.. _whatsnew_0234: What's new in 0.23.4 (August 3, 2018) ------------------------------------- {{ header }} This is a minor bug-fix release in the 0.23.x series and includes some small regression fixes and bug fixes. We recommend that all users upgrade to this version. .. warning:: Starting January 1, 2019, pandas feature releases will support Python 3 only. See `Dropping Python 2.7 `_ for more. .. contents:: What's new in v0.23.4 :local: :backlinks: none .. _whatsnew_0234.fixed_regressions: Fixed regressions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Python 3.7 with Windows gave all missing values for rolling variance calculations (:issue:`21813`) .. _whatsnew_0234.bug_fixes: Bug fixes ~~~~~~~~~ **Groupby/resample/rolling** - Bug where calling :func:`DataFrameGroupBy.agg` with a list of functions including ``ohlc`` as the non-initial element would raise a ``ValueError`` (:issue:`21716`) - Bug in ``roll_quantile`` caused a memory leak when calling ``.rolling(...).quantile(q)`` with ``q`` in (0,1) (:issue:`21965`) **Missing** - Bug in :func:`Series.clip` and :func:`DataFrame.clip` cannot accept list-like threshold containing ``NaN`` (:issue:`19992`) .. _whatsnew_0.23.4.contributors: Contributors ~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. contributors:: v0.23.3..v0.23.4