, convert_dates=True, convert_categoricals=True, encoding=None, index=None, convert_missing=False, preserve_dtypes=True)

Read Stata file into DataFrame

Parameters :

filepath_or_buffer : string or file-like object

Path to .dta file or object implementing a binary read() functions

convert_dates : boolean, defaults to True

Convert date variables to DataFrame time values

convert_categoricals : boolean, defaults to True

Read value labels and convert columns to Categorical/Factor variables

encoding : string, None or encoding

Encoding used to parse the files. Note that Stata doesn’t support unicode. None defaults to cp1252.

index : identifier of index column

identifier of column that should be used as index of the DataFrame

convert_missing : boolean, defaults to False

Flag indicating whether to convert missing values to their Stata representations. If False, missing values are replaced with nans. If True, columns containing missing values are returned with object data types and missing values are represented by StataMissingValue objects.

preserve_dtypes : boolean, defaults to True

Preserve Stata datatypes. If False, numeric data are upcast to pandas default types for foreign data (float64 or int64)