.. _whatsnew_115: What's new in 1.1.5 (December 07, 2020) --------------------------------------- These are the changes in pandas 1.1.5. See :ref:`release` for a full changelog including other versions of pandas. {{ header }} .. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- .. _whatsnew_115.regressions: Fixed regressions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Fixed regression in addition of a timedelta-like scalar to a :class:`DatetimeIndex` raising incorrectly (:issue:`37295`) - Fixed regression in :meth:`Series.groupby` raising when the :class:`Index` of the :class:`Series` had a tuple as its name (:issue:`37755`) - Fixed regression in :meth:`DataFrame.loc` and :meth:`Series.loc` for ``__setitem__`` when one-dimensional tuple was given to select from :class:`MultiIndex` (:issue:`37711`) - Fixed regression in inplace operations on :class:`Series` with ``ExtensionDtype`` with NumPy dtyped operand (:issue:`37910`) - Fixed regression in metadata propagation for ``groupby`` iterator (:issue:`37343`) - Fixed regression in :class:`MultiIndex` constructed from a :class:`DatetimeIndex` not retaining frequency (:issue:`35563`) - Fixed regression in :class:`Index` constructor raising a ``AttributeError`` when passed a :class:`SparseArray` with datetime64 values (:issue:`35843`) - Fixed regression in :meth:`DataFrame.unstack` with columns with integer dtype (:issue:`37115`) - Fixed regression in indexing on a :class:`Series` with ``CategoricalDtype`` after unpickling (:issue:`37631`) - Fixed regression in :meth:`DataFrame.groupby` aggregation with out-of-bounds datetime objects in an object-dtype column (:issue:`36003`) - Fixed regression in ``df.groupby(..).rolling(..)`` with the resulting :class:`MultiIndex` when grouping by a label that is in the index (:issue:`37641`) - Fixed regression in :meth:`DataFrame.fillna` not filling ``NaN`` after other operations such as :meth:`DataFrame.pivot` (:issue:`36495`). - Fixed performance regression in ``df.groupby(..).rolling(..)`` (:issue:`38038`) - Fixed regression in :meth:`MultiIndex.intersection` returning duplicates when at least one of the indexes had duplicates (:issue:`36915`) - Fixed regression in :meth:`.GroupBy.first` and :meth:`.GroupBy.last` where ``None`` was considered a non-NA value (:issue:`38286`) .. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- .. _whatsnew_115.bug_fixes: Bug fixes ~~~~~~~~~ - Bug in pytables methods in python 3.9 (:issue:`38041`) .. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- .. _whatsnew_115.other: Other ~~~~~ - Only set ``-Werror`` as a compiler flag in the CI jobs (:issue:`33315`, :issue:`33314`) .. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- .. _whatsnew_115.contributors: Contributors ~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. contributors:: v1.1.4..v1.1.5|HEAD