.. _whatsnew_151: What's new in 1.5.1 (October 19, 2022) -------------------------------------- These are the changes in pandas 1.5.1. See :ref:`release` for a full changelog including other versions of pandas. {{ header }} .. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- .. _whatsnew_151.groupby_categorical_regr: Behavior of ``groupby`` with categorical groupers (:issue:`48645`) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In versions of pandas prior to 1.5, ``groupby`` with ``dropna=False`` would still drop NA values when the grouper was a categorical dtype. A fix for this was attempted in 1.5, however it introduced a regression where passing ``observed=False`` and ``dropna=False`` to ``groupby`` would result in only observed categories. It was found that the patch fixing the ``dropna=False`` bug is incompatible with ``observed=False``, and decided that the best resolution is to restore the correct ``observed=False`` behavior at the cost of reintroducing the ``dropna=False`` bug. .. ipython:: python df = pd.DataFrame( { "x": pd.Categorical([1, None], categories=[1, 2, 3]), "y": [3, 4], } ) df *1.5.0 behavior*: .. code-block:: ipython In [3]: # Correct behavior, NA values are not dropped df.groupby("x", observed=True, dropna=False).sum() Out[3]: y x 1 3 NaN 4 In [4]: # Incorrect behavior, only observed categories present df.groupby("x", observed=False, dropna=False).sum() Out[4]: y x 1 3 NaN 4 *1.5.1 behavior*: .. ipython:: python # Incorrect behavior, NA values are dropped df.groupby("x", observed=True, dropna=False).sum() # Correct behavior, unobserved categories present (NA values still dropped) df.groupby("x", observed=False, dropna=False).sum() .. _whatsnew_151.regressions: Fixed regressions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Fixed Regression in :meth:`Series.__setitem__` casting ``None`` to ``NaN`` for object dtype (:issue:`48665`) - Fixed Regression in :meth:`DataFrame.loc` when setting values as a :class:`DataFrame` with all ``True`` indexer (:issue:`48701`) - Regression in :func:`.read_csv` causing an ``EmptyDataError`` when using an UTF-8 file handle that was already read from (:issue:`48646`) - Regression in :func:`to_datetime` when ``utc=True`` and ``arg`` contained timezone naive and aware arguments raised a ``ValueError`` (:issue:`48678`) - Fixed regression in :meth:`DataFrame.loc` raising ``FutureWarning`` when setting an empty :class:`DataFrame` (:issue:`48480`) - Fixed regression in :meth:`DataFrame.describe` raising ``TypeError`` when result contains ``NA`` (:issue:`48778`) - Fixed regression in :meth:`DataFrame.plot` ignoring invalid ``colormap`` for ``kind="scatter"`` (:issue:`48726`) - Fixed regression in :meth:`MultiIndex.values`` resetting ``freq`` attribute of underlying :class:`Index` object (:issue:`49054`) - Fixed performance regression in :func:`factorize` when ``na_sentinel`` is not ``None`` and ``sort=False`` (:issue:`48620`) - Fixed regression causing an ``AttributeError`` during warning emitted if the provided table name in :meth:`DataFrame.to_sql` and the table name actually used in the database do not match (:issue:`48733`) - Fixed regression in :func:`to_datetime` when ``arg`` was a date string with nanosecond and ``format`` contained ``%f`` would raise a ``ValueError`` (:issue:`48767`) - Fixed regression in :func:`assert_frame_equal` raising for :class:`MultiIndex` with :class:`Categorical` and ``check_like=True`` (:issue:`48975`) - Fixed regression in :meth:`DataFrame.fillna` replacing wrong values for ``datetime64[ns]`` dtype and ``inplace=True`` (:issue:`48863`) - Fixed :meth:`.DataFrameGroupBy.size` not returning a Series when ``axis=1`` (:issue:`48738`) - Fixed Regression in :meth:`DataFrameGroupBy.apply` when user defined function is called on an empty dataframe (:issue:`47985`) - Fixed regression in :meth:`DataFrame.apply` when passing non-zero ``axis`` via keyword argument (:issue:`48656`) - Fixed regression in :meth:`Series.groupby` and :meth:`DataFrame.groupby` when the grouper is a nullable data type (e.g. :class:`Int64`) or a PyArrow-backed string array, contains null values, and ``dropna=False`` (:issue:`48794`) - Fixed performance regression in :meth:`Series.isin` with mismatching dtypes (:issue:`49162`) - Fixed regression in :meth:`DataFrame.to_parquet` raising when file name was specified as ``bytes`` (:issue:`48944`) - Fixed regression in :class:`ExcelWriter` where the ``book`` attribute could no longer be set; however setting this attribute is now deprecated and this ability will be removed in a future version of pandas (:issue:`48780`) - Fixed regression in :meth:`DataFrame.corrwith` when computing correlation on tied data with ``method="spearman"`` (:issue:`48826`) .. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- .. _whatsnew_151.bug_fixes: Bug fixes ~~~~~~~~~ - Bug in :meth:`Series.__getitem__` not falling back to positional for integer keys and boolean :class:`Index` (:issue:`48653`) - Bug in :meth:`DataFrame.to_hdf` raising ``AssertionError`` with boolean index (:issue:`48667`) - Bug in :func:`assert_index_equal` for extension arrays with non matching ``NA`` raising ``ValueError`` (:issue:`48608`) - Bug in :meth:`DataFrame.pivot_table` raising unexpected ``FutureWarning`` when setting datetime column as index (:issue:`48683`) - Bug in :meth:`DataFrame.sort_values` emitting unnecessary ``FutureWarning`` when called on :class:`DataFrame` with boolean sparse columns (:issue:`48784`) - Bug in :class:`.arrays.ArrowExtensionArray` with a comparison operator to an invalid object would not raise a ``NotImplementedError`` (:issue:`48833`) .. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- .. _whatsnew_151.other: Other ~~~~~ - Avoid showing deprecated signatures when introspecting functions with warnings about arguments becoming keyword-only (:issue:`48692`) .. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- .. _whatsnew_151.contributors: Contributors ~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. contributors:: v1.5.0..v1.5.1