.. _pyarrow: {{ header }} ********************* PyArrow Functionality ********************* pandas can utilize `PyArrow `__ to extend functionality and improve the performance of various APIs. This includes: * More extensive `data types `__ compared to NumPy * Missing data support (NA) for all data types * Performant IO reader integration * Facilitate interoperability with other dataframe libraries based on the Apache Arrow specification (e.g. polars, cuDF) To use this functionality, please ensure you have :ref:`installed the minimum supported PyArrow version. ` Data Structure Integration -------------------------- A :class:`Series`, :class:`Index`, or the columns of a :class:`DataFrame` can be directly backed by a :external+pyarrow:py:class:`pyarrow.ChunkedArray` which is similar to a NumPy array. To construct these from the main pandas data structures, you can pass in a string of the type followed by ``[pyarrow]``, e.g. ``"int64[pyarrow]""`` into the ``dtype`` parameter .. ipython:: python ser = pd.Series([-1.5, 0.2, None], dtype="float32[pyarrow]") ser idx = pd.Index([True, None], dtype="bool[pyarrow]") idx df = pd.DataFrame([[1, 2], [3, 4]], dtype="uint64[pyarrow]") df .. note:: The string alias ``"string[pyarrow]"`` maps to ``pd.StringDtype("pyarrow")`` which is not equivalent to specifying ``dtype=pd.ArrowDtype(pa.string())``. Generally, operations on the data will behave similarly except ``pd.StringDtype("pyarrow")`` can return NumPy-backed nullable types while ``pd.ArrowDtype(pa.string())`` will return :class:`ArrowDtype`. .. ipython:: python import pyarrow as pa data = list("abc") ser_sd = pd.Series(data, dtype="string[pyarrow]") ser_ad = pd.Series(data, dtype=pd.ArrowDtype(pa.string())) ser_ad.dtype == ser_sd.dtype ser_sd.str.contains("a") ser_ad.str.contains("a") For PyArrow types that accept parameters, you can pass in a PyArrow type with those parameters into :class:`ArrowDtype` to use in the ``dtype`` parameter. .. ipython:: python import pyarrow as pa list_str_type = pa.list_(pa.string()) ser = pd.Series([["hello"], ["there"]], dtype=pd.ArrowDtype(list_str_type)) ser from datetime import time idx = pd.Index([time(12, 30), None], dtype=pd.ArrowDtype(pa.time64("us"))) idx from decimal import Decimal decimal_type = pd.ArrowDtype(pa.decimal128(3, scale=2)) data = [[Decimal("3.19"), None], [None, Decimal("-1.23")]] df = pd.DataFrame(data, dtype=decimal_type) df If you already have an :external+pyarrow:py:class:`pyarrow.Array` or :external+pyarrow:py:class:`pyarrow.ChunkedArray`, you can pass it into :class:`.arrays.ArrowExtensionArray` to construct the associated :class:`Series`, :class:`Index` or :class:`DataFrame` object. .. ipython:: python pa_array = pa.array([{"1": "2"}, {"10": "20"}, None]) ser = pd.Series(pd.arrays.ArrowExtensionArray(pa_array)) ser To retrieve a pyarrow :external+pyarrow:py:class:`pyarrow.ChunkedArray` from a :class:`Series` or :class:`Index`, you can call the pyarrow array constructor on the :class:`Series` or :class:`Index`. .. ipython:: python ser = pd.Series([1, 2, None], dtype="uint8[pyarrow]") pa.array(ser) idx = pd.Index(ser) pa.array(idx) To convert a :external+pyarrow:py:class:`pyarrow.Table` to a :class:`DataFrame`, you can call the :external+pyarrow:py:meth:`pyarrow.Table.to_pandas` method with ``types_mapper=pd.ArrowDtype``. .. ipython:: python table = pa.table([pa.array([1, 2, 3], type=pa.int64())], names=["a"]) df = table.to_pandas(types_mapper=pd.ArrowDtype) df df.dtypes Operations ---------- PyArrow data structure integration is implemented through pandas' :class:`~pandas.api.extensions.ExtensionArray` :ref:`interface `; therefore, supported functionality exists where this interface is integrated within the pandas API. Additionally, this functionality is accelerated with PyArrow `compute functions `__ where available. This includes: * Numeric aggregations * Numeric arithmetic * Numeric rounding * Logical and comparison functions * String functionality * Datetime functionality The following are just some examples of operations that are accelerated by native PyArrow compute functions. .. ipython:: python import pyarrow as pa ser = pd.Series([-1.545, 0.211, None], dtype="float32[pyarrow]") ser.mean() ser + ser ser > (ser + 1) ser.dropna() ser.isna() ser.fillna(0) ser_str = pd.Series(["a", "b", None], dtype=pd.ArrowDtype(pa.string())) ser_str.str.startswith("a") from datetime import datetime pa_type = pd.ArrowDtype(pa.timestamp("ns")) ser_dt = pd.Series([datetime(2022, 1, 1), None], dtype=pa_type) ser_dt.dt.strftime("%Y-%m") I/O Reading ----------- PyArrow also provides IO reading functionality that has been integrated into several pandas IO readers. The following functions provide an ``engine`` keyword that can dispatch to PyArrow to accelerate reading from an IO source. * :func:`read_csv` * :func:`read_json` * :func:`read_orc` * :func:`read_feather` .. ipython:: python import io data = io.StringIO("""a,b,c 1,2.5,True 3,4.5,False """) df = pd.read_csv(data, engine="pyarrow") df By default, these functions and all other IO reader functions return NumPy-backed data. These readers can return PyArrow-backed data by specifying the parameter ``dtype_backend="pyarrow"``. A reader does not need to set ``engine="pyarrow"`` to necessarily return PyArrow-backed data. .. ipython:: python import io data = io.StringIO("""a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i 1,2.5,True,a,,,,, 3,4.5,False,b,6,7.5,True,a, """) df_pyarrow = pd.read_csv(data, dtype_backend="pyarrow") df_pyarrow.dtypes Several non-IO reader functions can also use the ``dtype_backend`` argument to return PyArrow-backed data including: * :func:`to_numeric` * :meth:`DataFrame.convert_dtypes` * :meth:`Series.convert_dtypes`