Comparison with spreadsheets#

Since many potential pandas users have some familiarity with spreadsheet programs like Excel, this page is meant to provide some examples of how various spreadsheet operations would be performed using pandas. This page will use terminology and link to documentation for Excel, but much will be the same/similar in Google Sheets, LibreOffice Calc, Apple Numbers, and other Excel-compatible spreadsheet software.

If you’re new to pandas, you might want to first read through 10 Minutes to pandas to familiarize yourself with the library.

As is customary, we import pandas and NumPy as follows:

In [1]: import pandas as pd

In [2]: import numpy as np

Data structures#

General terminology translation#








row headings




empty cell


A DataFrame in pandas is analogous to an Excel worksheet. While an Excel workbook can contain multiple worksheets, pandas DataFrames exist independently.


A Series is the data structure that represents one column of a DataFrame. Working with a Series is analogous to referencing a column of a spreadsheet.


Every DataFrame and Series has an Index, which are labels on the rows of the data. In pandas, if no index is specified, a RangeIndex is used by default (first row = 0, second row = 1, and so on), analogous to row headings/numbers in spreadsheets.

In pandas, indexes can be set to one (or multiple) unique values, which is like having a column that is used as the row identifier in a worksheet. Unlike most spreadsheets, these Index values can actually be used to reference the rows. (Note that this can be done in Excel with structured references.) For example, in spreadsheets, you would reference the first row as A1:Z1, while in pandas you could use populations.loc['Chicago'].

Index values are also persistent, so if you re-order the rows in a DataFrame, the label for a particular row don’t change.

See the indexing documentation for much more on how to use an Index effectively.

Copies vs. in place operations#

Most pandas operations return copies of the Series/DataFrame. To make the changes “stick”, you’ll need to either assign to a new variable:

sorted_df = df.sort_values("col1")

or overwrite the original one:

df = df.sort_values("col1")


You will see an inplace=True or copy=False keyword argument available for some methods:

df.replace(5, inplace=True)

There is an active discussion about deprecating and removing inplace and copy for most methods (e.g. dropna) except for a very small subset of methods (including replace). Both keywords won’t be necessary anymore in the context of Copy-on-Write. The proposal can be found here.

Data input / output#

Constructing a DataFrame from values#

In a spreadsheet, values can be typed directly into cells.

A pandas DataFrame can be constructed in many different ways, but for a small number of values, it is often convenient to specify it as a Python dictionary, where the keys are the column names and the values are the data.

In [3]: df = pd.DataFrame({"x": [1, 3, 5], "y": [2, 4, 6]})

In [4]: df
   x  y
0  1  2
1  3  4
2  5  6

Reading external data#

Both Excel and pandas can import data from various sources in various formats.


Let’s load and display the tips dataset from the pandas tests, which is a CSV file. In Excel, you would download and then open the CSV. In pandas, you pass the URL or local path of the CSV file to read_csv():

In [5]: url = (
   ...:     ""
   ...:     "/pandas/main/pandas/tests/io/data/csv/tips.csv"
   ...: )

In [6]: tips = pd.read_csv(url)

In [7]: tips
     total_bill   tip     sex smoker   day    time  size
0         16.99  1.01  Female     No   Sun  Dinner     2
1         10.34  1.66    Male     No   Sun  Dinner     3
2         21.01  3.50    Male     No   Sun  Dinner     3
3         23.68  3.31    Male     No   Sun  Dinner     2
4         24.59  3.61  Female     No   Sun  Dinner     4
..          ...   ...     ...    ...   ...     ...   ...
239       29.03  5.92    Male     No   Sat  Dinner     3
240       27.18  2.00  Female    Yes   Sat  Dinner     2
241       22.67  2.00    Male    Yes   Sat  Dinner     2
242       17.82  1.75    Male     No   Sat  Dinner     2
243       18.78  3.00  Female     No  Thur  Dinner     2

[244 rows x 7 columns]

Like Excel’s Text Import Wizard, read_csv can take a number of parameters to specify how the data should be parsed. For example, if the data was instead tab delimited, and did not have column names, the pandas command would be:

tips = pd.read_csv("tips.csv", sep="\t", header=None)

# alternatively, read_table is an alias to read_csv with tab delimiter
tips = pd.read_table("tips.csv", header=None)

Excel files#

Excel opens various Excel file formats by double-clicking them, or using the Open menu. In pandas, you use special methods for reading and writing from/to Excel files.

Let’s first create a new Excel file based on the tips dataframe in the above example:


Should you wish to subsequently access the data in the tips.xlsx file, you can read it into your module using

tips_df = pd.read_excel("./tips.xlsx", index_col=0)

You have just read in an Excel file using pandas!

Limiting output#

Spreadsheet programs will only show one screenful of data at a time and then allow you to scroll, so there isn’t really a need to limit output. In pandas, you’ll need to put a little more thought into controlling how your DataFrames are displayed.

By default, pandas will truncate output of large DataFrames to show the first and last rows. This can be overridden by changing the pandas options, or using DataFrame.head() or DataFrame.tail().

In [8]: tips.head(5)
   total_bill   tip     sex smoker  day    time  size
0       16.99  1.01  Female     No  Sun  Dinner     2
1       10.34  1.66    Male     No  Sun  Dinner     3
2       21.01  3.50    Male     No  Sun  Dinner     3
3       23.68  3.31    Male     No  Sun  Dinner     2
4       24.59  3.61  Female     No  Sun  Dinner     4

Exporting data#

By default, desktop spreadsheet software will save to its respective file format (.xlsx, .ods, etc). You can, however, save to other file formats.

pandas can create Excel files, CSV, or a number of other formats.

Data operations#

Operations on columns#

In spreadsheets, formulas are often created in individual cells and then dragged into other cells to compute them for other columns. In pandas, you’re able to do operations on whole columns directly.

pandas provides vectorized operations by specifying the individual Series in the DataFrame. New columns can be assigned in the same way. The DataFrame.drop() method drops a column from the DataFrame.

In [9]: tips["total_bill"] = tips["total_bill"] - 2

In [10]: tips["new_bill"] = tips["total_bill"] / 2

In [11]: tips
     total_bill   tip     sex smoker   day    time  size  new_bill
0         14.99  1.01  Female     No   Sun  Dinner     2     7.495
1          8.34  1.66    Male     No   Sun  Dinner     3     4.170
2         19.01  3.50    Male     No   Sun  Dinner     3     9.505
3         21.68  3.31    Male     No   Sun  Dinner     2    10.840
4         22.59  3.61  Female     No   Sun  Dinner     4    11.295
..          ...   ...     ...    ...   ...     ...   ...       ...
239       27.03  5.92    Male     No   Sat  Dinner     3    13.515
240       25.18  2.00  Female    Yes   Sat  Dinner     2    12.590
241       20.67  2.00    Male    Yes   Sat  Dinner     2    10.335
242       15.82  1.75    Male     No   Sat  Dinner     2     7.910
243       16.78  3.00  Female     No  Thur  Dinner     2     8.390

[244 rows x 8 columns]

In [12]: tips = tips.drop("new_bill", axis=1)

Note that we aren’t having to tell it to do that subtraction cell-by-cell — pandas handles that for us. See how to create new columns derived from existing columns.


In Excel, filtering is done through a graphical menu.

Screenshot showing filtering of the total_bill column to values greater than 10

DataFrames can be filtered in multiple ways; the most intuitive of which is using boolean indexing.

In [13]: tips[tips["total_bill"] > 10]
     total_bill   tip     sex smoker   day    time  size
0         14.99  1.01  Female     No   Sun  Dinner     2
2         19.01  3.50    Male     No   Sun  Dinner     3
3         21.68  3.31    Male     No   Sun  Dinner     2
4         22.59  3.61  Female     No   Sun  Dinner     4
5         23.29  4.71    Male     No   Sun  Dinner     4
..          ...   ...     ...    ...   ...     ...   ...
239       27.03  5.92    Male     No   Sat  Dinner     3
240       25.18  2.00  Female    Yes   Sat  Dinner     2
241       20.67  2.00    Male    Yes   Sat  Dinner     2
242       15.82  1.75    Male     No   Sat  Dinner     2
243       16.78  3.00  Female     No  Thur  Dinner     2

[204 rows x 7 columns]

The above statement is simply passing a Series of True/False objects to the DataFrame, returning all rows with True.

In [14]: is_dinner = tips["time"] == "Dinner"

In [15]: is_dinner
0      True
1      True
2      True
3      True
4      True
239    True
240    True
241    True
242    True
243    True
Name: time, Length: 244, dtype: bool

In [16]: is_dinner.value_counts()
True     176
False     68
Name: count, dtype: int64

In [17]: tips[is_dinner]
     total_bill   tip     sex smoker   day    time  size
0         14.99  1.01  Female     No   Sun  Dinner     2
1          8.34  1.66    Male     No   Sun  Dinner     3
2         19.01  3.50    Male     No   Sun  Dinner     3
3         21.68  3.31    Male     No   Sun  Dinner     2
4         22.59  3.61  Female     No   Sun  Dinner     4
..          ...   ...     ...    ...   ...     ...   ...
239       27.03  5.92    Male     No   Sat  Dinner     3
240       25.18  2.00  Female    Yes   Sat  Dinner     2
241       20.67  2.00    Male    Yes   Sat  Dinner     2
242       15.82  1.75    Male     No   Sat  Dinner     2
243       16.78  3.00  Female     No  Thur  Dinner     2

[176 rows x 7 columns]

If/then logic#

Let’s say we want to make a bucket column with values of low and high, based on whether the total_bill is less or more than $10.

In spreadsheets, logical comparison can be done with conditional formulas. We’d use a formula of =IF(A2 < 10, "low", "high"), dragged to all cells in a new bucket column.

Screenshot showing the formula from above in a bucket column of the tips spreadsheet

The same operation in pandas can be accomplished using the where method from numpy.

In [18]: tips["bucket"] = np.where(tips["total_bill"] < 10, "low", "high")

In [19]: tips
     total_bill   tip     sex smoker   day    time  size bucket
0         14.99  1.01  Female     No   Sun  Dinner     2   high
1          8.34  1.66    Male     No   Sun  Dinner     3    low
2         19.01  3.50    Male     No   Sun  Dinner     3   high
3         21.68  3.31    Male     No   Sun  Dinner     2   high
4         22.59  3.61  Female     No   Sun  Dinner     4   high
..          ...   ...     ...    ...   ...     ...   ...    ...
239       27.03  5.92    Male     No   Sat  Dinner     3   high
240       25.18  2.00  Female    Yes   Sat  Dinner     2   high
241       20.67  2.00    Male    Yes   Sat  Dinner     2   high
242       15.82  1.75    Male     No   Sat  Dinner     2   high
243       16.78  3.00  Female     No  Thur  Dinner     2   high

[244 rows x 8 columns]

Date functionality#

This section will refer to “dates”, but timestamps are handled similarly.

We can think of date functionality in two parts: parsing, and output. In spreadsheets, date values are generally parsed automatically, though there is a DATEVALUE function if you need it. In pandas, you need to explicitly convert plain text to datetime objects, either while reading from a CSV or once in a DataFrame.

Once parsed, spreadsheets display the dates in a default format, though the format can be changed. In pandas, you’ll generally want to keep dates as datetime objects while you’re doing calculations with them. Outputting parts of dates (such as the year) is done through date functions in spreadsheets, and datetime properties in pandas.

Given date1 and date2 in columns A and B of a spreadsheet, you might have these formulas:











The equivalent pandas operations are shown below.

In [20]: tips["date1"] = pd.Timestamp("2013-01-15")

In [21]: tips["date2"] = pd.Timestamp("2015-02-15")

In [22]: tips["date1_year"] = tips["date1"].dt.year

In [23]: tips["date2_month"] = tips["date2"].dt.month

In [24]: tips["date1_next"] = tips["date1"] + pd.offsets.MonthBegin()

In [25]: tips["months_between"] = tips["date2"].dt.to_period("M") - tips[
   ....:     "date1"
   ....: ].dt.to_period("M")

In [26]: tips[
   ....:     ["date1", "date2", "date1_year", "date2_month", "date1_next", "months_between"]
   ....: ]
         date1      date2  date1_year  date2_month date1_next    months_between
0   2013-01-15 2015-02-15        2013            2 2013-02-01  <25 * MonthEnds>
1   2013-01-15 2015-02-15        2013            2 2013-02-01  <25 * MonthEnds>
2   2013-01-15 2015-02-15        2013            2 2013-02-01  <25 * MonthEnds>
3   2013-01-15 2015-02-15        2013            2 2013-02-01  <25 * MonthEnds>
4   2013-01-15 2015-02-15        2013            2 2013-02-01  <25 * MonthEnds>
..         ...        ...         ...          ...        ...               ...
239 2013-01-15 2015-02-15        2013            2 2013-02-01  <25 * MonthEnds>
240 2013-01-15 2015-02-15        2013            2 2013-02-01  <25 * MonthEnds>
241 2013-01-15 2015-02-15        2013            2 2013-02-01  <25 * MonthEnds>
242 2013-01-15 2015-02-15        2013            2 2013-02-01  <25 * MonthEnds>
243 2013-01-15 2015-02-15        2013            2 2013-02-01  <25 * MonthEnds>

[244 rows x 6 columns]

See Time series / date functionality for more details.

Selection of columns#

In spreadsheets, you can select columns you want by:

Since spreadsheet columns are typically named in a header row, renaming a column is simply a matter of changing the text in that first cell.

The same operations are expressed in pandas below.

Keep certain columns#

In [27]: tips[["sex", "total_bill", "tip"]]
        sex  total_bill   tip
0    Female       14.99  1.01
1      Male        8.34  1.66
2      Male       19.01  3.50
3      Male       21.68  3.31
4    Female       22.59  3.61
..      ...         ...   ...
239    Male       27.03  5.92
240  Female       25.18  2.00
241    Male       20.67  2.00
242    Male       15.82  1.75
243  Female       16.78  3.00

[244 rows x 3 columns]

Drop a column#

In [28]: tips.drop("sex", axis=1)
     total_bill   tip smoker   day    time  size
0         14.99  1.01     No   Sun  Dinner     2
1          8.34  1.66     No   Sun  Dinner     3
2         19.01  3.50     No   Sun  Dinner     3
3         21.68  3.31     No   Sun  Dinner     2
4         22.59  3.61     No   Sun  Dinner     4
..          ...   ...    ...   ...     ...   ...
239       27.03  5.92     No   Sat  Dinner     3
240       25.18  2.00    Yes   Sat  Dinner     2
241       20.67  2.00    Yes   Sat  Dinner     2
242       15.82  1.75     No   Sat  Dinner     2
243       16.78  3.00     No  Thur  Dinner     2

[244 rows x 6 columns]

Rename a column#

In [29]: tips.rename(columns={"total_bill": "total_bill_2"})
     total_bill_2   tip     sex smoker   day    time  size
0           14.99  1.01  Female     No   Sun  Dinner     2
1            8.34  1.66    Male     No   Sun  Dinner     3
2           19.01  3.50    Male     No   Sun  Dinner     3
3           21.68  3.31    Male     No   Sun  Dinner     2
4           22.59  3.61  Female     No   Sun  Dinner     4
..            ...   ...     ...    ...   ...     ...   ...
239         27.03  5.92    Male     No   Sat  Dinner     3
240         25.18  2.00  Female    Yes   Sat  Dinner     2
241         20.67  2.00    Male    Yes   Sat  Dinner     2
242         15.82  1.75    Male     No   Sat  Dinner     2
243         16.78  3.00  Female     No  Thur  Dinner     2

[244 rows x 7 columns]

Sorting by values#

Sorting in spreadsheets is accomplished via the sort dialog.

Screenshot of dialog from Excel showing sorting by the sex then total_bill columns

pandas has a DataFrame.sort_values() method, which takes a list of columns to sort by.

In [30]: tips = tips.sort_values(["sex", "total_bill"])

In [31]: tips
     total_bill    tip     sex smoker   day    time  size
67         1.07   1.00  Female    Yes   Sat  Dinner     1
92         3.75   1.00  Female    Yes   Fri  Dinner     2
111        5.25   1.00  Female     No   Sat  Dinner     1
145        6.35   1.50  Female     No  Thur   Lunch     2
135        6.51   1.25  Female     No  Thur   Lunch     2
..          ...    ...     ...    ...   ...     ...   ...
182       43.35   3.50    Male    Yes   Sun  Dinner     3
156       46.17   5.00    Male     No   Sun  Dinner     6
59        46.27   6.73    Male     No   Sat  Dinner     4
212       46.33   9.00    Male     No   Sat  Dinner     4
170       48.81  10.00    Male    Yes   Sat  Dinner     3

[244 rows x 7 columns]

String processing#

Finding length of string#

In spreadsheets, the number of characters in text can be found with the LEN function. This can be used with the TRIM function to remove extra whitespace.


You can find the length of a character string with Series.str.len(). In Python 3, all strings are Unicode strings. len includes trailing blanks. Use len and rstrip to exclude trailing blanks.

In [32]: tips["time"].str.len()
67     6
92     6
111    6
145    5
135    5
182    6
156    6
59     6
212    6
170    6
Name: time, Length: 244, dtype: int64

In [33]: tips["time"].str.rstrip().str.len()
67     6
92     6
111    6
145    5
135    5
182    6
156    6
59     6
212    6
170    6
Name: time, Length: 244, dtype: int64

Note this will still include multiple spaces within the string, so isn’t 100% equivalent.

Finding position of substring#

The FIND spreadsheet function returns the position of a substring, with the first character being 1.

Screenshot of FIND formula being used in Excel

You can find the position of a character in a column of strings with the Series.str.find() method. find searches for the first position of the substring. If the substring is found, the method returns its position. If not found, it returns -1. Keep in mind that Python indexes are zero-based.

In [34]: tips["sex"].str.find("ale")
67     3
92     3
111    3
145    3
135    3
182    1
156    1
59     1
212    1
170    1
Name: sex, Length: 244, dtype: int64

Extracting substring by position#

Spreadsheets have a MID formula for extracting a substring from a given position. To get the first character:


With pandas you can use [] notation to extract a substring from a string by position locations. Keep in mind that Python indexes are zero-based.

In [35]: tips["sex"].str[0:1]
67     F
92     F
111    F
145    F
135    F
182    M
156    M
59     M
212    M
170    M
Name: sex, Length: 244, dtype: object

Extracting nth word#

In Excel, you might use the Text to Columns Wizard for splitting text and retrieving a specific column. (Note it’s possible to do so through a formula as well.)

The simplest way to extract words in pandas is to split the strings by spaces, then reference the word by index. Note there are more powerful approaches should you need them.

In [36]: firstlast = pd.DataFrame({"String": ["John Smith", "Jane Cook"]})

In [37]: firstlast["First_Name"] = firstlast["String"].str.split(" ", expand=True)[0]

In [38]: firstlast["Last_Name"] = firstlast["String"].str.rsplit(" ", expand=True)[1]

In [39]: firstlast
       String First_Name Last_Name
0  John Smith       John     Smith
1   Jane Cook       Jane      Cook

Changing case#

Spreadsheets provide UPPER, LOWER, and PROPER functions for converting text to upper, lower, and title case, respectively.

The equivalent pandas methods are Series.str.upper(), Series.str.lower(), and Series.str.title().

In [40]: firstlast = pd.DataFrame({"string": ["John Smith", "Jane Cook"]})

In [41]: firstlast["upper"] = firstlast["string"].str.upper()

In [42]: firstlast["lower"] = firstlast["string"].str.lower()

In [43]: firstlast["title"] = firstlast["string"].str.title()

In [44]: firstlast
       string       upper       lower       title
0  John Smith  JOHN SMITH  john smith  John Smith
1   Jane Cook   JANE COOK   jane cook   Jane Cook


The following tables will be used in the merge examples:

In [45]: df1 = pd.DataFrame({"key": ["A", "B", "C", "D"], "value": np.random.randn(4)})

In [46]: df1
  key     value
0   A  0.469112
1   B -0.282863
2   C -1.509059
3   D -1.135632

In [47]: df2 = pd.DataFrame({"key": ["B", "D", "D", "E"], "value": np.random.randn(4)})

In [48]: df2
  key     value
0   B  1.212112
1   D -0.173215
2   D  0.119209
3   E -1.044236

In Excel, there are merging of tables can be done through a VLOOKUP.

Screenshot showing a VLOOKUP formula between two tables in Excel, with some values being filled in and others with "#N/A"

pandas DataFrames have a merge() method, which provides similar functionality. The data does not have to be sorted ahead of time, and different join types are accomplished via the how keyword.

In [49]: inner_join = df1.merge(df2, on=["key"], how="inner")

In [50]: inner_join
  key   value_x   value_y
0   B -0.282863  1.212112
1   D -1.135632 -0.173215
2   D -1.135632  0.119209

In [51]: left_join = df1.merge(df2, on=["key"], how="left")

In [52]: left_join
  key   value_x   value_y
0   A  0.469112       NaN
1   B -0.282863  1.212112
2   C -1.509059       NaN
3   D -1.135632 -0.173215
4   D -1.135632  0.119209

In [53]: right_join = df1.merge(df2, on=["key"], how="right")

In [54]: right_join
  key   value_x   value_y
0   B -0.282863  1.212112
1   D -1.135632 -0.173215
2   D -1.135632  0.119209
3   E       NaN -1.044236

In [55]: outer_join = df1.merge(df2, on=["key"], how="outer")

In [56]: outer_join
  key   value_x   value_y
0   A  0.469112       NaN
1   B -0.282863  1.212112
2   C -1.509059       NaN
3   D -1.135632 -0.173215
4   D -1.135632  0.119209
5   E       NaN -1.044236

merge has a number of advantages over VLOOKUP:

  • The lookup value doesn’t need to be the first column of the lookup table

  • If multiple rows are matched, there will be one row for each match, instead of just the first

  • It will include all columns from the lookup table, instead of just a single specified column

  • It supports more complex join operations

Other considerations#

Fill Handle#

Create a series of numbers following a set pattern in a certain set of cells. In a spreadsheet, this would be done by shift+drag after entering the first number or by entering the first two or three values and then dragging.

This can be achieved by creating a series and assigning it to the desired cells.

In [57]: df = pd.DataFrame({"AAA": [1] * 8, "BBB": list(range(0, 8))})

In [58]: df
0    1    0
1    1    1
2    1    2
3    1    3
4    1    4
5    1    5
6    1    6
7    1    7

In [59]: series = list(range(1, 5))

In [60]: series
Out[60]: [1, 2, 3, 4]

In [61]: df.loc[2:5, "AAA"] = series

In [62]: df
0    1    0
1    1    1
2    1    2
3    2    3
4    3    4
5    4    5
6    1    6
7    1    7

Drop Duplicates#

Excel has built-in functionality for removing duplicate values. This is supported in pandas via drop_duplicates().

In [63]: df = pd.DataFrame(
   ....:     {
   ....:         "class": ["A", "A", "A", "B", "C", "D"],
   ....:         "student_count": [42, 35, 42, 50, 47, 45],
   ....:         "all_pass": ["Yes", "Yes", "Yes", "No", "No", "Yes"],
   ....:     }
   ....: )

In [64]: df.drop_duplicates()
  class  student_count all_pass
0     A             42      Yes
1     A             35      Yes
3     B             50       No
4     C             47       No
5     D             45      Yes

In [65]: df.drop_duplicates(["class", "student_count"])
  class  student_count all_pass
0     A             42      Yes
1     A             35      Yes
3     B             50       No
4     C             47       No
5     D             45      Yes

Pivot Tables#

PivotTables from spreadsheets can be replicated in pandas through Reshaping and pivot tables. Using the tips dataset again, let’s find the average gratuity by size of the party and sex of the server.

In Excel, we use the following configuration for the PivotTable:

Screenshot showing a PivotTable in Excel, using sex as the column, size as the rows, then average tip as the values

The equivalent in pandas:

In [66]: pd.pivot_table(
   ....:     tips, values="tip", index=["size"], columns=["sex"], aggfunc=np.average
   ....: )
sex     Female      Male
1     1.276667  1.920000
2     2.528448  2.614184
3     3.250000  3.476667
4     4.021111  4.172143
5     5.140000  3.750000
6     4.600000  5.850000

Adding a row#

Assuming we are using a RangeIndex (numbered 0, 1, etc.), we can use concat() to add a row to the bottom of a DataFrame.

In [67]: df
  class  student_count all_pass
0     A             42      Yes
1     A             35      Yes
2     A             42      Yes
3     B             50       No
4     C             47       No
5     D             45      Yes

In [68]: new_row = pd.DataFrame([["E", 51, True]],
   ....:                        columns=["class", "student_count", "all_pass"])

In [69]: pd.concat([df, new_row])
  class  student_count all_pass
0     A             42      Yes
1     A             35      Yes
2     A             42      Yes
3     B             50       No
4     C             47       No
5     D             45      Yes
0     E             51     True

Find and Replace#

Excel’s Find dialog takes you to cells that match, one by one. In pandas, this operation is generally done for an entire column or DataFrame at once through conditional expressions.

In [70]: tips
     total_bill    tip     sex smoker   day    time  size
67         1.07   1.00  Female    Yes   Sat  Dinner     1
92         3.75   1.00  Female    Yes   Fri  Dinner     2
111        5.25   1.00  Female     No   Sat  Dinner     1
145        6.35   1.50  Female     No  Thur   Lunch     2
135        6.51   1.25  Female     No  Thur   Lunch     2
..          ...    ...     ...    ...   ...     ...   ...
182       43.35   3.50    Male    Yes   Sun  Dinner     3
156       46.17   5.00    Male     No   Sun  Dinner     6
59        46.27   6.73    Male     No   Sat  Dinner     4
212       46.33   9.00    Male     No   Sat  Dinner     4
170       48.81  10.00    Male    Yes   Sat  Dinner     3

[244 rows x 7 columns]

In [71]: tips == "Sun"
     total_bill    tip    sex  smoker    day   time   size
67        False  False  False   False  False  False  False
92        False  False  False   False  False  False  False
111       False  False  False   False  False  False  False
145       False  False  False   False  False  False  False
135       False  False  False   False  False  False  False
..          ...    ...    ...     ...    ...    ...    ...
182       False  False  False   False   True  False  False
156       False  False  False   False   True  False  False
59        False  False  False   False  False  False  False
212       False  False  False   False  False  False  False
170       False  False  False   False  False  False  False

[244 rows x 7 columns]

In [72]: tips["day"].str.contains("S")
67      True
92     False
111     True
145    False
135    False
182     True
156     True
59      True
212     True
170     True
Name: day, Length: 244, dtype: bool

pandas’ replace() is comparable to Excel’s Replace All.

In [73]: tips.replace("Thu", "Thursday")
     total_bill    tip     sex smoker   day    time  size
67         1.07   1.00  Female    Yes   Sat  Dinner     1
92         3.75   1.00  Female    Yes   Fri  Dinner     2
111        5.25   1.00  Female     No   Sat  Dinner     1
145        6.35   1.50  Female     No  Thur   Lunch     2
135        6.51   1.25  Female     No  Thur   Lunch     2
..          ...    ...     ...    ...   ...     ...   ...
182       43.35   3.50    Male    Yes   Sun  Dinner     3
156       46.17   5.00    Male     No   Sun  Dinner     6
59        46.27   6.73    Male     No   Sat  Dinner     4
212       46.33   9.00    Male     No   Sat  Dinner     4
170       48.81  10.00    Male    Yes   Sat  Dinner     3

[244 rows x 7 columns]