Contribute to pandas

pandas is and will always be free. To make the development sustainable, we need pandas users, corporate and individual, to support the development by providing their time and money.

You can find more information about current developers in the team page, and about current sponsors in the sponsors page.

Corporate support

pandas depends on companies and institutions using the software to support its development. Hiring people to work on pandas, or letting existing employees to contribute to the software. Or sponsoring pandas with funds, so the project can hire people to progress on the pandas roadmap.

More information in the sponsors page

Individual contributors

pandas is mostly developed by volunteers. All kind of contributions are welcome, such as contributions to the code, to the website (including graphical designers), to the documentation (including translators) and others. There are tasks for all levels, including beginners.

More information in the contributing page


Individual donations are appreciated, and are used for things like the project infrastructure, travel expenses for our volunteer contributors to attend the in-person sprints, or to give small grants to develop features.

Make your donation in the donate page