.. _whatsnew_114: What's new in 1.1.4 (October 30, 2020) -------------------------------------- These are the changes in pandas 1.1.4. See :ref:`release` for a full changelog including other versions of pandas. {{ header }} .. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- .. _whatsnew_114.regressions: Fixed regressions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Fixed regression in :func:`read_csv` raising a ``ValueError`` when ``names`` was of type ``dict_keys`` (:issue:`36928`) - Fixed regression in :func:`read_csv` with more than 1M rows and specifying a ``index_col`` argument (:issue:`37094`) - Fixed regression where attempting to mutate a :class:`DateOffset` object would no longer raise an ``AttributeError`` (:issue:`36940`) - Fixed regression where :meth:`DataFrame.agg` would fail with :exc:`TypeError` when passed positional arguments to be passed on to the aggregation function (:issue:`36948`). - Fixed regression in :class:`RollingGroupby` with ``sort=False`` not being respected (:issue:`36889`) - Fixed regression in :meth:`Series.astype` converting ``None`` to ``"nan"`` when casting to string (:issue:`36904`) - Fixed regression in :meth:`Series.rank` method failing for read-only data (:issue:`37290`) - Fixed regression in :class:`RollingGroupby` causing a segmentation fault with Index of dtype object (:issue:`36727`) - Fixed regression in :meth:`DataFrame.resample(...).apply(...)` raised ``AttributeError`` when input was a :class:`DataFrame` and only a :class:`Series` was evaluated (:issue:`36951`) - Fixed regression in ``DataFrame.groupby(..).std()`` with nullable integer dtype (:issue:`37415`) - Fixed regression in :class:`PeriodDtype` comparing both equal and unequal to its string representation (:issue:`37265`) - Fixed regression where slicing :class:`DatetimeIndex` raised :exc:`AssertionError` on irregular time series with ``pd.NaT`` or on unsorted indices (:issue:`36953` and :issue:`35509`) - Fixed regression in certain offsets (:meth:`pd.offsets.Day() ` and below) no longer being hashable (:issue:`37267`) - Fixed regression in :class:`StataReader` which required ``chunksize`` to be manually set when using an iterator to read a dataset (:issue:`37280`) - Fixed regression in setitem with :meth:`DataFrame.iloc` which raised error when trying to set a value while filtering with a boolean list (:issue:`36741`) - Fixed regression in setitem with a Series getting aligned before setting the values (:issue:`37427`) - Fixed regression in :attr:`MultiIndex.is_monotonic_increasing` returning wrong results with ``NaN`` in at least one of the levels (:issue:`37220`) - Fixed regression in inplace arithmetic operation on a Series not updating the parent DataFrame (:issue:`36373`) .. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- .. _whatsnew_114.bug_fixes: Bug fixes ~~~~~~~~~ - Bug causing ``groupby(...).sum()`` and similar to not preserve metadata (:issue:`29442`) - Bug in :meth:`Series.isin` and :meth:`DataFrame.isin` raising a ``ValueError`` when the target was read-only (:issue:`37174`) - Bug in :meth:`GroupBy.fillna` that introduced a performance regression after 1.0.5 (:issue:`36757`) - Bug in :meth:`DataFrame.info` was raising a ``KeyError`` when the DataFrame has integer column names (:issue:`37245`) - Bug in :meth:`DataFrameGroupby.apply` would drop a :class:`CategoricalIndex` when grouped on (:issue:`35792`) .. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- .. _whatsnew_114.contributors: Contributors ~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. contributors:: v1.1.3..v1.1.4