New unified merge function for efficiently performing full gamut of database / relational-algebra operations. Refactored existing join methods to use the new infrastructure, resulting in substantial performance gains (GH220, GH249, GH267)
New unified concatenation function for concatenating Series, DataFrame or Panel objects along an axis. Can form union or intersection of the other axes. Improves performance of Series.append and DataFrame.append (GH468, GH479, GH273)
Can pass multiple DataFrames to DataFrame.append to concatenate (stack) and multiple Series to Series.append too
Can pass list of dicts (e.g., a list of JSON objects) to DataFrame constructor (GH526)
You can now set multiple columns in a DataFrame via __getitem__, useful for transformation (GH342)
Handle differently-indexed output values in DataFrame.apply (GH498)
In [1]: df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(10, 4)) In [2]: df.apply(lambda x: x.describe()) Out[2]: 0 1 2 3 count 10.000000 10.000000 10.000000 10.000000 mean 0.190912 -0.395125 -0.731920 -0.403130 std 0.730951 0.813266 1.112016 0.961912 min -0.861849 -2.104569 -1.776904 -1.469388 25% -0.411391 -0.698728 -1.501401 -1.076610 50% 0.380863 -0.228039 -1.191943 -1.004091 75% 0.658444 0.057974 -0.034326 0.461706 max 1.212112 0.577046 1.643563 1.071804 [8 rows x 4 columns]
Add reorder_levels method to Series and DataFrame (GH534)
Add dict-like get function to DataFrame and Panel (GH521)
Add DataFrame.iterrows method for efficiently iterating through the rows of a DataFrame
Add DataFrame.to_panel with code adapted from LongPanel.to_long
Add reindex_axis method added to DataFrame
Add level option to binary arithmetic functions on DataFrame and Series
Add level option to the reindex and align methods on Series and DataFrame for broadcasting values across a level (GH542, GH552, others)
Add attribute-based item access to Panel and add IPython completion (GH563)
Add logy option to Series.plot for log-scaling on the Y axis
Add index and header options to DataFrame.to_string
Can pass multiple DataFrames to DataFrame.join to join on index (GH115)
Can pass multiple Panels to Panel.join (GH115)
Added justify argument to DataFrame.to_string to allow different alignment of column headers
Add sort option to GroupBy to allow disabling sorting of the group keys for potential speedups (GH595)
Can pass MaskedArray to Series constructor (GH563)
Add Panel item access via attributes and IPython completion (GH554)
Implement DataFrame.lookup, fancy-indexing analogue for retrieving values given a sequence of row and column labels (GH338)
Can pass a list of functions to aggregate with groupby on a DataFrame, yielding an aggregated result with hierarchical columns (GH166)
Can call cummin and cummax on Series and DataFrame to get cumulative minimum and maximum, respectively (GH647)
value_range added as utility function to get min and max of a dataframe (GH288)
Added encoding argument to read_csv, read_table, to_csv and from_csv for non-ascii text (GH717)
Added abs method to pandas objects
Added crosstab function for easily computing frequency tables
Added isin method to index objects
Added level argument to xs method of DataFrame.
One of the potentially riskiest API changes in 0.7.0, but also one of the most important, was a complete review of how integer indexes are handled with regard to label-based indexing. Here is an example:
In [3]: s = pd.Series(np.random.randn(10), index=range(0, 20, 2)) In [4]: s Out[4]: 0 -1.294524 2 0.413738 4 0.276662 6 -0.472035 8 -0.013960 10 -0.362543 12 -0.006154 14 -0.923061 16 0.895717 18 0.805244 Length: 10, dtype: float64 In [5]: s[0] Out[5]: -1.2945235902555294 In [6]: s[2] Out[6]: 0.41373810535784006 In [7]: s[4] Out[7]: 0.2766617129497566
This is all exactly identical to the behavior before. However, if you ask for a key not contained in the Series, in versions 0.6.1 and prior, Series would fall back on a location-based lookup. This now raises a KeyError:
In [2]: s[1] KeyError: 1
This change also has the same impact on DataFrame:
In [3]: df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(8, 4), index=range(0, 16, 2)) In [4]: df 0 1 2 3 0 0.88427 0.3363 -0.1787 0.03162 2 0.14451 -0.1415 0.2504 0.58374 4 -1.44779 -0.9186 -1.4996 0.27163 6 -0.26598 -2.4184 -0.2658 0.11503 8 -0.58776 0.3144 -0.8566 0.61941 10 0.10940 -0.7175 -1.0108 0.47990 12 -1.16919 -0.3087 -0.6049 -0.43544 14 -0.07337 0.3410 0.0424 -0.16037 In [5]: df.ix[3] KeyError: 3
In order to support purely integer-based indexing, the following methods have been added:
Retrieve value stored at location i
Alias for iget_value
Retrieve the i-th row
Retrieve the j-th column
DataFrame.iget_value(i, j)
Retrieve the value at row i and column j
Label-based slicing using ix now requires that the index be sorted (monotonic) unless both the start and endpoint are contained in the index:
In [1]: s = pd.Series(np.random.randn(6), index=list('gmkaec')) In [2]: s Out[2]: g -1.182230 m -0.276183 k -0.243550 a 1.628992 e 0.073308 c -0.539890 dtype: float64
Then this is OK:
In [3]: s.ix['k':'e'] Out[3]: k -0.243550 a 1.628992 e 0.073308 dtype: float64
But this is not:
In [12]: s.ix['b':'h'] KeyError 'b'
If the index had been sorted, the “range selection” would have been possible:
In [4]: s2 = s.sort_index() In [5]: s2 Out[5]: a 1.628992 c -0.539890 e 0.073308 g -1.182230 k -0.243550 m -0.276183 dtype: float64 In [6]: s2.ix['b':'h'] Out[6]: c -0.539890 e 0.073308 g -1.182230 dtype: float64
As as notational convenience, you can pass a sequence of labels or a label slice to a Series when getting and setting values via [] (i.e. the __getitem__ and __setitem__ methods). The behavior will be the same as passing similar input to ix except in the case of integer indexing:
In [8]: s = pd.Series(np.random.randn(6), index=list('acegkm')) In [9]: s Out[9]: a -1.206412 c 2.565646 e 1.431256 g 1.340309 k -1.170299 m -0.226169 Length: 6, dtype: float64 In [10]: s[['m', 'a', 'c', 'e']] Out[10]: m -0.226169 a -1.206412 c 2.565646 e 1.431256 Length: 4, dtype: float64 In [11]: s['b':'l'] Out[11]: c 2.565646 e 1.431256 g 1.340309 k -1.170299 Length: 4, dtype: float64 In [12]: s['c':'k'] Out[12]: c 2.565646 e 1.431256 g 1.340309 k -1.170299 Length: 4, dtype: float64
In the case of integer indexes, the behavior will be exactly as before (shadowing ndarray):
In [13]: s = pd.Series(np.random.randn(6), index=range(0, 12, 2)) In [14]: s[[4, 0, 2]] Out[14]: 4 0.132003 0 0.410835 2 0.813850 Length: 3, dtype: float64 In [15]: s[1:5] Out[15]: 2 0.813850 4 0.132003 6 -0.827317 8 -0.076467 Length: 4, dtype: float64
If you wish to do indexing with sequences and slicing on an integer index with label semantics, use ix.
The deprecated LongPanel class has been completely removed
If Series.sort is called on a column of a DataFrame, an exception will now be raised. Before it was possible to accidentally mutate a DataFrame’s column by doing df[col].sort() instead of the side-effect free method df[col].order() (GH316)
Miscellaneous renames and deprecations which will (harmlessly) raise FutureWarning
drop added as an optional parameter to DataFrame.reset_index (GH699)
Cythonized GroupBy aggregations no longer presort the data, thus achieving a significant speedup (GH93). GroupBy aggregations with Python functions significantly sped up by clever manipulation of the ndarray data type in Cython (GH496).
Better error message in DataFrame constructor when passed column labels don’t match data (GH497)
Substantially improve performance of multi-GroupBy aggregation when a Python function is passed, reuse ndarray object in Cython (GH496)
Can store objects indexed by tuples and floats in HDFStore (GH492)
Don’t print length by default in Series.to_string, add length option (GH489)
Improve Cython code for multi-groupby to aggregate without having to sort the data (GH93)
Improve MultiIndex reindexing speed by storing tuples in the MultiIndex, test for backwards unpickling compatibility
Improve column reindexing performance by using specialized Cython take function
Further performance tweaking of Series.__getitem__ for standard use cases
Avoid Index dict creation in some cases (i.e. when getting slices, etc.), regression from prior versions
Friendlier error message in if NumPy not installed
Use common set of NA-handling operations (sum, mean, etc.) in Panel class also (GH536)
Default name assignment when calling reset_index on DataFrame with a regular (non-hierarchical) index (GH476)
Use Cythonized groupers when possible in Series/DataFrame stat ops with level parameter passed (GH545)
Ported skiplist data structure to C to speed up rolling_median by about 5-10x in most typical use cases (GH374)
A total of 18 people contributed patches to this release. People with a “+” by their names contributed a patch for the first time.
Adam Klein
Bayle Shanks +
Chris Billington +
Dieter Vandenbussche
Fabrizio Pollastri +
Graham Taylor +
Gregg Lind +
Josh Klein +
Luca Beltrame
Olivier Grisel +
Skipper Seabold
Thomas Kluyver
Thomas Wiecki +
Wes McKinney
Wouter Overmeire
Yaroslav Halchenko
fabriziop +
theandygross +