API reference¶
This page gives an overview of all public pandas objects, functions and
methods. All classes and functions exposed in pandas.*
namespace are public.
Some subpackages are public which include pandas.errors
, and pandas.testing
. Public functions in
and pandas.tseries
submodules are mentioned in
the documentation. pandas.api.types
subpackage holds some
public functions related to data types in pandas.
The pandas.core
, pandas.compat
, and pandas.util
top-level modules are PRIVATE. Stable functionality in such modules is not guaranteed.
- Input/output
- General functions
- Series
- Constructor
- Attributes
- Conversion
- Indexing, iteration
- Binary operator functions
- Function application, groupby & window
- Computations / descriptive stats
- Reindexing / selection / label manipulation
- Missing data handling
- Reshaping, sorting
- Combining / joining / merging
- Time series-related
- Accessors
- Plotting
- Serialization / IO / conversion
- DataFrame
- Constructor
- Attributes and underlying data
- Conversion
- Indexing, iteration
- Binary operator functions
- Function application, GroupBy & window
- Computations / descriptive stats
- Reindexing / selection / label manipulation
- Missing data handling
- Reshaping, sorting, transposing
- Combining / joining / merging
- Time series-related
- Metadata
- Plotting
- Sparse accessor
- Serialization / IO / conversion
- Pandas arrays
- Panel
- Index objects
- Date offsets
- DateOffset
- BusinessDay
- BusinessHour
- CustomBusinessDay
- CustomBusinessHour
- MonthOffset
- MonthEnd
- MonthBegin
- BusinessMonthEnd
- BusinessMonthBegin
- CustomBusinessMonthEnd
- CustomBusinessMonthBegin
- SemiMonthOffset
- SemiMonthEnd
- SemiMonthBegin
- Week
- WeekOfMonth
- LastWeekOfMonth
- QuarterOffset
- BQuarterEnd
- BQuarterBegin
- QuarterEnd
- QuarterBegin
- YearOffset
- BYearEnd
- BYearBegin
- YearEnd
- YearBegin
- FY5253
- FY5253Quarter
- Easter
- Tick
- Day
- Hour
- Minute
- Second
- Milli
- Micro
- Nano
- BDay
- BMonthEnd
- BMonthBegin
- CBMonthEnd
- CBMonthBegin
- CDay
- Frequencies
- Window
- GroupBy
- Resampling
- Style
- Plotting
- pandas.plotting.andrews_curves
- pandas.plotting.autocorrelation_plot
- pandas.plotting.bootstrap_plot
- pandas.plotting.boxplot
- pandas.plotting.deregister_matplotlib_converters
- pandas.plotting.lag_plot
- pandas.plotting.parallel_coordinates
- pandas.plotting.plot_params
- pandas.plotting.radviz
- pandas.plotting.register_matplotlib_converters
- pandas.plotting.scatter_matrix
- pandas.plotting.table
- General utility functions
- Extensions
- pandas.api.extensions.register_extension_dtype
- pandas.api.extensions.register_dataframe_accessor
- pandas.api.extensions.register_series_accessor
- pandas.api.extensions.register_index_accessor
- pandas.api.extensions.ExtensionDtype
- pandas.api.extensions.ExtensionArray
- pandas.arrays.PandasArray
- pandas.api.indexers.check_array_indexer