
pandas.testing.assert_index_equal(left: pandas.core.indexes.base.Index, right: pandas.core.indexes.base.Index, exact: Union[bool, str] = 'equiv', check_names: bool = True, check_less_precise: Union[bool, int] = False, check_exact: bool = True, check_categorical: bool = True, obj: str = 'Index')None[source]

Check that left and right Index are equal.

exactbool or {‘equiv’}, default ‘equiv’

Whether to check the Index class, dtype and inferred_type are identical. If ‘equiv’, then RangeIndex can be substituted for Int64Index as well.

check_namesbool, default True

Whether to check the names attribute.

check_less_precisebool or int, default False

Specify comparison precision. Only used when check_exact is False. 5 digits (False) or 3 digits (True) after decimal points are compared. If int, then specify the digits to compare.

check_exactbool, default True

Whether to compare number exactly.

check_categoricalbool, default True

Whether to compare internal Categorical exactly.

objstr, default ‘Index’

Specify object name being compared, internally used to show appropriate assertion message.