.. _whatsnew_0152: Version 0.15.2 (December 12, 2014) ---------------------------------- {{ header }} This is a minor release from 0.15.1 and includes a large number of bug fixes along with several new features, enhancements, and performance improvements. A small number of API changes were necessary to fix existing bugs. We recommend that all users upgrade to this version. - :ref:`Enhancements ` - :ref:`API Changes ` - :ref:`Performance Improvements ` - :ref:`Bug Fixes ` .. _whatsnew_0152.api: API changes ~~~~~~~~~~~ - Indexing in ``MultiIndex`` beyond lex-sort depth is now supported, though a lexically sorted index will have a better performance. (:issue:`2646`) .. code-block:: ipython In [1]: df = pd.DataFrame({'jim':[0, 0, 1, 1], ...: 'joe':['x', 'x', 'z', 'y'], ...: 'jolie':np.random.rand(4)}).set_index(['jim', 'joe']) ...: In [2]: df Out[2]: jolie jim joe 0 x 0.126970 x 0.966718 1 z 0.260476 y 0.897237 [4 rows x 1 columns] In [3]: df.index.lexsort_depth Out[3]: 1 # in prior versions this would raise a KeyError # will now show a PerformanceWarning In [4]: df.loc[(1, 'z')] Out[4]: jolie jim joe 1 z 0.260476 [1 rows x 1 columns] # lexically sorting In [5]: df2 = df.sort_index() In [6]: df2 Out[6]: jolie jim joe 0 x 0.126970 x 0.966718 1 y 0.897237 z 0.260476 [4 rows x 1 columns] In [7]: df2.index.lexsort_depth Out[7]: 2 In [8]: df2.loc[(1,'z')] Out[8]: jolie jim joe 1 z 0.260476 [1 rows x 1 columns] - Bug in unique of Series with ``category`` dtype, which returned all categories regardless whether they were "used" or not (see :issue:`8559` for the discussion). Previous behaviour was to return all categories: .. code-block:: ipython In [3]: cat = pd.Categorical(['a', 'b', 'a'], categories=['a', 'b', 'c']) In [4]: cat Out[4]: [a, b, a] Categories (3, object): [a < b < c] In [5]: cat.unique() Out[5]: array(['a', 'b', 'c'], dtype=object) Now, only the categories that do effectively occur in the array are returned: .. ipython:: python cat = pd.Categorical(['a', 'b', 'a'], categories=['a', 'b', 'c']) cat.unique() - ``Series.all`` and ``Series.any`` now support the ``level`` and ``skipna`` parameters. ``Series.all``, ``Series.any``, ``Index.all``, and ``Index.any`` no longer support the ``out`` and ``keepdims`` parameters, which existed for compatibility with ndarray. Various index types no longer support the ``all`` and ``any`` aggregation functions and will now raise ``TypeError``. (:issue:`8302`). - Allow equality comparisons of Series with a categorical dtype and object dtype; previously these would raise ``TypeError`` (:issue:`8938`) - Bug in ``NDFrame``: conflicting attribute/column names now behave consistently between getting and setting. Previously, when both a column and attribute named ``y`` existed, ``data.y`` would return the attribute, while ``data.y = z`` would update the column (:issue:`8994`) .. ipython:: python data = pd.DataFrame({'x': [1, 2, 3]}) data.y = 2 data['y'] = [2, 4, 6] data # this assignment was inconsistent data.y = 5 Old behavior: .. code-block:: ipython In [6]: data.y Out[6]: 2 In [7]: data['y'].values Out[7]: array([5, 5, 5]) New behavior: .. ipython:: python data.y data['y'].values - ``Timestamp('now')`` is now equivalent to ``Timestamp.now()`` in that it returns the local time rather than UTC. Also, ``Timestamp('today')`` is now equivalent to ``Timestamp.today()`` and both have ``tz`` as a possible argument. (:issue:`9000`) - Fix negative step support for label-based slices (:issue:`8753`) Old behavior: .. code-block:: ipython In [1]: s = pd.Series(np.arange(3), ['a', 'b', 'c']) Out[1]: a 0 b 1 c 2 dtype: int64 In [2]: s.loc['c':'a':-1] Out[2]: c 2 dtype: int64 New behavior: .. ipython:: python s = pd.Series(np.arange(3), ['a', 'b', 'c']) s.loc['c':'a':-1] .. _whatsnew_0152.enhancements: Enhancements ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ``Categorical`` enhancements: - Added ability to export Categorical data to Stata (:issue:`8633`). See :ref:`here ` for limitations of categorical variables exported to Stata data files. - Added flag ``order_categoricals`` to ``StataReader`` and ``read_stata`` to select whether to order imported categorical data (:issue:`8836`). See :ref:`here ` for more information on importing categorical variables from Stata data files. - Added ability to export Categorical data to/from HDF5 (:issue:`7621`). Queries work the same as if it was an object array. However, the ``category`` dtyped data is stored in a more efficient manner. See :ref:`here ` for an example and caveats w.r.t. prior versions of pandas. - Added support for ``searchsorted()`` on ``Categorical`` class (:issue:`8420`). Other enhancements: - Added the ability to specify the SQL type of columns when writing a DataFrame to a database (:issue:`8778`). For example, specifying to use the sqlalchemy ``String`` type instead of the default ``Text`` type for string columns: .. code-block:: python from sqlalchemy.types import String data.to_sql('data_dtype', engine, dtype={'Col_1': String}) # noqa F821 - ``Series.all`` and ``Series.any`` now support the ``level`` and ``skipna`` parameters (:issue:`8302`): .. code-block:: python >>> s = pd.Series([False, True, False], index=[0, 0, 1]) >>> s.any(level=0) 0 True 1 False dtype: bool - ``Panel`` now supports the ``all`` and ``any`` aggregation functions. (:issue:`8302`): .. code-block:: python >>> p = pd.Panel(np.random.rand(2, 5, 4) > 0.1) >>> p.all() 0 1 2 3 0 True True True True 1 True False True True 2 True True True True 3 False True False True 4 True True True True - Added support for ``utcfromtimestamp()``, ``fromtimestamp()``, and ``combine()`` on ``Timestamp`` class (:issue:`5351`). - Added Google Analytics (``pandas.io.ga``) basic documentation (:issue:`8835`). See `here `__. - ``Timedelta`` arithmetic returns ``NotImplemented`` in unknown cases, allowing extensions by custom classes (:issue:`8813`). - ``Timedelta`` now supports arithmetic with ``numpy.ndarray`` objects of the appropriate dtype (numpy 1.8 or newer only) (:issue:`8884`). - Added ``Timedelta.to_timedelta64()`` method to the public API (:issue:`8884`). - Added ``gbq.generate_bq_schema()`` function to the gbq module (:issue:`8325`). - ``Series`` now works with map objects the same way as generators (:issue:`8909`). - Added context manager to ``HDFStore`` for automatic closing (:issue:`8791`). - ``to_datetime`` gains an ``exact`` keyword to allow for a format to not require an exact match for a provided format string (if its ``False``). ``exact`` defaults to ``True`` (meaning that exact matching is still the default) (:issue:`8904`) - Added ``axvlines`` boolean option to parallel_coordinates plot function, determines whether vertical lines will be printed, default is True - Added ability to read table footers to read_html (:issue:`8552`) - ``to_sql`` now infers data types of non-NA values for columns that contain NA values and have dtype ``object`` (:issue:`8778`). .. _whatsnew_0152.performance: Performance ~~~~~~~~~~~ - Reduce memory usage when skiprows is an integer in read_csv (:issue:`8681`) - Performance boost for ``to_datetime`` conversions with a passed ``format=``, and the ``exact=False`` (:issue:`8904`) .. _whatsnew_0152.bug_fixes: Bug fixes ~~~~~~~~~ - Bug in concat of Series with ``category`` dtype which were coercing to ``object``. (:issue:`8641`) - Bug in Timestamp-Timestamp not returning a Timedelta type and datelike-datelike ops with timezones (:issue:`8865`) - Made consistent a timezone mismatch exception (either tz operated with None or incompatible timezone), will now return ``TypeError`` rather than ``ValueError`` (a couple of edge cases only), (:issue:`8865`) - Bug in using a ``pd.Grouper(key=...)`` with no level/axis or level only (:issue:`8795`, :issue:`8866`) - Report a ``TypeError`` when invalid/no parameters are passed in a groupby (:issue:`8015`) - Bug in packaging pandas with ``py2app/cx_Freeze`` (:issue:`8602`, :issue:`8831`) - Bug in ``groupby`` signatures that didn't include \*args or \*\*kwargs (:issue:`8733`). - ``io.data.Options`` now raises ``RemoteDataError`` when no expiry dates are available from Yahoo and when it receives no data from Yahoo (:issue:`8761`), (:issue:`8783`). - Unclear error message in csv parsing when passing dtype and names and the parsed data is a different data type (:issue:`8833`) - Bug in slicing a MultiIndex with an empty list and at least one boolean indexer (:issue:`8781`) - ``io.data.Options`` now raises ``RemoteDataError`` when no expiry dates are available from Yahoo (:issue:`8761`). - ``Timedelta`` kwargs may now be numpy ints and floats (:issue:`8757`). - Fixed several outstanding bugs for ``Timedelta`` arithmetic and comparisons (:issue:`8813`, :issue:`5963`, :issue:`5436`). - ``sql_schema`` now generates dialect appropriate ``CREATE TABLE`` statements (:issue:`8697`) - ``slice`` string method now takes step into account (:issue:`8754`) - Bug in ``BlockManager`` where setting values with different type would break block integrity (:issue:`8850`) - Bug in ``DatetimeIndex`` when using ``time`` object as key (:issue:`8667`) - Bug in ``merge`` where ``how='left'`` and ``sort=False`` would not preserve left frame order (:issue:`7331`) - Bug in ``MultiIndex.reindex`` where reindexing at level would not reorder labels (:issue:`4088`) - Bug in certain operations with dateutil timezones, manifesting with dateutil 2.3 (:issue:`8639`) - Regression in DatetimeIndex iteration with a Fixed/Local offset timezone (:issue:`8890`) - Bug in ``to_datetime`` when parsing a nanoseconds using the ``%f`` format (:issue:`8989`) - ``io.data.Options`` now raises ``RemoteDataError`` when no expiry dates are available from Yahoo and when it receives no data from Yahoo (:issue:`8761`), (:issue:`8783`). - Fix: The font size was only set on x axis if vertical or the y axis if horizontal. (:issue:`8765`) - Fixed division by 0 when reading big csv files in python 3 (:issue:`8621`) - Bug in outputting a MultiIndex with ``to_html,index=False`` which would add an extra column (:issue:`8452`) - Imported categorical variables from Stata files retain the ordinal information in the underlying data (:issue:`8836`). - Defined ``.size`` attribute across ``NDFrame`` objects to provide compat with numpy >= 1.9.1; buggy with ``np.array_split`` (:issue:`8846`) - Skip testing of histogram plots for matplotlib <= 1.2 (:issue:`8648`). - Bug where ``get_data_google`` returned object dtypes (:issue:`3995`) - Bug in ``DataFrame.stack(..., dropna=False)`` when the DataFrame's ``columns`` is a ``MultiIndex`` whose ``labels`` do not reference all its ``levels``. (:issue:`8844`) - Bug in that Option context applied on ``__enter__`` (:issue:`8514`) - Bug in resample that causes a ValueError when resampling across multiple days and the last offset is not calculated from the start of the range (:issue:`8683`) - Bug where ``DataFrame.plot(kind='scatter')`` fails when checking if an np.array is in the DataFrame (:issue:`8852`) - Bug in ``pd.infer_freq/DataFrame.inferred_freq`` that prevented proper sub-daily frequency inference when the index contained DST days (:issue:`8772`). - Bug where index name was still used when plotting a series with ``use_index=False`` (:issue:`8558`). - Bugs when trying to stack multiple columns, when some (or all) of the level names are numbers (:issue:`8584`). - Bug in ``MultiIndex`` where ``__contains__`` returns wrong result if index is not lexically sorted or unique (:issue:`7724`) - BUG CSV: fix problem with trailing white space in skipped rows, (:issue:`8679`), (:issue:`8661`), (:issue:`8983`) - Regression in ``Timestamp`` does not parse 'Z' zone designator for UTC (:issue:`8771`) - Bug in ``StataWriter`` the produces writes strings with 244 characters irrespective of actual size (:issue:`8969`) - Fixed ValueError raised by cummin/cummax when datetime64 Series contains NaT. (:issue:`8965`) - Bug in DataReader returns object dtype if there are missing values (:issue:`8980`) - Bug in plotting if sharex was enabled and index was a timeseries, would show labels on multiple axes (:issue:`3964`). - Bug where passing a unit to the TimedeltaIndex constructor applied the to nano-second conversion twice. (:issue:`9011`). - Bug in plotting of a period-like array (:issue:`9012`) .. _whatsnew_0.15.2.contributors: Contributors ~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. contributors:: v0.15.1..v0.15.2