.. _whatsnew_0160: Version 0.16.0 (March 22, 2015) ------------------------------- {{ header }} This is a major release from 0.15.2 and includes a small number of API changes, several new features, enhancements, and performance improvements along with a large number of bug fixes. We recommend that all users upgrade to this version. Highlights include: - ``DataFrame.assign`` method, see :ref:`here ` - ``Series.to_coo/from_coo`` methods to interact with ``scipy.sparse``, see :ref:`here ` - Backwards incompatible change to ``Timedelta`` to conform the ``.seconds`` attribute with ``datetime.timedelta``, see :ref:`here ` - Changes to the ``.loc`` slicing API to conform with the behavior of ``.ix`` see :ref:`here ` - Changes to the default for ordering in the ``Categorical`` constructor, see :ref:`here ` - Enhancement to the ``.str`` accessor to make string operations easier, see :ref:`here ` - The ``pandas.tools.rplot``, ``pandas.sandbox.qtpandas`` and ``pandas.rpy`` modules are deprecated. We refer users to external packages like `seaborn `_, `pandas-qt `_ and `rpy2 `_ for similar or equivalent functionality, see :ref:`here ` Check the :ref:`API Changes ` and :ref:`deprecations ` before updating. .. contents:: What's new in v0.16.0 :local: :backlinks: none .. _whatsnew_0160.enhancements: New features ~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. _whatsnew_0160.enhancements.assign: DataFrame assign ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Inspired by `dplyr's `__ ``mutate`` verb, DataFrame has a new :meth:`~pandas.DataFrame.assign` method. The function signature for ``assign`` is simply ``**kwargs``. The keys are the column names for the new fields, and the values are either a value to be inserted (for example, a ``Series`` or NumPy array), or a function of one argument to be called on the ``DataFrame``. The new values are inserted, and the entire DataFrame (with all original and new columns) is returned. .. ipython:: python iris = pd.read_csv('data/iris.data') iris.head() iris.assign(sepal_ratio=iris['SepalWidth'] / iris['SepalLength']).head() Above was an example of inserting a precomputed value. We can also pass in a function to be evaluated. .. ipython:: python iris.assign(sepal_ratio=lambda x: (x['SepalWidth'] / x['SepalLength'])).head() The power of ``assign`` comes when used in chains of operations. For example, we can limit the DataFrame to just those with a Sepal Length greater than 5, calculate the ratio, and plot .. ipython:: python iris = pd.read_csv('data/iris.data') (iris.query('SepalLength > 5') .assign(SepalRatio=lambda x: x.SepalWidth / x.SepalLength, PetalRatio=lambda x: x.PetalWidth / x.PetalLength) .plot(kind='scatter', x='SepalRatio', y='PetalRatio')) .. image:: ../_static/whatsnew_assign.png :scale: 50 % See the :ref:`documentation ` for more. (:issue:`9229`) .. _whatsnew_0160.enhancements.sparse: Interaction with scipy.sparse ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Added :meth:`SparseSeries.to_coo` and :meth:`SparseSeries.from_coo` methods (:issue:`8048`) for converting to and from ``scipy.sparse.coo_matrix`` instances (see :ref:`here `). For example, given a SparseSeries with MultiIndex we can convert to a ``scipy.sparse.coo_matrix`` by specifying the row and column labels as index levels: .. code-block:: python s = pd.Series([3.0, np.nan, 1.0, 3.0, np.nan, np.nan]) s.index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples([(1, 2, 'a', 0), (1, 2, 'a', 1), (1, 1, 'b', 0), (1, 1, 'b', 1), (2, 1, 'b', 0), (2, 1, 'b', 1)], names=['A', 'B', 'C', 'D']) s # SparseSeries ss = s.to_sparse() ss A, rows, columns = ss.to_coo(row_levels=['A', 'B'], column_levels=['C', 'D'], sort_labels=False) A A.todense() rows columns The from_coo method is a convenience method for creating a ``SparseSeries`` from a ``scipy.sparse.coo_matrix``: .. code-block:: python from scipy import sparse A = sparse.coo_matrix(([3.0, 1.0, 2.0], ([1, 0, 0], [0, 2, 3])), shape=(3, 4)) A A.todense() ss = pd.SparseSeries.from_coo(A) ss .. _whatsnew_0160.enhancements.string: String methods enhancements ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Following new methods are accessible via ``.str`` accessor to apply the function to each values. This is intended to make it more consistent with standard methods on strings. (:issue:`9282`, :issue:`9352`, :issue:`9386`, :issue:`9387`, :issue:`9439`) ============= ============= ============= =============== =============== .. .. Methods .. .. ============= ============= ============= =============== =============== ``isalnum()`` ``isalpha()`` ``isdigit()`` ``isdigit()`` ``isspace()`` ``islower()`` ``isupper()`` ``istitle()`` ``isnumeric()`` ``isdecimal()`` ``find()`` ``rfind()`` ``ljust()`` ``rjust()`` ``zfill()`` ============= ============= ============= =============== =============== .. ipython:: python s = pd.Series(['abcd', '3456', 'EFGH']) s.str.isalpha() s.str.find('ab') - :meth:`Series.str.pad` and :meth:`Series.str.center` now accept ``fillchar`` option to specify filling character (:issue:`9352`) .. ipython:: python s = pd.Series(['12', '300', '25']) s.str.pad(5, fillchar='_') - Added :meth:`Series.str.slice_replace`, which previously raised ``NotImplementedError`` (:issue:`8888`) .. ipython:: python s = pd.Series(['ABCD', 'EFGH', 'IJK']) s.str.slice_replace(1, 3, 'X') # replaced with empty char s.str.slice_replace(0, 1) .. _whatsnew_0160.enhancements.other: Other enhancements ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Reindex now supports ``method='nearest'`` for frames or series with a monotonic increasing or decreasing index (:issue:`9258`): .. ipython:: python df = pd.DataFrame({'x': range(5)}) df.reindex([0.2, 1.8, 3.5], method='nearest') This method is also exposed by the lower level ``Index.get_indexer`` and ``Index.get_loc`` methods. - The ``read_excel()`` function's :ref:`sheetname ` argument now accepts a list and ``None``, to get multiple or all sheets respectively. If more than one sheet is specified, a dictionary is returned. (:issue:`9450`) .. code-block:: python # Returns the 1st and 4th sheet, as a dictionary of DataFrames. pd.read_excel('path_to_file.xls', sheetname=['Sheet1', 3]) - Allow Stata files to be read incrementally with an iterator; support for long strings in Stata files. See the docs :ref:`here` (:issue:`9493`:). - Paths beginning with ~ will now be expanded to begin with the user's home directory (:issue:`9066`) - Added time interval selection in ``get_data_yahoo`` (:issue:`9071`) - Added ``Timestamp.to_datetime64()`` to complement ``Timedelta.to_timedelta64()`` (:issue:`9255`) - ``tseries.frequencies.to_offset()`` now accepts ``Timedelta`` as input (:issue:`9064`) - Lag parameter was added to the autocorrelation method of ``Series``, defaults to lag-1 autocorrelation (:issue:`9192`) - ``Timedelta`` will now accept ``nanoseconds`` keyword in constructor (:issue:`9273`) - SQL code now safely escapes table and column names (:issue:`8986`) - Added auto-complete for ``Series.str.``, ``Series.dt.`` and ``Series.cat.`` (:issue:`9322`) - ``Index.get_indexer`` now supports ``method='pad'`` and ``method='backfill'`` even for any target array, not just monotonic targets. These methods also work for monotonic decreasing as well as monotonic increasing indexes (:issue:`9258`). - ``Index.asof`` now works on all index types (:issue:`9258`). - A ``verbose`` argument has been augmented in ``io.read_excel()``, defaults to False. Set to True to print sheet names as they are parsed. (:issue:`9450`) - Added ``days_in_month`` (compatibility alias ``daysinmonth``) property to ``Timestamp``, ``DatetimeIndex``, ``Period``, ``PeriodIndex``, and ``Series.dt`` (:issue:`9572`) - Added ``decimal`` option in ``to_csv`` to provide formatting for non-'.' decimal separators (:issue:`781`) - Added ``normalize`` option for ``Timestamp`` to normalized to midnight (:issue:`8794`) - Added example for ``DataFrame`` import to R using HDF5 file and ``rhdf5`` library. See the documentation for more (:issue:`9636`). .. _whatsnew_0160.api: Backwards incompatible API changes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. _whatsnew_0160.api_breaking: .. _whatsnew_0160.api_breaking.timedelta: Changes in timedelta ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ In v0.15.0 a new scalar type ``Timedelta`` was introduced, that is a sub-class of ``datetime.timedelta``. Mentioned :ref:`here ` was a notice of an API change w.r.t. the ``.seconds`` accessor. The intent was to provide a user-friendly set of accessors that give the 'natural' value for that unit, e.g. if you had a ``Timedelta('1 day, 10:11:12')``, then ``.seconds`` would return 12. However, this is at odds with the definition of ``datetime.timedelta``, which defines ``.seconds`` as ``10 * 3600 + 11 * 60 + 12 == 36672``. So in v0.16.0, we are restoring the API to match that of ``datetime.timedelta``. Further, the component values are still available through the ``.components`` accessor. This affects the ``.seconds`` and ``.microseconds`` accessors, and removes the ``.hours``, ``.minutes``, ``.milliseconds`` accessors. These changes affect ``TimedeltaIndex`` and the Series ``.dt`` accessor as well. (:issue:`9185`, :issue:`9139`) Previous behavior .. code-block:: ipython In [2]: t = pd.Timedelta('1 day, 10:11:12.100123') In [3]: t.days Out[3]: 1 In [4]: t.seconds Out[4]: 12 In [5]: t.microseconds Out[5]: 123 New behavior .. ipython:: python t = pd.Timedelta('1 day, 10:11:12.100123') t.days t.seconds t.microseconds Using ``.components`` allows the full component access .. ipython:: python t.components t.components.seconds .. _whatsnew_0160.api_breaking.indexing: Indexing changes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The behavior of a small sub-set of edge cases for using ``.loc`` have changed (:issue:`8613`). Furthermore we have improved the content of the error messages that are raised: - Slicing with ``.loc`` where the start and/or stop bound is not found in the index is now allowed; this previously would raise a ``KeyError``. This makes the behavior the same as ``.ix`` in this case. This change is only for slicing, not when indexing with a single label. .. ipython:: python df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(5, 4), columns=list('ABCD'), index=pd.date_range('20130101', periods=5)) df s = pd.Series(range(5), [-2, -1, 1, 2, 3]) s Previous behavior .. code-block:: ipython In [4]: df.loc['2013-01-02':'2013-01-10'] KeyError: 'stop bound [2013-01-10] is not in the [index]' In [6]: s.loc[-10:3] KeyError: 'start bound [-10] is not the [index]' New behavior .. ipython:: python df.loc['2013-01-02':'2013-01-10'] s.loc[-10:3] - Allow slicing with float-like values on an integer index for ``.ix``. Previously this was only enabled for ``.loc``: Previous behavior .. code-block:: ipython In [8]: s.ix[-1.0:2] TypeError: the slice start value [-1.0] is not a proper indexer for this index type (Int64Index) New behavior .. code-block:: python In [2]: s.ix[-1.0:2] Out[2]: -1 1 1 2 2 3 dtype: int64 - Provide a useful exception for indexing with an invalid type for that index when using ``.loc``. For example trying to use ``.loc`` on an index of type ``DatetimeIndex`` or ``PeriodIndex`` or ``TimedeltaIndex``, with an integer (or a float). Previous behavior .. code-block:: python In [4]: df.loc[2:3] KeyError: 'start bound [2] is not the [index]' New behavior .. code-block:: ipython In [4]: df.loc[2:3] TypeError: Cannot do slice indexing on with keys .. _whatsnew_0160.api_breaking.categorical: Categorical changes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ In prior versions, ``Categoricals`` that had an unspecified ordering (meaning no ``ordered`` keyword was passed) were defaulted as ``ordered`` Categoricals. Going forward, the ``ordered`` keyword in the ``Categorical`` constructor will default to ``False``. Ordering must now be explicit. Furthermore, previously you *could* change the ``ordered`` attribute of a Categorical by just setting the attribute, e.g. ``cat.ordered=True``; This is now deprecated and you should use ``cat.as_ordered()`` or ``cat.as_unordered()``. These will by default return a **new** object and not modify the existing object. (:issue:`9347`, :issue:`9190`) Previous behavior .. code-block:: ipython In [3]: s = pd.Series([0, 1, 2], dtype='category') In [4]: s Out[4]: 0 0 1 1 2 2 dtype: category Categories (3, int64): [0 < 1 < 2] In [5]: s.cat.ordered Out[5]: True In [6]: s.cat.ordered = False In [7]: s Out[7]: 0 0 1 1 2 2 dtype: category Categories (3, int64): [0, 1, 2] New behavior .. ipython:: python s = pd.Series([0, 1, 2], dtype='category') s s.cat.ordered s = s.cat.as_ordered() s s.cat.ordered # you can set in the constructor of the Categorical s = pd.Series(pd.Categorical([0, 1, 2], ordered=True)) s s.cat.ordered For ease of creation of series of categorical data, we have added the ability to pass keywords when calling ``.astype()``. These are passed directly to the constructor. .. code-block:: python In [54]: s = pd.Series(["a", "b", "c", "a"]).astype('category', ordered=True) In [55]: s Out[55]: 0 a 1 b 2 c 3 a dtype: category Categories (3, object): [a < b < c] In [56]: s = (pd.Series(["a", "b", "c", "a"]) ....: .astype('category', categories=list('abcdef'), ordered=False)) In [57]: s Out[57]: 0 a 1 b 2 c 3 a dtype: category Categories (6, object): [a, b, c, d, e, f] .. _whatsnew_0160.api_breaking.other: Other API changes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - ``Index.duplicated`` now returns ``np.array(dtype=bool)`` rather than ``Index(dtype=object)`` containing ``bool`` values. (:issue:`8875`) - ``DataFrame.to_json`` now returns accurate type serialisation for each column for frames of mixed dtype (:issue:`9037`) Previously data was coerced to a common dtype before serialisation, which for example resulted in integers being serialised to floats: .. code-block:: ipython In [2]: pd.DataFrame({'i': [1,2], 'f': [3.0, 4.2]}).to_json() Out[2]: '{"f":{"0":3.0,"1":4.2},"i":{"0":1.0,"1":2.0}}' Now each column is serialised using its correct dtype: .. code-block:: ipython In [2]: pd.DataFrame({'i': [1,2], 'f': [3.0, 4.2]}).to_json() Out[2]: '{"f":{"0":3.0,"1":4.2},"i":{"0":1,"1":2}}' - ``DatetimeIndex``, ``PeriodIndex`` and ``TimedeltaIndex.summary`` now output the same format. (:issue:`9116`) - ``TimedeltaIndex.freqstr`` now output the same string format as ``DatetimeIndex``. (:issue:`9116`) - Bar and horizontal bar plots no longer add a dashed line along the info axis. The prior style can be achieved with matplotlib's ``axhline`` or ``axvline`` methods (:issue:`9088`). - ``Series`` accessors ``.dt``, ``.cat`` and ``.str`` now raise ``AttributeError`` instead of ``TypeError`` if the series does not contain the appropriate type of data (:issue:`9617`). This follows Python's built-in exception hierarchy more closely and ensures that tests like ``hasattr(s, 'cat')`` are consistent on both Python 2 and 3. - ``Series`` now supports bitwise operation for integral types (:issue:`9016`). Previously even if the input dtypes were integral, the output dtype was coerced to ``bool``. Previous behavior .. code-block:: ipython In [2]: pd.Series([0, 1, 2, 3], list('abcd')) | pd.Series([4, 4, 4, 4], list('abcd')) Out[2]: a True b True c True d True dtype: bool New behavior. If the input dtypes are integral, the output dtype is also integral and the output values are the result of the bitwise operation. .. code-block:: ipython In [2]: pd.Series([0, 1, 2, 3], list('abcd')) | pd.Series([4, 4, 4, 4], list('abcd')) Out[2]: a 4 b 5 c 6 d 7 dtype: int64 - During division involving a ``Series`` or ``DataFrame``, ``0/0`` and ``0//0`` now give ``np.nan`` instead of ``np.inf``. (:issue:`9144`, :issue:`8445`) Previous behavior .. code-block:: ipython In [2]: p = pd.Series([0, 1]) In [3]: p / 0 Out[3]: 0 inf 1 inf dtype: float64 In [4]: p // 0 Out[4]: 0 inf 1 inf dtype: float64 New behavior .. ipython:: python p = pd.Series([0, 1]) p / 0 p // 0 - ``Series.values_counts`` and ``Series.describe`` for categorical data will now put ``NaN`` entries at the end. (:issue:`9443`) - ``Series.describe`` for categorical data will now give counts and frequencies of 0, not ``NaN``, for unused categories (:issue:`9443`) - Due to a bug fix, looking up a partial string label with ``DatetimeIndex.asof`` now includes values that match the string, even if they are after the start of the partial string label (:issue:`9258`). Old behavior: .. code-block:: ipython In [4]: pd.to_datetime(['2000-01-31', '2000-02-28']).asof('2000-02') Out[4]: Timestamp('2000-01-31 00:00:00') Fixed behavior: .. ipython:: python pd.to_datetime(['2000-01-31', '2000-02-28']).asof('2000-02') To reproduce the old behavior, simply add more precision to the label (e.g., use ``2000-02-01`` instead of ``2000-02``). .. _whatsnew_0160.deprecations: Deprecations ^^^^^^^^^^^^ - The ``rplot`` trellis plotting interface is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. We refer to external packages like `seaborn `_ for similar but more refined functionality (:issue:`3445`). The documentation includes some examples how to convert your existing code from ``rplot`` to seaborn `here `__. - The ``pandas.sandbox.qtpandas`` interface is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. We refer users to the external package `pandas-qt `_. (:issue:`9615`) - The ``pandas.rpy`` interface is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Similar functionality can be accessed through the `rpy2 `_ project (:issue:`9602`) - Adding ``DatetimeIndex/PeriodIndex`` to another ``DatetimeIndex/PeriodIndex`` is being deprecated as a set-operation. This will be changed to a ``TypeError`` in a future version. ``.union()`` should be used for the union set operation. (:issue:`9094`) - Subtracting ``DatetimeIndex/PeriodIndex`` from another ``DatetimeIndex/PeriodIndex`` is being deprecated as a set-operation. This will be changed to an actual numeric subtraction yielding a ``TimeDeltaIndex`` in a future version. ``.difference()`` should be used for the differencing set operation. (:issue:`9094`) .. _whatsnew_0160.prior_deprecations: Removal of prior version deprecations/changes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - ``DataFrame.pivot_table`` and ``crosstab``'s ``rows`` and ``cols`` keyword arguments were removed in favor of ``index`` and ``columns`` (:issue:`6581`) - ``DataFrame.to_excel`` and ``DataFrame.to_csv`` ``cols`` keyword argument was removed in favor of ``columns`` (:issue:`6581`) - Removed ``convert_dummies`` in favor of ``get_dummies`` (:issue:`6581`) - Removed ``value_range`` in favor of ``describe`` (:issue:`6581`) .. _whatsnew_0160.performance: Performance improvements ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Fixed a performance regression for ``.loc`` indexing with an array or list-like (:issue:`9126`:). - ``DataFrame.to_json`` 30x performance improvement for mixed dtype frames. (:issue:`9037`) - Performance improvements in ``MultiIndex.duplicated`` by working with labels instead of values (:issue:`9125`) - Improved the speed of ``nunique`` by calling ``unique`` instead of ``value_counts`` (:issue:`9129`, :issue:`7771`) - Performance improvement of up to 10x in ``DataFrame.count`` and ``DataFrame.dropna`` by taking advantage of homogeneous/heterogeneous dtypes appropriately (:issue:`9136`) - Performance improvement of up to 20x in ``DataFrame.count`` when using a ``MultiIndex`` and the ``level`` keyword argument (:issue:`9163`) - Performance and memory usage improvements in ``merge`` when key space exceeds ``int64`` bounds (:issue:`9151`) - Performance improvements in multi-key ``groupby`` (:issue:`9429`) - Performance improvements in ``MultiIndex.sortlevel`` (:issue:`9445`) - Performance and memory usage improvements in ``DataFrame.duplicated`` (:issue:`9398`) - Cythonized ``Period`` (:issue:`9440`) - Decreased memory usage on ``to_hdf`` (:issue:`9648`) .. _whatsnew_0160.bug_fixes: Bug fixes ~~~~~~~~~ - Changed ``.to_html`` to remove leading/trailing spaces in table body (:issue:`4987`) - Fixed issue using ``read_csv`` on s3 with Python 3 (:issue:`9452`) - Fixed compatibility issue in ``DatetimeIndex`` affecting architectures where ``numpy.int_`` defaults to ``numpy.int32`` (:issue:`8943`) - Bug in Panel indexing with an object-like (:issue:`9140`) - Bug in the returned ``Series.dt.components`` index was reset to the default index (:issue:`9247`) - Bug in ``Categorical.__getitem__/__setitem__`` with listlike input getting incorrect results from indexer coercion (:issue:`9469`) - Bug in partial setting with a DatetimeIndex (:issue:`9478`) - Bug in groupby for integer and datetime64 columns when applying an aggregator that caused the value to be changed when the number was sufficiently large (:issue:`9311`, :issue:`6620`) - Fixed bug in ``to_sql`` when mapping a ``Timestamp`` object column (datetime column with timezone info) to the appropriate sqlalchemy type (:issue:`9085`). - Fixed bug in ``to_sql`` ``dtype`` argument not accepting an instantiated SQLAlchemy type (:issue:`9083`). - Bug in ``.loc`` partial setting with a ``np.datetime64`` (:issue:`9516`) - Incorrect dtypes inferred on datetimelike looking ``Series`` & on ``.xs`` slices (:issue:`9477`) - Items in ``Categorical.unique()`` (and ``s.unique()`` if ``s`` is of dtype ``category``) now appear in the order in which they are originally found, not in sorted order (:issue:`9331`). This is now consistent with the behavior for other dtypes in pandas. - Fixed bug on big endian platforms which produced incorrect results in ``StataReader`` (:issue:`8688`). - Bug in ``MultiIndex.has_duplicates`` when having many levels causes an indexer overflow (:issue:`9075`, :issue:`5873`) - Bug in ``pivot`` and ``unstack`` where ``nan`` values would break index alignment (:issue:`4862`, :issue:`7401`, :issue:`7403`, :issue:`7405`, :issue:`7466`, :issue:`9497`) - Bug in left ``join`` on MultiIndex with ``sort=True`` or null values (:issue:`9210`). - Bug in ``MultiIndex`` where inserting new keys would fail (:issue:`9250`). - Bug in ``groupby`` when key space exceeds ``int64`` bounds (:issue:`9096`). - Bug in ``unstack`` with ``TimedeltaIndex`` or ``DatetimeIndex`` and nulls (:issue:`9491`). - Bug in ``rank`` where comparing floats with tolerance will cause inconsistent behaviour (:issue:`8365`). - Fixed character encoding bug in ``read_stata`` and ``StataReader`` when loading data from a URL (:issue:`9231`). - Bug in adding ``offsets.Nano`` to other offsets raises ``TypeError`` (:issue:`9284`) - Bug in ``DatetimeIndex`` iteration, related to (:issue:`8890`), fixed in (:issue:`9100`) - Bugs in ``resample`` around DST transitions. This required fixing offset classes so they behave correctly on DST transitions. (:issue:`5172`, :issue:`8744`, :issue:`8653`, :issue:`9173`, :issue:`9468`). - Bug in binary operator method (eg ``.mul()``) alignment with integer levels (:issue:`9463`). - Bug in boxplot, scatter and hexbin plot may show an unnecessary warning (:issue:`8877`) - Bug in subplot with ``layout`` kw may show unnecessary warning (:issue:`9464`) - Bug in using grouper functions that need passed through arguments (e.g. axis), when using wrapped function (e.g. ``fillna``), (:issue:`9221`) - ``DataFrame`` now properly supports simultaneous ``copy`` and ``dtype`` arguments in constructor (:issue:`9099`) - Bug in ``read_csv`` when using skiprows on a file with CR line endings with the c engine. (:issue:`9079`) - ``isnull`` now detects ``NaT`` in ``PeriodIndex`` (:issue:`9129`) - Bug in groupby ``.nth()`` with a multiple column groupby (:issue:`8979`) - Bug in ``DataFrame.where`` and ``Series.where`` coerce numerics to string incorrectly (:issue:`9280`) - Bug in ``DataFrame.where`` and ``Series.where`` raise ``ValueError`` when string list-like is passed. (:issue:`9280`) - Accessing ``Series.str`` methods on with non-string values now raises ``TypeError`` instead of producing incorrect results (:issue:`9184`) - Bug in ``DatetimeIndex.__contains__`` when index has duplicates and is not monotonic increasing (:issue:`9512`) - Fixed division by zero error for ``Series.kurt()`` when all values are equal (:issue:`9197`) - Fixed issue in the ``xlsxwriter`` engine where it added a default 'General' format to cells if no other format was applied. This prevented other row or column formatting being applied. (:issue:`9167`) - Fixes issue with ``index_col=False`` when ``usecols`` is also specified in ``read_csv``. (:issue:`9082`) - Bug where ``wide_to_long`` would modify the input stub names list (:issue:`9204`) - Bug in ``to_sql`` not storing float64 values using double precision. (:issue:`9009`) - ``SparseSeries`` and ``SparsePanel`` now accept zero argument constructors (same as their non-sparse counterparts) (:issue:`9272`). - Regression in merging ``Categorical`` and ``object`` dtypes (:issue:`9426`) - Bug in ``read_csv`` with buffer overflows with certain malformed input files (:issue:`9205`) - Bug in groupby MultiIndex with missing pair (:issue:`9049`, :issue:`9344`) - Fixed bug in ``Series.groupby`` where grouping on ``MultiIndex`` levels would ignore the sort argument (:issue:`9444`) - Fix bug in ``DataFrame.Groupby`` where ``sort=False`` is ignored in the case of Categorical columns. (:issue:`8868`) - Fixed bug with reading CSV files from Amazon S3 on python 3 raising a TypeError (:issue:`9452`) - Bug in the Google BigQuery reader where the 'jobComplete' key may be present but False in the query results (:issue:`8728`) - Bug in ``Series.values_counts`` with excluding ``NaN`` for categorical type ``Series`` with ``dropna=True`` (:issue:`9443`) - Fixed missing numeric_only option for ``DataFrame.std/var/sem`` (:issue:`9201`) - Support constructing ``Panel`` or ``Panel4D`` with scalar data (:issue:`8285`) - ``Series`` text representation disconnected from ``max_rows``/``max_columns`` (:issue:`7508`). \ - ``Series`` number formatting inconsistent when truncated (:issue:`8532`). Previous behavior .. code-block:: python In [2]: pd.options.display.max_rows = 10 In [3]: s = pd.Series([1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0.9999,1,1]*10) In [4]: s Out[4]: 0 1 1 1 2 1 ... 127 0.9999 128 1.0000 129 1.0000 Length: 130, dtype: float64 New behavior .. code-block:: python 0 1.0000 1 1.0000 2 1.0000 3 1.0000 4 1.0000 ... 125 1.0000 126 1.0000 127 0.9999 128 1.0000 129 1.0000 dtype: float64 - A Spurious ``SettingWithCopy`` Warning was generated when setting a new item in a frame in some cases (:issue:`8730`) The following would previously report a ``SettingWithCopy`` Warning. .. ipython:: python df1 = pd.DataFrame({'x': pd.Series(['a', 'b', 'c']), 'y': pd.Series(['d', 'e', 'f'])}) df2 = df1[['x']] df2['y'] = ['g', 'h', 'i'] .. _whatsnew_0.16.0.contributors: Contributors ~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. contributors:: v0.15.2..v0.16.0