pandas 0.8.1 documentation

ExcelFile.parse(sheetname, header=0, skiprows=None, index_col=None, parse_cols=None, parse_dates=False, date_parser=None, na_values=None, thousands=None, chunksize=None)

Read Excel table into DataFrame

Parameters :

sheetname : string

Name of Excel sheet

header : int, default 0

Row to use for the column labels of the parsed DataFrame

skiprows : list-like

Row numbers to skip (0-indexed)

index_col : int, default None

Column to use as the row labels of the DataFrame. Pass None if there is no such column

parse_cols : int or list, default None

If None then parse all columns, If int then indicates last column to be parsed If list of ints then indicates list of column numbers to be parsed

na_values : list-like, default None

List of additional strings to recognize as NA/NaN

Returns :

parsed : DataFrame