
class pandas.tseries.offsets.DateOffset(n=1, normalize=False, **kwds)[source]

Standard kind of date increment used for a date range.

Works exactly like relativedelta in terms of the keyword args you pass in, use of the keyword n is discouraged– you would be better off specifying n in the keywords you use, but regardless it is there for you. n is needed for DateOffset subclasses.

DateOffets work as follows. Each offset specify a set of dates that conform to the DateOffset. For example, Bday defines this set to be the set of dates that are weekdays (M-F). To test if a date is in the set of a DateOffset dateOffset we can use the onOffset method: dateOffset.onOffset(date).

If a date is not on a valid date, the rollback and rollforward methods can be used to roll the date to the nearest valid date before/after the date.

DateOffsets can be created to move dates forward a given number of valid dates. For example, Bday(2) can be added to a date to move it two business days forward. If the date does not start on a valid date, first it is moved to a valid date. Thus pseudo code is:

def __add__(date):
date = rollback(date) # does nothing if date is valid return date + <n number of periods>

When a date offset is created for a negative number of periods, the date is first rolled forward. The pseudo code is:

def __add__(date):
date = rollforward(date) # does nothing is date is valid return date + <n number of periods>

Zero presents a problem. Should it roll forward or back? We arbitrarily have it rollforward:

date + BDay(0) == BDay.rollforward(date)

Since 0 is a bit weird, we suggest avoiding its use.

n : int, default 1

The number of time periods the offset represents.

normalize : bool, default False

Whether to round the result of a DateOffset addition down to the previous midnight.


Temporal parameter that add to or replace the offset value.

Parameters that add to the offset (like Timedelta):

  • years
  • months
  • weeks
  • days
  • hours
  • minutes
  • seconds
  • microseconds
  • nanoseconds

Parameters that replace the offset value:

  • year
  • month
  • day
  • weekday
  • hour
  • minute
  • second
  • microsecond
  • nanosecond


>>> ts = pd.Timestamp('2017-01-01 09:10:11')
>>> ts + DateOffset(months=3)
Timestamp('2017-04-01 09:10:11')
>>> ts = pd.Timestamp('2017-01-01 09:10:11')
>>> ts + DateOffset(month=3)
Timestamp('2017-03-01 09:10:11')


base Returns a copy of the calling offset object with n=1 and all other attributes equal.


apply_index Vectorized apply of DateOffset to DatetimeIndex, raises NotImplentedError for offsets without a vectorized implementation.
rollback(dt) Roll provided date backward to next offset only if not on offset.
rollforward(dt) Roll provided date forward to next offset only if not on offset.
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