.. _whatsnew_203: What's new in 2.0.3 (June 28, 2023) ----------------------------------- These are the changes in pandas 2.0.3. See :ref:`release` for a full changelog including other versions of pandas. {{ header }} .. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- .. _whatsnew_203.regressions: Fixed regressions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Bug in :meth:`Timestamp.weekday`` was returning incorrect results before ``'0000-02-29'`` (:issue:`53738`) - Fixed performance regression in merging on datetime-like columns (:issue:`53231`) - Fixed regression when :meth:`DataFrame.to_string` creates extra space for string dtypes (:issue:`52690`) .. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- .. _whatsnew_203.bug_fixes: Bug fixes ~~~~~~~~~ - Bug in :func:`DataFrame.convert_dtype` and :func:`Series.convert_dtype` when trying to convert :class:`ArrowDtype` with ``dtype_backend="nullable_numpy"`` (:issue:`53648`) - Bug in :func:`RangeIndex.union` when using ``sort=True`` with another :class:`RangeIndex` (:issue:`53490`) - Bug in :func:`Series.reindex` when expanding a non-nanosecond datetime or timedelta :class:`Series` would not fill with ``NaT`` correctly (:issue:`53497`) - Bug in :func:`read_csv` when defining ``dtype`` with ``bool[pyarrow]`` for the ``"c"`` and ``"python"`` engines (:issue:`53390`) - Bug in :meth:`Series.str.split` and :meth:`Series.str.rsplit` with ``expand=True`` for :class:`ArrowDtype` with ``pyarrow.string`` (:issue:`53532`) - Bug in indexing methods (e.g. :meth:`DataFrame.__getitem__`) where taking the entire :class:`DataFrame`/:class:`Series` would raise an ``OverflowError`` when Copy on Write was enabled and the length of the array was over the maximum size a 32-bit integer can hold (:issue:`53616`) - Bug when constructing a :class:`DataFrame` with columns of an :class:`ArrowDtype` with a ``pyarrow.dictionary`` type that reindexes the data (:issue:`53617`) - Bug when indexing a :class:`DataFrame` or :class:`Series` with an :class:`Index` with a timestamp :class:`ArrowDtype` would raise an ``AttributeError`` (:issue:`53644`) .. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- .. _whatsnew_203.other: Other ~~~~~ .. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- .. _whatsnew_203.contributors: Contributors ~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. contributors:: v2.0.2..v2.0.3|HEAD