.. _whatsnew_211: What's new in 2.1.1 (September 20, 2023) ---------------------------------------- These are the changes in pandas 2.1.1. See :ref:`release` for a full changelog including other versions of pandas. {{ header }} .. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- .. _whatsnew_211.regressions: Fixed regressions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Fixed regression in :func:`concat` when :class:`DataFrame` 's have two different extension dtypes (:issue:`54848`) - Fixed regression in :func:`merge` when merging over a PyArrow string index (:issue:`54894`) - Fixed regression in :func:`read_csv` when ``usecols`` is given and ``dtypes`` is a dict for ``engine="python"`` (:issue:`54868`) - Fixed regression in :func:`read_csv` when ``delim_whitespace`` is True (:issue:`54918`, :issue:`54931`) - Fixed regression in :meth:`.GroupBy.get_group` raising for ``axis=1`` (:issue:`54858`) - Fixed regression in :meth:`DataFrame.__setitem__` raising ``AssertionError`` when setting a :class:`Series` with a partial :class:`MultiIndex` (:issue:`54875`) - Fixed regression in :meth:`DataFrame.filter` not respecting the order of elements for ``filter`` (:issue:`54980`) - Fixed regression in :meth:`DataFrame.to_sql` not roundtripping datetime columns correctly for sqlite (:issue:`54877`) - Fixed regression in :meth:`DataFrameGroupBy.agg` when aggregating a DataFrame with duplicate column names using a dictionary (:issue:`55006`) - Fixed regression in :meth:`MultiIndex.append` raising when appending overlapping :class:`IntervalIndex` levels (:issue:`54934`) - Fixed regression in :meth:`Series.drop_duplicates` for PyArrow strings (:issue:`54904`) - Fixed regression in :meth:`Series.interpolate` raising when ``fill_value`` was given (:issue:`54920`) - Fixed regression in :meth:`Series.value_counts` raising for numeric data if ``bins`` was specified (:issue:`54857`) - Fixed regression in comparison operations for PyArrow backed columns not propagating exceptions correctly (:issue:`54944`) - Fixed regression when comparing a :class:`Series` with ``datetime64`` dtype with ``None`` (:issue:`54870`) .. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- .. _whatsnew_211.bug_fixes: Bug fixes ~~~~~~~~~ - Fixed bug for :class:`ArrowDtype` raising ``NotImplementedError`` for fixed-size list (:issue:`55000`) - Fixed bug in :meth:`DataFrame.stack` with ``future_stack=True`` and columns a non-:class:`MultiIndex` consisting of tuples (:issue:`54948`) - Fixed bug in :meth:`Series.dt.tz` with :class:`ArrowDtype` where a string was returned instead of a ``tzinfo`` object (:issue:`55003`) - Fixed bug in :meth:`Series.pct_change` and :meth:`DataFrame.pct_change` showing unnecessary ``FutureWarning`` (:issue:`54981`) .. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- .. _whatsnew_211.other: Other ~~~~~ - Reverted the deprecation that disallowed :meth:`Series.apply` returning a :class:`DataFrame` when the passed-in callable returns a :class:`Series` object (:issue:`52116`) .. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- .. _whatsnew_211.contributors: Contributors ~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. contributors:: v2.1.0..v2.1.1|HEAD