (:issue:`5048`). - Fixed a bug where ``DatetimeIndex`` joins with ``PeriodIndex`` caused a stack overflow (:issue:`3899`). - Fixed a bug where ``groupby`` objects didn't allow plots (:issue:`5102`). - Fixed a bug where ``groupby`` objects weren't tab-completing column names (:issue:`5102`). - Fixed a bug where ``groupby.plot()`` and friends were duplicating figures multiple times (:issue:`5102`). - Provide automatic conversion of ``object`` dtypes on fillna, related (:issue:`5103`) - Fixed a bug where default options were being overwritten in the option parser cleaning (:issue:`5121`). - Treat a list/ndarray identically for ``iloc`` indexing with list-like (:issue:`5006`) - Fix ``MultiIndex.get_level_values()`` with missing values (:issue:`5074`) - Fix bound checking for Timestamp() with datetime64 input (:issue:`4065`) - Fix a bug where ``TestReadHtml`` wasn't calling the correct ``read_html()`` function (:issue:`5150`). - Fix a bug with ``NDFrame.replace()`` which made replacement appear as though it was (incorrectly) using regular expressions (:issue:`5143`). - Fix better error message for to_datetime (:issue:`4928`) - Made sure different locales are tested on travis-ci (:issue:`4918`). Also adds a couple of utilities for getting locales and setting locales with a context manager. - Fixed segfault on ``isnull(MultiIndex)`` (now raises an error instead) (:issue:`5123`, :issue:`5125`) - Allow duplicate indices when performing operations that align (:issue:`5185`, :issue:`5639`) - Compound dtypes in a constructor raise ``NotImplementedError`` (:issue:`5191`) - Bug in comparing duplicate frames (:issue:`4421`) related - Bug in describe on duplicate frames - Bug in ``to_datetime`` with a format and ``coerce=True`` not raising (:issue:`5195`) - Bug in ``loc`` setting with multiple indexers and a rhs of a Series that needs broadcasting (:issue:`5206`) - Fixed bug where inplace setting of levels or labels on ``MultiIndex`` would not clear cached ``values`` property and therefore return wrong ``values``. (:issue:`5215`) - Fixed bug where filtering a grouped DataFrame or Series did not maintain the original ordering (:issue:`4621`). - Fixed ``Period`` with a business date freq to always roll-forward if on a non-business date. (:issue:`5203`) - Fixed bug in Excel writers where frames with duplicate column names weren't written correctly. (:issue:`5235`) - Fixed issue with ``drop`` and a non-unique index on Series (:issue:`5248`) - Fixed segfault in C parser caused by passing more names than columns in the file. (:issue:`5156`) - Fix ``Series.isin`` with date/time-like dtypes (:issue:`5021`) - C and Python Parser can now handle the more common MultiIndex column format which doesn't have a row for index names (:issue:`4702`) - Bug when trying to use an out-of-bounds date as an object dtype (:issue:`5312`) - Bug when trying to display an embedded PandasObject (:issue:`5324`) - Allows operating of Timestamps to return a datetime if the result is out-of-bounds related (:issue:`5312`) - Fix return value/type signature of ``initObjToJSON()`` to be compatible with numpy's ``import_array()`` (:issue:`5334`, :issue:`5326`) - Bug when renaming then set_index on a DataFrame (:issue:`5344`) - Test suite no longer leaves around temporary files when testing graphics. (:issue:`5347`) (thanks for catching this @yarikoptic!) - Fixed html tests on win32. (:issue:`4580`) - Make sure that ``head/tail`` are ``iloc`` based, (:issue:`5370`) - Fixed bug for ``PeriodIndex`` string representation if there are 1 or 2 elements. (:issue:`5372`) - The GroupBy methods ``transform`` and ``filter`` can be used on Series and DataFrames that have repeated (non-unique) indices. (:issue:`4620`) - Fix empty series not printing name in repr (:issue:`4651`) - Make tests create temp files in temp directory by default. (:issue:`5419`) - ``pd.to_timedelta`` of a scalar returns a scalar (:issue:`5410`) - ``pd.to_timedelta`` accepts ``NaN`` and ``NaT``, returning ``NaT`` instead of raising (:issue:`5437`) - performance improvements in ``isnull`` on larger size pandas objects - Fixed various setitem with 1d ndarray that does not have a matching length to the indexer (:issue:`5508`) - Bug in getitem with a MultiIndex and ``iloc`` (:issue:`5528`) - Bug in delitem on a Series (:issue:`5542`) - Bug fix in apply when using custom function and objects are not mutated (:issue:`5545`) - Bug in selecting from a non-unique index with ``loc`` (:issue:`5553`) - Bug in groupby returning non-consistent types when user function returns a ``None``, (:issue:`5592`) - Work around regression in numpy 1.7.0 which erroneously raises IndexError from ``ndarray.item`` (:issue:`5666`) - Bug in repeated indexing of object with resultant non-unique index (:issue:`5678`) - Bug in fillna with Series and a passed series/dict (:issue:`5703`) - Bug in groupby transform with a datetime-like grouper (:issue:`5712`) - Bug in MultiIndex selection in PY3 when using certain keys (:issue:`5725`) - Row-wise concat of differing dtypes failing in certain cases (:issue:`5754`) .. _whatsnew_0.13.0.contributors: Contributors ~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. contributors:: v0.12.0..v0.13.0