.. _whatsnew_223: What's new in 2.2.3 (September 20, 2024) ---------------------------------------- These are the changes in pandas 2.2.3. See :ref:`release` for a full changelog including other versions of pandas. {{ header }} .. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- .. _whatsnew_220.py13_compat: Pandas 2.2.3 is now compatible with Python 3.13 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Pandas 2.2.3 is the first version of pandas that is generally compatible with the upcoming Python 3.13, and both wheels for free-threaded and normal Python 3.13 will be uploaded for this release. As usual please report any bugs discovered to our `issue tracker `_ .. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- .. _whatsnew_223.bug_fixes: Bug fixes ~~~~~~~~~ - Bug in :func:`eval` on :class:`complex` including division ``/`` discards imaginary part. (:issue:`21374`) - Minor fixes for numpy 2.1 compatibility. (:issue:`59444`) .. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- .. _whatsnew_223.other: Other ~~~~~ - Missing licenses for 3rd party dependencies were added back into the wheels. (:issue:`58632`) .. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- .. _whatsnew_223.contributors: Contributors ~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. contributors:: v2.2.2..v2.2.3|HEAD