What’s new in 1.4.4 (July ??, 2022)

These are the changes in pandas 1.4.4. See Release notes for a full changelog including other versions of pandas.

Fixed regressions

Bug fixes

  • The errors.FutureWarning raised when passing arguments (other than filepath_or_buffer) as positional in read_csv() is now raised at the correct stacklevel (GH47385)

  • Bug in DataFrame.to_sql() when method was a callable that did not return an int and would raise a TypeError (GH46891)

  • Bug in DataFrameGroupBy.value_counts() where subset had no effect (GH44267)

  • Bug in loc.__getitem__() with a list of keys causing an internal inconsistency that could lead to a disconnect between frame.at[x, y] vs frame[y].loc[x] (GH22372)

  • Bug in the Series.dt.strftime() accessor return a float instead of object dtype Series for all-NaT input, which also causes a spurious deprecation warning (GH45858)


  • The minimum version of Cython needed to compile pandas is now 0.29.32 (GH47978)


A total of 268 people contributed patches to this release. People with a “+” by their names contributed a patch for the first time.

  • Aadharsh Acharya +

  • Aadharsh-Acharya +

  • Aadhi Manivannan +

  • Adam Bowden

  • Aditya Agarwal +

  • Ahmed Ibrahim +

  • Alastair Porter +

  • Alex Povel +

  • Alex-Blade

  • Alexandra Sciocchetti +

  • AlonMenczer +

  • Andras Deak +

  • Andrew Hawyrluk

  • Andy Grigg +

  • Aneta Kahleová +

  • Anthony Givans +

  • Anton Shevtsov +

  • B. J. Potter +

  • BarkotBeyene +

  • Ben Beasley +

  • Ben Wozniak +

  • Bernhard Wagner +

  • Boris Rumyantsev

  • Brian Gollop +

  • CCXXXI +

  • Chandrasekaran Anirudh Bhardwaj +

  • Charles Blackmon-Luca +

  • Chris Moradi +

  • ChrisAlbertsen +

  • Compro Prasad +

  • DaPy15

  • Damian Barabonkov +

  • Daniel I +

  • Daniel Isaac +

  • Daniel Schmidt

  • Danil Iashchenko +

  • Dare Adewumi

  • Dennis Chukwunta +

  • Dennis J. Gray +

  • Derek Sharp +

  • Dhruv Samdani +

  • Dimitra Karadima +

  • Dmitry Savostyanov +

  • Dmytro Litvinov +

  • Do Young Kim +

  • Dries Schaumont +

  • Edward Huang +

  • Eirik +

  • Ekaterina +

  • Eli Dourado +

  • Ezra Brauner +

  • Fabian Gabel +

  • FactorizeD +

  • Fangchen Li

  • Francesco Romandini +

  • Greg Gandenberger +

  • Guo Ci +

  • Hiroaki Ogasawara

  • Hood Chatham +

  • Ian Alexander Joiner +

  • Irv Lustig

  • Ivan Ng +

  • JHM Darbyshire

  • JHM Darbyshire (MBP)

  • JHM Darbyshire (iMac)

  • JMBurley

  • Jack Goldsmith +

  • James Freeman +

  • James Lamb

  • James Moro +

  • Janosh Riebesell

  • Jarrod Millman

  • Jason Jia +

  • Jeff Reback

  • Jeremy Tuloup +

  • Johannes Mueller

  • John Bencina +

  • John Mantios +

  • John Zangwill

  • Jon Bramley +

  • Jonas Haag

  • Jordan Hicks

  • Joris Van den Bossche

  • Jose Ortiz +

  • JosephParampathu +

  • José Duarte

  • Julian Steger +

  • Kai Priester +

  • Kapil E. Iyer +

  • Karthik Velayutham +

  • Kashif Khan

  • Kazuki Igeta +

  • Kevin Jan Anker +

  • Khor Chean Wei

  • Kian Eliasi

  • Kian S +

  • Kim, KwonHyun +

  • Kinza-Raza +

  • Konjeti Maruthi +

  • Leonardus Chen

  • Linxiao Francis Cong +

  • Loïc Estève

  • LucasG0 +

  • Lucy Jiménez +

  • Luis Pinto

  • Luke Manley

  • Marc Garcia

  • Marco Edward Gorelli

  • Marco Gorelli

  • MarcoGorelli

  • Margarete Dippel +

  • Mariam-ke +

  • Martin Fleischmann

  • Marvin John Walter +

  • Marvin Walter +

  • Mateusz

  • Matilda M +

  • Matthew Roeschke

  • Matthias Bussonnier

  • Mehgarg +

  • Melissa Weber Mendonça +

  • Michael Milton +

  • Michael Wang

  • Mike McCarty +

  • Miloni Atal +

  • Mitlasóczki Bence +

  • Moritz Schreiber +

  • Morten Canth Hels +

  • Nick Crews +

  • NickFillot +

  • Nicolas Hug +

  • Nima Sarang +

  • Noa Tamir +

  • Pandas Development Team

  • Parfait Gasana

  • Parthi +

  • Partho +

  • Patrick Hoefler

  • Peter

  • Peter Hawkins +

  • Philipp A

  • Philipp Schaefer +

  • Pierrot +

  • Pratik Patel +

  • Prithvijit

  • Purna Chandra Mansingh +

  • Radoslaw Lemiec +

  • Reinert Huseby Karlsen +

  • Richard Shadrach

  • Richard Shadrach +

  • Robbie Palmer

  • Robert de Vries

  • Roger +

  • Roger Murray +

  • Ruizhe Deng +

  • SELEE +

  • Sachin Yadav +

  • Saiwing Yeung +

  • Sam Rao +

  • Sandro Casagrande +

  • Sebastiaan Vermeulen +

  • Shaghayegh +

  • Shantanu +

  • Shashank Shet +

  • Shawn Zhong +

  • Shuangchi He +

  • Simon Hawkins

  • Simon Knott +

  • Solomon Song +

  • Somtochi Umeh +

  • Stefan Krawczyk +

  • Stefanie Molin

  • Steffen Rehberg

  • Steven Bamford +

  • Steven Rotondo +

  • Steven Schaerer

  • Sylvain MARIE +

  • Sylvain Marié

  • Tarun Raghunandan Kaushik +

  • Taylor Packard +

  • Terji Petersen

  • Thierry Moisan

  • Thomas Grainger

  • Thomas Hunter +

  • Thomas Li

  • Tim McFarland +

  • Tim Swast

  • Tim Yang +

  • Tobias Pitters

  • Tom Aarsen +

  • Tom Augspurger

  • Torsten Wörtwein

  • TraverseTowner +

  • Tyler Reddy

  • Valentin Iovene

  • Varun Sharma +

  • Vasily Litvinov

  • Venaturum

  • Vinicius Akira Imaizumi +

  • Vladimir Fokow +

  • Wenjun Si

  • Will Lachance +

  • William Andrea

  • Wolfgang F. Riedl +

  • Xingrong Chen +

  • Yago González

  • Yikun Jiang +

  • Yuanhao Geng

  • Yuval +

  • Zero

  • Zhengfei Wang +

  • abmyii

  • alexondor +

  • alm

  • andjhall +

  • anilbey +

  • arnaudlegout +

  • asv-bot +

  • ateki +

  • auderson +

  • bherwerth +

  • bicarlsen +

  • carbonleakage +

  • charles +

  • charlogazzo +

  • code-review-doctor +

  • dataxerik +

  • deponovo

  • dimitra-karadima +

  • dospix +

  • ehallam +

  • ehsan shirvanian +

  • ember91 +

  • eshirvana

  • fractionalhare +

  • gaotian98 +

  • gesoos

  • github-actions[bot]

  • gunghub +

  • hasan-yaman

  • iansheng +

  • iasoon +

  • jbrockmendel

  • joshuabello2550 +

  • jyuv +

  • kouya takahashi +

  • mariana-LJ +

  • matt +

  • mattB1989 +

  • nealxm +

  • partev

  • poloso +

  • realead

  • roib20 +

  • rtpsw

  • ryangilmour +

  • shourya5 +

  • srotondo +

  • stanleycai95 +

  • staticdev +

  • tehunter +

  • theidexisted +

  • tobias.pitters +

  • uncjackg +

  • vernetya

  • wany-oh +

  • wfr +

  • z3c0 +