.. _whatsnew_131: What's new in 1.3.1 (July 25, 2021) ----------------------------------- These are the changes in pandas 1.3.1. See :ref:`release` for a full changelog including other versions of pandas. {{ header }} .. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- .. _whatsnew_131.regressions: Fixed regressions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - pandas could not be built on PyPy (:issue:`42355`) - :class:`DataFrame` constructed with an older version of pandas could not be unpickled (:issue:`42345`) - Performance regression in constructing a :class:`DataFrame` from a dictionary of dictionaries (:issue:`42248`) - Fixed regression in :meth:`DataFrame.agg` dropping values when the DataFrame had an Extension Array dtype, a duplicate index, and ``axis=1`` (:issue:`42380`) - Fixed regression in :meth:`DataFrame.astype` changing the order of noncontiguous data (:issue:`42396`) - Performance regression in :class:`DataFrame` in reduction operations requiring casting such as :meth:`DataFrame.mean` on integer data (:issue:`38592`) - Performance regression in :meth:`DataFrame.to_dict` and :meth:`Series.to_dict` when ``orient`` argument one of "records", "dict", or "split" (:issue:`42352`) - Fixed regression in indexing with a ``list`` subclass incorrectly raising ``TypeError`` (:issue:`42433`, :issue:`42461`) - Fixed regression in :meth:`DataFrame.isin` and :meth:`Series.isin` raising ``TypeError`` with nullable data containing at least one missing value (:issue:`42405`) - Regression in :func:`concat` between objects with bool dtype and integer dtype casting to object instead of to integer (:issue:`42092`) - Bug in :class:`Series` constructor not accepting a ``dask.Array`` (:issue:`38645`) - Fixed regression for ``SettingWithCopyWarning`` displaying incorrect stacklevel (:issue:`42570`) - Fixed regression for :func:`merge_asof` raising ``KeyError`` when one of the ``by`` columns is in the index (:issue:`34488`) - Fixed regression in :func:`to_datetime` returning pd.NaT for inputs that produce duplicated values, when ``cache=True`` (:issue:`42259`) - Fixed regression in :meth:`SeriesGroupBy.value_counts` that resulted in an ``IndexError`` when called on a Series with one row (:issue:`42618`) .. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- .. _whatsnew_131.bug_fixes: Bug fixes ~~~~~~~~~ - Fixed bug in :meth:`DataFrame.transpose` dropping values when the DataFrame had an Extension Array dtype and a duplicate index (:issue:`42380`) - Fixed bug in :meth:`DataFrame.to_xml` raising ``KeyError`` when called with ``index=False`` and an offset index (:issue:`42458`) - Fixed bug in :meth:`.Styler.set_sticky` not handling index names correctly for single index columns case (:issue:`42537`) - Fixed bug in :meth:`DataFrame.copy` failing to consolidate blocks in the result (:issue:`42579`) .. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- .. _whatsnew_131.contributors: Contributors ~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. contributors:: v1.3.0..v1.3.1