
Series.str.fullmatch(pat, case=True, flags=0, na=<no_default>)[source]#

Determine if each string entirely matches a regular expression.


Character sequence or regular expression.

casebool, default True

If True, case sensitive.

flagsint, default 0 (no flags)

Regex module flags, e.g. re.IGNORECASE.

nascalar, optional

Fill value for missing values. The default depends on dtype of the array. For object-dtype, numpy.nan is used. For the nullable StringDtype, pandas.NA is used. For the "str" dtype, False is used.

Series/Index/array of boolean values

The function returns a Series, Index, or array of boolean values, where True indicates that the entire string matches the regular expression pattern and False indicates that it does not.

See also


Similar, but also returns True when only a prefix of the string matches the regular expression.


Extract matched groups.


>>> ser = pd.Series(["cat", "duck", "dove"])
>>> ser.str.fullmatch(r"d.+")
0   False
1    True
2    True
dtype: bool