Test organization

Ideally, there should be one, and only one, obvious place for a test to reside. Until we reach that ideal, these are some rules of thumb for where a test should be located.

  1. Does your test depend only on code in pd._libs.tslibs? This test likely belongs in one of:

    • tests.tslibs


      No file in tests.tslibs should import from any pandas modules outside of pd._libs.tslibs

    • tests.scalar

    • tests.tseries.offsets

  2. Does your test depend only on code in pd._libs? This test likely belongs in one of:

    • tests.libs

    • tests.groupby.test_libgroupby

  3. Is your test for an arithmetic or comparison method? This test likely belongs in one of:

    • tests.arithmetic


      These are intended for tests that can be shared to test the behavior of DataFrame/Series/Index/ExtensionArray using the box_with_array fixture.

    • tests.frame.test_arithmetic

    • tests.series.test_arithmetic

  4. Is your test for a reduction method (min, max, sum, prod, …)? This test likely belongs in one of:

    • tests.reductions


      These are intended for tests that can be shared to test the behavior of DataFrame/Series/Index/ExtensionArray.

    • tests.frame.test_reductions

    • tests.series.test_reductions

    • tests.test_nanops

  5. Is your test for an indexing method? This is the most difficult case for deciding where a test belongs, because there are many of these tests, and many of them test more than one method (e.g. both Series.__getitem__ and Series.loc.__getitem__)

    1. Is the test specifically testing an Index method (e.g. Index.get_loc, Index.get_indexer)? This test likely belongs in one of:

      • tests.indexes.test_indexing

      • tests.indexes.fooindex.test_indexing

      Within that files there should be a method-specific test class e.g. TestGetLoc.

      In most cases, neither Series nor DataFrame objects should be needed in these tests.

    2. Is the test for a Series or DataFrame indexing method other than __getitem__ or __setitem__, e.g. xs, where, take, mask, lookup, or insert? This test likely belongs in one of:

      • tests.frame.indexing.test_methodname

      • tests.series.indexing.test_methodname

    3. Is the test for any of loc, iloc, at, or iat? This test likely belongs in one of:

      • tests.indexing.test_loc

      • tests.indexing.test_iloc

      • tests.indexing.test_at

      • tests.indexing.test_iat

      Within the appropriate file, test classes correspond to either types of indexers (e.g. TestLocBooleanMask) or major use cases (e.g. TestLocSetitemWithExpansion).

      See the note in section D) about tests that test multiple indexing methods.

    4. Is the test for Series.__getitem__, Series.__setitem__, DataFrame.__getitem__, or DataFrame.__setitem__? This test likely belongs in one of:

      • tests.series.test_getitem

      • tests.series.test_setitem

      • tests.frame.test_getitem

      • tests.frame.test_setitem

      If many cases such a test may test multiple similar methods, e.g.

      import pandas as pd
      import pandas._testing as tm
      def test_getitem_listlike_of_ints():
          ser = pd.Series(range(5))
          result = ser[[3, 4]]
          expected = pd.Series([2, 3])
          tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected)
          result = ser.loc[[3, 4]]
          tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected)

    In cases like this, the test location should be based on the underlying method being tested. Or in the case of a test for a bugfix, the location of the actual bug. So in this example, we know that Series.__getitem__ calls Series.loc.__getitem__, so this is really a test for loc.__getitem__. So this test belongs in tests.indexing.test_loc.

  6. Is your test for a DataFrame or Series method?

    1. Is the method a plotting method? This test likely belongs in one of:

      • tests.plotting

    2. Is the method an IO method? This test likely belongs in one of:

      • tests.io

    3. Otherwise This test likely belongs in one of:

      • tests.series.methods.test_mymethod

      • tests.frame.methods.test_mymethod


        If a test can be shared between DataFrame/Series using the frame_or_series fixture, by convention it goes in the tests.frame file.

  7. Is your test for an Index method, not depending on Series/DataFrame? This test likely belongs in one of:

    • tests.indexes

  1. Is your test for one of the pandas-provided ExtensionArrays (Categorical, DatetimeArray, TimedeltaArray, PeriodArray, IntervalArray, PandasArray, FloatArray, BoolArray, StringArray)? This test likely belongs in one of:

    • tests.arrays

  2. Is your test for all ExtensionArray subclasses (the “EA Interface”)? This test likely belongs in one of:

    • tests.extension